Green Suckers


Sep 23, 2010
Every aspect of the environmental movement is about parasites acquiring tax dollars. I thought I knew every road to green larceny. I was wrong. Jill Stein came up with a way to make a score on voluntary contributions:

I can only hope that the green suckers cannot take a tax deduction:


Jill Stein Can’t ‘Guarantee’ Money Will Go to Recount, Changes $$$ Goal
by Rachel Stockman | 11:44 am, November 25th, 2016

Jill Stein Can’t ‘Guarantee’ Money Will Go to Recount, Changes $$$ Goal
That must explain the many Trump bankruptcies. What does this have to do with the environment? Nothing. This thread should be moved.
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That must explain the many Trump bankruptcies. What does this have to do with the environment? Nothing. This thread should be moved.
4 of his 1,576 companies went bankrupt...over 45 years...

I would love this as my batting average.. 99.998%

Isn't failing part of learning?
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As Krauthammer says. If 1/16 of the votes for Stein in Mich went to Hillary instead -- she would have BEATEN trump in Mich.

It's guilt money for costing the DNC the state. And trying to make nice with lefty voters.....
So FAR --- the DNC hasn't come after her with pitchfolks for screwing up Hillary's margins. But even the greens with just 1% of the votes, probably cost Hilliary a state or 2...
Thread moved to politics. That's really why Stein is making these choices.
To flacaltenn: If I wanted to attack Stein’s political motive I would have originally posted this thread in the ELECTION FORUMS.

The recount was engineered because of the environmental movement not the other way around. In plain English everything posted about anything can be moved to the Politics forum, or the Current Affairs forum, now that Lefties gave up on calling everything a conspiracy theory.

President-elect Donald Trump denounced the effort to recount Wisconsin's votes as a "scam" engineered by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, calling on voters to "accept this result and then look to the future."​

And have you noticed that manmade global warming is the new racism? —— DEMOCRATS BLAME IT FOR EVERY POLITICAL ISSUE TO GET WHAT THEY WANT.

And do you really think Hillary Clinton would have joined the recount if she did not have Green Party environmental horseshit to hide behind?

On Saturday, the campaign of Democratic contender Hillary Clinton said it would back Stein's efforts to take a fresh look at voting results in Wisconsin, a crucial swing state that narrowly backed Trump over Clinton. Stein has been raising millions for more than a week—more than she did for her entire campaign, in fact.​

Donald Trump blasts Jill Stein 'scam' Wisconsin recount, issues call to accept results
Javier E. David
1 Hour Ago

Trump trashes 'ridiculous scam' Wisconsin recount by Jill Stein, calls on public to accept results
Thread moved to politics. That's really why Stein is making these choices.
To flacaltenn: If I wanted to attack Stein’s political motive I would have originally posted this thread in the ELECTION FORUMS.

The recount was engineered because of the environmental movement not the other way around. In plain English everything posted about anything can be moved to the Politics forum, or the Current Affairs forum, now that Lefties gave up on calling everything a conspiracy theory.

President-elect Donald Trump denounced the effort to recount Wisconsin's votes as a "scam" engineered by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, calling on voters to "accept this result and then look to the future."​

And have you noticed that manmade global warming is the new racism? —— DEMOCRATS BLAME IT FOR EVERY POLITICAL ISSUE TO GET WHAT THEY WANT.

And do you really think Hillary Clinton would have joined the recount if she did not have Green Party environmental horseshit to hide behind?

On Saturday, the campaign of Democratic contender Hillary Clinton said it would back Stein's efforts to take a fresh look at voting results in Wisconsin, a crucial swing state that narrowly backed Trump over Clinton. Stein has been raising millions for more than a week—more than she did for her entire campaign, in fact.​

Donald Trump blasts Jill Stein 'scam' Wisconsin recount, issues call to accept results
Javier E. David
1 Hour Ago

Trump trashes 'ridiculous scam' Wisconsin recount by Jill Stein, calls on public to accept results

The Greens are not simply an environment party. They have a complete socio-political framework based on "communal" and local governance and industry. Challenging election results in this case is simply a move to keep the Dem faithful from realizing that the Greens probably cost Hillary a couple states in E-Votes. It's a coalition of forces agreement to keep the lowly bondaged voters from killing each other over an 3rd party challenge that affected the outcome.

A recount can't "transfer" any Stein votes to Hillary. Not since "chad" were done away with.
The Greens are not simply an environment party. They have a complete socio-political framework based on "communal" and local governance and industry. Challenging election results in this case is simply a move to keep the Dem faithful from realizing that the Greens probably cost Hillary a couple states in E-Votes. It's a coalition of forces agreement to keep the lowly bondaged voters from killing each other over an 3rd party challenge that affected the outcome.

A recount can't "transfer" any Stein votes to Hillary. Not since "chad" were done away with.
To flacaltenn: Your response is double-talk in relation to my premise in the OP.
Every aspect of the environmental movement is about parasites acquiring tax dollars.
“This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn’t even on the ballot in many states, to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount,” he said.​


A bigger question not mentioned by the Trump camp is where those funds came from.​

'SORE LOSERS'! Hillary joining Stein recount
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 11/26/2016 @ 6:32 pm

‘SORE LOSERS’! Hillary joining Stein recount

The real question is where will Stein spend the money? The answer proves my case. Stein will spend the money on environmental causes.
The Greens are not simply an environment party. They have a complete socio-political framework based on "communal" and local governance and industry. Challenging election results in this case is simply a move to keep the Dem faithful from realizing that the Greens probably cost Hillary a couple states in E-Votes. It's a coalition of forces agreement to keep the lowly bondaged voters from killing each other over an 3rd party challenge that affected the outcome.

A recount can't "transfer" any Stein votes to Hillary. Not since "chad" were done away with.
To flacaltenn: Your response is double-talk in relation to my premise in the OP.
Every aspect of the environmental movement is about parasites acquiring tax dollars.
“This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn’t even on the ballot in many states, to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount,” he said.​


A bigger question not mentioned by the Trump camp is where those funds came from.​

'SORE LOSERS'! Hillary joining Stein recount
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 11/26/2016 @ 6:32 pm

‘SORE LOSERS’! Hillary joining Stein recount

The real question is where will Stein spend the money? The answer proves my case. Stein will spend the money on environmental causes.

Actually the money raised is protection against counter-suites in courts of law. Because if the recount process goes off the rails -- it will be settled in court and that costs money. Applying for recount, because the Greens have standing to do so was cheap. But the ENTIRE process could get very costly. Especially if Trump gets tired of the "noise" and decides to unleash the lawyers..

This is NOT about a platform issue. It's is raw naked political posturing.
Actually the money raised is protection against counter-suites in courts of law. Because if the recount process goes off the rails -- it will be settled in court and that costs money. Applying for recount, because the Greens have standing to do so was cheap. But the ENTIRE process could get very costly. Especially if Trump gets tired of the "noise" and decides to unleash the lawyers..

This is NOT about a platform issue. It's is raw naked political posturing.
To flacaltenn: The facts do not support your opinion.
Actually the money raised is protection against counter-suites in courts of law. Because if the recount process goes off the rails -- it will be settled in court and that costs money. Applying for recount, because the Greens have standing to do so was cheap. But the ENTIRE process could get very costly. Especially if Trump gets tired of the "noise" and decides to unleash the lawyers..

This is NOT about a platform issue. It's is raw naked political posturing.
To flacaltenn: The facts do not support your opinion.

That's entertaining. You have some PROOF this is not the case. And that you want to continue insisting this is all about the environmental agenda? Have you ever read the Green Platform? Their concern for the enviro is probably the LEAST scary thing in their political bible.
You have some PROOF this is not the case.
To flacaltenn: For starters, alternative energy corporations, parasites in the education and media industries, and crapola like the Paris Accord.

More proof! Every parasite that is paid tax dollars for perpetuating environmental frauds.

And let us not overlook assholes like Al Gore, B. Hussein Obama, John Kerry:

Coincidentally, in July 2008, Al Gore called climate change a more dangerous threat than terrorism. “I think that the climate crisis is, by far, the most serious threat we have ever faced,” Gore told ABC News.


February 16, 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry addressed students in Indonesia and said that global warming is now “perhaps the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.”​

22 Times Obama Admin Declared Climate Change a Greater Threat than Terrorism
by Jerome Hudson
14 Nov 2015

22 Times: Climate Change a Greater Threat than Terrorism

Bottom line: When Green Party hustlers like Jill Stein demand recounts they get massive coverage for the environment movement —— politics is secondary.
Do not hold your breath on this one:

Atkins: Time for Jill Stein, Hillary Clinton to call it quits
Dragging election on does no good
Kimberly Atkins Sunday, November 27, 2016

Atkins: Time for Jill Stein, Hillary Clinton to call it quits

Hillary is taken off life support on the day the FBI looks into Clinton Foundation crimes, while Jill Stein has a bull by tail. If she quits she loses all of that publicity for the Green Party she was angling for. If she hangs in there her party becomes a laughing stock.
USMB moderators need a little help from the NY Post. Everything involving Jill Stein is about the environmental movement.

. . . the Green presidential candidate has raised north of $7 million thanks to the effort, far more than her campaign will have to spend on it. She’s also building a fine database of suckers for future fund appeals.

Jill Stein’s recount is a scam — and it also trolls Trump
By Post Editorial Board
November 28, 2016 | 8:28pm
Holy crap! Environmental screwballs dumped Stein:

. . . Party official have scrubbed her from Green Party history and life, rewriting--or forgetting--their history. She does not exist for them.

Proud of her as a candidate, there is now no mention of her on the Green Party site.​

November 30, 2016
The Green Party has disowned Dr. Jill Stein
By Ethel C. Fenig

Blog: The Green Party has disowned Dr. Jill Stein

I guess Stein can keep the money:
The money Jill Stein does not spend on the recount goes to the Green Party. That ain’t politics. It is another environmental scam.

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