Grooming Transgender Teachers

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Yeah, but biological sex on the other hand is a genetic construct. It is how our species propagates itself. Without the genetic aspect, the social construct would not exist.

Um, not sure what your whole argument here is. If you let nature take it's course, we'd have an infant mortality rate of 50%. Clearly, we've moved beyond simple nature. Homosexuality has been observed in the animal kingdom. What the animal kingdom doesn't have are a bunch of homophobic animals murdering each other to please an invisible animal in the sky.

You are trying to teach kids to ignore the science that went into making their bodies. I can see the point of doing away with some gender roles in some areas of human society, but not in all. Boys in girls' sports, lockerrooms, bathrooms, etc?

Actually, gender specific bathrooms are something that is really pretty recent. In Japan, they had communal bathing with not only both genders bathing together, but children as well! It was only when Western prudes told the Japanese that was wrong did they stop it.

Being gay, even I object to this whole thing of trying to convince kids they are something they aren't, even before they have a firm grasp of sexual identity. Gender/sex is something kids are capable of grasping at an early age, it takes great doing to undo that simple but correct correlation. In fact, you are trying to impart a mental disorder/dichotomy between what their brains tell them and what society tells them.

You are gay now?

In one million years of existence, it has been in the last 3 decades that we (you) have tried to usurp our species' understanding of what denotes sex. This is destructive, and you are less of a person for promoting it.

Um, let's get real here. Human being- homo sapiens - have only existed for 250,000 years. We only started wearing clothes 10,000 years ago or so. The first societies were in fact matriarchal, worshipping a Goddess instead of a God.


Homosexuality was accepted in many societies up until the Abrahamic Religions became dominant in the west.

It's not so much his bashing Christians than his willingness to keep an open mind while also sticking to the ideals and worldview he supports. I don't care who you are or what politics you support, we can appreciate the consistency.

Maher's only consistency is being an asshole... His career should have been over when he praised the bravery of terrorists and cowardice of service members firing missiles.

Or maybe just stuck him in a room full of servicemen to call them cowards. That would work, too.
The problem here is that "gender" is largely a HUMAN social construct. Most mammals don't think twice about gender or sexuality. They don't wear clothes and when they aren't in a reproductive cycle, they really do the same things. My female cat acts just like my former male cat did.

Yeah, is is a construct based on typical differences between males and females. There are quite a few and they exist in nearly all mammals as well. Yes a female cat and male cat will both still act like cats, but there are significant differences particularly if they are still intact. Male cats will spray and mark terroitory. Males cats are more agressive. Male cats are larger. Female cats are more vocal, calling for a mate. You see, as much as you would like to gloss it over, there is a reason that this gender construct in humans exist. There are significant physiological and psychological differences between the sexes which are largely influenced by hormones from conception to birth and throughout life. Any man who has dated a woman and vice versa can testify to this fact.
Um, not sure what your whole argument here is. If you let nature take it's course, we'd have an infant mortality rate of 50%. Clearly, we've moved beyond simple nature. Homosexuality has been observed in the animal kingdom. What the animal kingdom doesn't have are a bunch of homophobic animals murdering each other to please an invisible animal in the sky.
But uh, I'm not disputing the occurrence of homosexuality nature. In fact, I understand why. It is a governance mechanism to prevent the overproliferation of a sexually reproductive species. Clearly, in our very successful efforts to prevent infant mortality, we have overcome that mechanism. See our global population reaching 8 billion people within the next 5 years or so.

What the animal kingdom doesn't have is imminent knowledge of reproductive science. It has the instinctual knowledge that advises them on the differences between gender.
Um, let's get real here. Human being- homo sapiens - have only existed for 250,000 years. We only started wearing clothes 10,000 years ago or so. The first societies were in fact matriarchal, worshipping a Goddess instead of a God.
Our evolutionary history spans 4 million years. It was in the past 1 million years that our species started displaying intelligent characteristics. Humans as they are now have been on earth for 300,000 years. Regardless, the point stands. 299,970 years went by before humanity thought it would dispense with sex/gender despite the science suggesting otherwise, all to please a political agenda.
You are gay now?
Yes. I came out in 2015. Is there anything else?
Funny, politics takes the same shape as religion. Politics itself drives people to take up a set of monolithic quasi-religious beliefs which in turn causes them to hate and sometimes kill those on the other side (reference the congressional ballpark shooting or Dylan Roof). It causes people to propagate those beliefs with the same religious fervor that some Christians take in trying to bring others to Christianity. Politics can be dubbed as a mental disorder using your logic. And in fact, it is.

But yet, here you are, acting as if religion and politics are distinct from each other when they in reality display most of the same qualities.

Not at all, Twinkie, Politics SHOULD be discussions about POLICY and which policies achieve the best results. When a policy doesn't work or doesn't achieve the desired results, you stop doing that. Prohibition is a great example. People advocated it for decades, finally got it made law, found the law actually had the opposite of the desired effect, and repealed it.

Religion is kind of the opposite. You have to keep believing the dogma no matter how much contradictory evidence you get.

You think it's just 1%? You're naive if you think that.

The top 1% who control 43% of the wealth? Um, yeah. How else do you get a slug who sits behind a videogame console all day because he can't hold down a job (you) or a guy like Ray From Cleveland living on a disability thinking that "Gosh, we really need to cut government spending to give rich people tax cuts!"

Sex education 'in school' is the outlet for which flawed views of human gender and sexual development are taught. Parents can be educated just as much as the children can.

Again, go back to my chart on teen pregnancy... we've reduced it by 2/3rds since 1960 because we teach kids where babies come from and how to prevent them.
Homosexuality was accepted in many societies up until the Abrahamic Religions became dominant in the west.

Until the whole of humanity saw the detrimental effect it had on reproduction. They also did not have any means of artificial insemination. It was imperative to reproduce heterosexually.
Maher's only consistency is being an asshole... His career should have been over when he praised the bravery of terrorists and cowardice of service members firing missiles.

Yeah, just like a good brainwashed liberal, you turn on those who dare to question the ideology. You see, smart and wise are two different things. A nuclear physicist may be smart, but is unwise if he/she is unable to set aside their preconceptions and accept the fact that they may be wrong at times. There are many smart liberals, but very few that are wise as they cannot deviate from their ideology, no matter what alternative facts may be presented. This explains why so much science has become skewed. Smart but unwise scientists…that and they know their funding will dry up if they deviate from the narrative.
Religion is kind of the opposite. You have to keep believing the dogma no matter how much contradictory evidence you get.

You mean kind of like voting for failed Democratic policies over and over and continuing to believe in the decades old scam and over-hyped man-made global warming money making scheme?
Until the whole of humanity saw the detrimental effect it had on reproduction. They also did not have any means of artificial insemination. It was imperative to reproduce heterosexually.

Actually, it wasn't the whole of humanity, it was the Abrahamic religions imposing the Dark Ages on humanity.

The first 'Faith based" initiative.

For instance, the Ancient Greeks would have their wife they'd have kids with, and then would spend their time doing the gay stuff with other men, and no one had much of a problem with it.
Not at all, Twinkie
You still haven't dispensed with the childish insults. How unfortunate. But then again, you are you, and I am I.

Politics SHOULD be discussions about POLICY and which policies achieve the best results.
Yes, but you aren't making suggestions, you are issuing demands that people enact policy you agree with, not with a policy that will achieve the best results.

When a policy doesn't work or doesn't achieve the desired results, you stop doing that.
Do you mean like teaching children with no concept of sexuality or sex (gender) that the science which drives the social construct is wrong? That's hilarious, coming from you. People are revolting against it, and you are too blind not to see it.

Religion is kind of the opposite. You have to keep believing the dogma no matter how much contradictory evidence you get.
Curious, why don't politics work the same way? When it comes to politics, people don't want to ever be wrong or open their minds to the possibilities that better ideas exist. Politics and religion are essentially the same in practice.
You mean kind of like voting for failed Democratic policies over and over and continuing to believe in the decades old scam and over-hyped man-made global warming money making scheme?

Really. THen explain to me how every Republican leaves office with the country in recession.

Trump - Recession
Bush 2 - 2 recessions
Bush - 1 Recession
Reagan - Major stock market crash
Ford - Recession
Nixon - 2 Recessions
Ike - 3 Recessions

You get the idea.

As for AGW, just because you don't understand the science, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, Cleetus.
Actually, it wasn't the whole of humanity, it was the Abrahamic religions imposing the Dark Ages on humanity.

The first 'Faith based" initiative.

For instance, the Ancient Greeks would have their wife they'd have kids with, and then would spend their time doing the gay stuff with other men, and no one had much of a problem with it.

Look at the crusader, trying to attach all the ills of humanity to religion.

Yet the Ancient Greeks followed their own polytheistic religion, which you seemingly wouldn't mind them practicing if it were still in existence. Nor the Romans theirs.

I'm gay, not stupid. I don't waste my effort trying to preach the supposed benefits of being such to other people. Nor do I wish to force it on anyone. I am gay, they are not. Simple reasoning, really. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone.

If you don't want the government to interfere in gay relationships, perhaps consider keeping the government out of the whole relationship thing altogether, gay or straight.
Do you mean like teaching children with no concept of sexuality or sex (gender) that the science which drives the social construct is wrong? That's hilarious, coming from you. People are revolting against it, and you are too blind not to see it.

Oh, no, I see it perfectly well. It's the same game the GOP has always played- Gin up sexual, racial, or religious fears to get REALLY STUPID WHITE PEOPLE to vote against their own economic interests. They've been playing this shit since Tricky Dick, and it still works.

Curious, why don't politics work the same way? When it comes to politics, people don't want to ever be wrong or open their minds to the possibilities that better ideas exist. Politics and religion are essentially the same in practice.

Actually, Politics does work that way... It just isn't really easy to see it in the moment. I'm a bit older, so I can tell you a lot of things that were big political issues when I was a young man aren't a big deal now. They've been kind of resolved.
Really. THen explain to me how every Republican leaves office with the country in recession.

Trump - Recession
Bush 2 - 2 recessions
Bush - 1 Recession
Reagan - Major stock market crash
Ford - Recession
Nixon - 2 Recessions
Ike - 3 Recessions

You get the idea.

As for AGW, just because you don't understand the science, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, Cleetus.

I don’t care to go into specifics of each of these cases, suffice to say that you don’t have a clue what you are talking about. Trump/Covid, Bush 2008 housing bubble caused by Democrats, etc. The list goes on and on. A rising tide lifts all boats, but I don’t expect an unsuccessful lefty or a 17 year old college kid to understand that concept.

Sure Mr. “I write resumes for a living”. You understand AGW and the inner workings of scientific research, including funding, but I don’t despite being vastly more successful than you.
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