Greece cops in full retreat as Muslim mob overwhelms them

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Yep. He does it AGAIN. Another example of leftists who think Muslim is a race.
The word racism is so casually over-used it has lost any sense of real meaning to most who use it.

I once heard a young Black girl on a call-in radio program complain that her father is "racist against cats."
Just wait until these herds of "migrants" aquire firearms.

The Middle East is coming to the West.

Thanks liberals.
Tommy, if you have been paying attention, there are problems with refugees, illegal immigrants as well as non vetted immigrant being welcomed by leaders all over Europe and Obama wants to do the same thing here. Our leader took an oath to follow the laws of this land and to see that we are kept safe. Unfortunately, his personal biases and beliefs have over taken what is considered safe for this country. And that will be part of his legacy.
We can use the same headline and just plug in different European nation names.

Another Euro nations police forces being overrun by Muslim mob in no go zone:

These videos are from proper news programmes, the pro-Islamic Propagandist Marxist buttfucker can go and find a sheep to shag.

Here's Sweden, thanks to the Traitor Government. This is from "60 Minutes" from CBS, it shows the Muslim and Sub-Saharan African savages, the riots, the mayhem....and tells about the 55 No-Go Zones, testicle-free police afraid to even go into these areas, as are ambulances and the fire engines.

"During an episode of 60 Minutes of CBS News on the changing face of Sweden, the camera team and reporters were ambushed and attacked by a group of masked immigrants as soon as the police that escorted them left. They fled the scene, the producer and cameraman got injured.

This has led to ghettos and the biggest emigration wave of native Swedes fleeing their home country in its history - because it is no longer safe. The only country with more violent rapes than Sweden is a South African nation called Lesotho.

The tiny nation of just over 9 million inhabitants accept a sizable percentage of its population in immigrants.

It is expected that Swedes will be a minority in Sweden within 2 decades. This is just a tiny demonstration of the so-called "demographic shift".

The duration of the piece is one minute and fifty-three seconds.

A longer video from "60 Minutes" from CBS about Multicultural Hellhole Sweden and again showing the camera crew being attacked by the filthy feral savages.

The duration of the piece is six minutes and forty-six seconds.

The Australian TV Crew that were attacked in the above video, tell in-depth what happened in the below video.

The duration of the piece is fifteen minutes.

Again "60 Minutes" The duration of the below video is four minutes and twelve seconds. Sharia Patrols.

'Sharia Patrols' Harassing Citizens in London, Belgium, Sweden

Just another reason to not allow Muslims, any Muslims, into your country or ours.

They don't assimilate and continue to live as they did in whatever shithole they crawled out of.

Solution: Kill em if they attack. Never mind trying to arrest them. Just shoot em in the head.
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.

Let's put it in perspective here.

They did not build up communities.

They did not "start producing wealth" - or, to be accurate - they produced wealth for themselves only. And yes, they most certainly DID show up on other people's lands and demand they provide them everything AND they had the means to force it.

They came to Africa and divied it up. They took the raw resources and transported them to the home countries, to the manufacturers and mills to create value added commodities and profit. None of that was plowed back into Africa. In the process, the local industries and trade was destroyed. All manpower was put put into extracting the resources whether it ws diamonds, minerals or coffee. And when they left, what did they leave? A motley assortment of cobbled together countries with borders that crossed tribal, ethnic and religious lines and little in the way of manufacturing or other industries that would actually benifit communitees. So now, members of former colonies are washing up on their shores and they are aghast.

And, as an fyi - the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

I already said this via pm to someone, but I'll say it here, because it matters.

These are people, human beings - not trash. Who KNOWS what their skills are. What we do know is they probably spent all the money they could get in an attempt to escape what ever situation they were escaping - and surviving under horrendous conditions to get there. You know, that in itself says something about their strength of character, their willingness to undergo hardship, work hard, and improve themselves.

And you know what I saw on this mornings news? I saw this: More Than 700 Migrants Feared Dead In Three Separate Mediterranean Shipwrecks

"the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy."

Okay, so as the majority of European nations had no part in that, the majority of European nations has NO obligation to take ANY of these Economic Migrants then.

Glad we've established this :thup:
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.

Let's put it in perspective here.

They did not build up communities.

They did not "start producing wealth" - or, to be accurate - they produced wealth for themselves only. And yes, they most certainly DID show up on other people's lands and demand they provide them everything AND they had the means to force it.

They came to Africa and divied it up. They took the raw resources and transported them to the home countries, to the manufacturers and mills to create value added commodities and profit. None of that was plowed back into Africa. In the process, the local industries and trade was destroyed. All manpower was put put into extracting the resources whether it ws diamonds, minerals or coffee. And when they left, what did they leave? A motley assortment of cobbled together countries with borders that crossed tribal, ethnic and religious lines and little in the way of manufacturing or other industries that would actually benifit communitees. So now, members of former colonies are washing up on their shores and they are aghast.

And, as an fyi - the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

I already said this via pm to someone, but I'll say it here, because it matters.

These are people, human beings - not trash. Who KNOWS what their skills are. What we do know is they probably spent all the money they could get in an attempt to escape what ever situation they were escaping - and surviving under horrendous conditions to get there. You know, that in itself says something about their strength of character, their willingness to undergo hardship, work hard, and improve themselves.

And you know what I saw on this mornings news? I saw this: More Than 700 Migrants Feared Dead In Three Separate Mediterranean Shipwrecks

"the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy."

Okay, so as the majority of European nations had no part in that, the majority of European nations has NO obligation to take ANY of these Economic Migrants then.

Glad we've established this :thup:
Not to mention we had no say and are not responsible for what our ancestors did.
Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.

Let's put it in perspective here.

They did not build up communities.

They did not "start producing wealth" - or, to be accurate - they produced wealth for themselves only. And yes, they most certainly DID show up on other people's lands and demand they provide them everything AND they had the means to force it.

They came to Africa and divied it up. They took the raw resources and transported them to the home countries, to the manufacturers and mills to create value added commodities and profit. None of that was plowed back into Africa. In the process, the local industries and trade was destroyed. All manpower was put put into extracting the resources whether it ws diamonds, minerals or coffee. And when they left, what did they leave? A motley assortment of cobbled together countries with borders that crossed tribal, ethnic and religious lines and little in the way of manufacturing or other industries that would actually benifit communitees. So now, members of former colonies are washing up on their shores and they are aghast.

And, as an fyi - the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

I already said this via pm to someone, but I'll say it here, because it matters.

These are people, human beings - not trash. Who KNOWS what their skills are. What we do know is they probably spent all the money they could get in an attempt to escape what ever situation they were escaping - and surviving under horrendous conditions to get there. You know, that in itself says something about their strength of character, their willingness to undergo hardship, work hard, and improve themselves.

And you know what I saw on this mornings news? I saw this: More Than 700 Migrants Feared Dead In Three Separate Mediterranean Shipwrecks

"the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy."

Okay, so as the majority of European nations had no part in that, the majority of European nations has NO obligation to take ANY of these Economic Migrants then.

Glad we've established this :thup:
Not to mention we had no say and are not responsible for what our ancestors did.

It's the Leftist's attempting to push the "White Guilt" insanity of everyone, it doesn't work with our crowd, we adopt the approach of :lalala: :fu:
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.

Let's put it in perspective here.

They did not build up communities.

They did not "start producing wealth" - or, to be accurate - they produced wealth for themselves only. And yes, they most certainly DID show up on other people's lands and demand they provide them everything AND they had the means to force it.

They came to Africa and divied it up. They took the raw resources and transported them to the home countries, to the manufacturers and mills to create value added commodities and profit. None of that was plowed back into Africa. In the process, the local industries and trade was destroyed. All manpower was put put into extracting the resources whether it ws diamonds, minerals or coffee. And when they left, what did they leave? A motley assortment of cobbled together countries with borders that crossed tribal, ethnic and religious lines and little in the way of manufacturing or other industries that would actually benifit communitees. So now, members of former colonies are washing up on their shores and they are aghast.

And, as an fyi - the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

I already said this via pm to someone, but I'll say it here, because it matters.

These are people, human beings - not trash. Who KNOWS what their skills are. What we do know is they probably spent all the money they could get in an attempt to escape what ever situation they were escaping - and surviving under horrendous conditions to get there. You know, that in itself says something about their strength of character, their willingness to undergo hardship, work hard, and improve themselves.

And you know what I saw on this mornings news? I saw this: More Than 700 Migrants Feared Dead In Three Separate Mediterranean Shipwrecks

"the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy."

Okay, so as the majority of European nations had no part in that, the majority of European nations has NO obligation to take ANY of these Economic Migrants then.

Glad we've established this :thup:
Not to mention the fact that without European colonists, America as we know it would not exist.
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?
Obviously, those hordes failed. Now the Europeans (and soon, the New World) will find themselves forced to wage a defensive war on their own territory.
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?
Obviously, those hordes failed. Now the Europeans (and soon, the New World) will find themselves forced to wage a defensive war on their own territory.
It's more like chickens coming home to roost...
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.

Let's put it in perspective here.

They did not build up communities.

They did not "start producing wealth" - or, to be accurate - they produced wealth for themselves only. And yes, they most certainly DID show up on other people's lands and demand they provide them everything AND they had the means to force it.

They came to Africa and divied it up. They took the raw resources and transported them to the home countries, to the manufacturers and mills to create value added commodities and profit. None of that was plowed back into Africa. In the process, the local industries and trade was destroyed. All manpower was put put into extracting the resources whether it ws diamonds, minerals or coffee. And when they left, what did they leave? A motley assortment of cobbled together countries with borders that crossed tribal, ethnic and religious lines and little in the way of manufacturing or other industries that would actually benifit communitees. So now, members of former colonies are washing up on their shores and they are aghast.

And, as an fyi - the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

I already said this via pm to someone, but I'll say it here, because it matters.

These are people, human beings - not trash. Who KNOWS what their skills are. What we do know is they probably spent all the money they could get in an attempt to escape what ever situation they were escaping - and surviving under horrendous conditions to get there. You know, that in itself says something about their strength of character, their willingness to undergo hardship, work hard, and improve themselves.

And you know what I saw on this mornings news? I saw this: More Than 700 Migrants Feared Dead In Three Separate Mediterranean Shipwrecks
I read an article the other day that stated there was just one qualified engineer in Tanzania on the day the British pulled out.

I admire your patience here but you are trying to reason with people who are programmed to hate. Lucy would like to see all Africans "chemically castrated" so I think the nuances of Europes relationship with Africa might be a bit over her head.
Not to mention we had no say and are not responsible for what our ancestors did.
The standard response to that reasoning is the White race has benefited from generations of enslavement of Blacks.

But while that might be true it also is true that the living standards of contemporary Blacks who live within predominately White cultures, such as the U.S. and Europe, are substantially higher than that of contemporary Blacks who live within predominately Black cultures -- especially those African cultures wherein the practice of slavery continues to this day. So it may be said that contemporary American and European Blacks, millions of them, also have benefited substantially from the enslavement of their ancestors.
We can use the same headline and just plug in different European nation names.

Another Euro nations police forces being overrun by Muslim mob in no go zone:

The Euros are slow to act, especially since they've been sucking off the American tit for decades, but they will eventually act.
Not to mention we had no say and are not responsible for what our ancestors did.
The standard response to that reasoning is the White race has benefited from generations of enslavement of Blacks.

But while that might be true it also is true that the living standards of contemporary Blacks who live within predominately White cultures, such as the U.S. and Europe, are substantially higher than that of contemporary Blacks who live within predominately Black cultures -- especially those African cultures wherein the practice of slavery continues to this day. So it may be said that contemporary American and European Blacks, millions of them, also have benefited substantially from the enslavement of their ancestors.
Yes it may be said................if you were a fucking cretin.
When it comes to Tommy, I believe it is best to keep in perspective that he is either a pacifist, or a Muslim in reality.
He'll always defend the influx of Islamists.
When it comes to Tommy, I believe it is best to keep in perspective that he is either a pacifist, or a Muslim in reality.
He'll always defend the influx of Islamists.
The fact is that I am just normal.
Consider this thread.
Started by a racist piece of shit. It has attracted all the usual suspects.
One poster is advocating slavery as a means of social advancement. Then you have everybody's favourite loony nazi, she wants to kill every person of colour on the planet.
It should make her an outsider in polite society but she has friends on here.

It all makes me feel quite comfortable in my own skin.

Europe is not collapsing. I know this because I am a European who lives in Europe.

Stop accepting neo nazi propaganda without question.They make you look like fools.
When it comes to Tommy, I believe it is best to keep in perspective that he is either a pacifist, or a Muslim in reality.
He'll always defend the influx of Islamists.
The fact is that I am just normal.
Consider this thread.
Started by a racist piece of shit. It has attracted all the usual suspects.
One poster is advocating slavery as a means of social advancement. Then you have everybody's favourite loony nazi, she wants to kill every person of colour on the planet.
It should make her an outsider in polite society but she has friends on here.

It all makes me feel quite comfortable in my own skin.

Europe is not collapsing. I know this because I am a European who lives in Europe.

Stop accepting neo nazi propaganda without question.They make you look like fools.

"Europe is not collapsing. I know this because I am a European who lives in Europe."

No you're a piece of Traitor filth you fat buttfucker.

WTF does some Pink News loving faggot like you know about what's happening in Europa? Nothing that's what, so go and pull your prayer rug out, get on your knees, stick your fat buttocks in the air and pray to Allah like your loverboys your friends the Islamists do.

Nobody at this forum gives a crap what you comment, haven't you noticed? ONLY the known Trolls agree with you, EVERYONE else laughs at you fat loser.
Most of these OVERWHELMINGLY young, fit fighting age men seem to be coming from West Africa.

EXCLUSIVE - 'Welcome to the NEW Lesbos': Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY since the Balkans route shut

  • Sicily is being called 'the new Lesbos' as thousands of migrants begin to arrive on ancient Mediterranean island
  • In the past three days alone more than 6,000 people have landed, as arrivals increase by 90 per cent on last year
  • MailOnline gained exclusive access to the Norwegian rescue ship helping to bring migrants from Libya to Palermo
  • Fleet of ships has been tasked with monitoring sea routes popular with migrants and picking up struggling dinghies
View attachment 76297
Now Sicily is flooded with 2,000 migrants EVERY DAY

Just look at this crowd, you can see they're all completely useless....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:they've all got a degree in either Nuclear Physics or Neurosurgery :rolleyes-41:


There's a certain irony here.

I wonder how THEY felt, when their counties weres invaded by hordes of white Europeans, who established their colonies, pillaged their resources and subjugated their people?

White people didn't show up to other people's lands and demand that they provide them everything. They actually built up communities and started producing wealth. Most of these European countries also did not take part in colonizing anyway.

Let's put it in perspective here.

They did not build up communities.

They did not "start producing wealth" - or, to be accurate - they produced wealth for themselves only. And yes, they most certainly DID show up on other people's lands and demand they provide them everything AND they had the means to force it.

They came to Africa and divied it up. They took the raw resources and transported them to the home countries, to the manufacturers and mills to create value added commodities and profit. None of that was plowed back into Africa. In the process, the local industries and trade was destroyed. All manpower was put put into extracting the resources whether it ws diamonds, minerals or coffee. And when they left, what did they leave? A motley assortment of cobbled together countries with borders that crossed tribal, ethnic and religious lines and little in the way of manufacturing or other industries that would actually benifit communitees. So now, members of former colonies are washing up on their shores and they are aghast.

And, as an fyi - the main colonizers of Africa were Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

I already said this via pm to someone, but I'll say it here, because it matters.

These are people, human beings - not trash. Who KNOWS what their skills are. What we do know is they probably spent all the money they could get in an attempt to escape what ever situation they were escaping - and surviving under horrendous conditions to get there. You know, that in itself says something about their strength of character, their willingness to undergo hardship, work hard, and improve themselves.

And you know what I saw on this mornings news? I saw this: More Than 700 Migrants Feared Dead In Three Separate Mediterranean Shipwrecks
I read an article the other day that stated there was just one qualified engineer in Tanzania on the day the British pulled out.

I admire your patience here but you are trying to reason with people who are programmed to hate. Lucy would like to see all Africans "chemically castrated" so I think the nuances of Europes relationship with Africa might be a bit over her head.

"Lucy would like to see all Africans "chemically castrated" so I think the nuances of Europes relationship with Africa might be a bit over her head."

Move to Africa or Saudi Arabia.

Nothing's over my head, my brain isn't in my ass like yours is.

Warning to others in this thread, the fat pro-Islamic buttfucker might have to alert his fellow Trolls now to come and post and/or give him ratings, they're all he has, as the rest of us know.
Just wait until these herds of "migrants" aquire firearms.

The Middle East is coming to the West.

Thanks liberals.
Tommy, if you have been paying attention, there are problems with refugees, illegal immigrants as well as non vetted immigrant being welcomed by leaders all over Europe and Obama wants to do the same thing here. Our leader took an oath to follow the laws of this land and to see that we are kept safe. Unfortunately, his personal biases and beliefs have over taken what is considered safe for this country. And that will be part of his legacy.

My posts in this thread # 10 and # 21 all from PROPER news sources and filmed by ACTUAL Greek Islanders.

Unlike that fat pro-Islamic Propagandist buttfucker, who posts nothing of substance or garbage from Pink News.
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