Grecians and Sanitations!


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2012
It seems I somehow just started posting and neglected to formally introduce myself......

Here I am. MHunterB. Marg, if you like me : )

I live in the South - of New England. Have a husbank, a 'spawn' and a kitton (plus still maintain a part interest in a free-range kitty!). Oh, and a lot of those!
Yes, that was a typo initially. But it tends to describe the financial situation. He brings in the money, and I watch over it once it gets here....
It seems I somehow just started posting and neglected to formally introduce myself......

Here I am. MHunterB. Marg, if you like me : )

I live in the South - of New England. Have a husbank, a 'spawn' and a kitton (plus still maintain a part interest in a free-range kitty!). Oh, and a lot of those!

Welcome, I have lots of opinions too....darn I was hoping to give mine away. :razz:
Hey, I am not particularly into rules 'n' regs 'n' schedules and all of that.......I'm a free spirit!

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