GREAT!: US Debt Hitting Record Highs

Butt hurt Clown !
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When he matches W and O in debt, 16t, let us know and we'll all laugh and compare notes together. Otherwise, no one cares.
The House Republicans are responsible for all of our debt.

Learn the constitution, dope.
Since taking power, the GOP Congress has accelerated our deficits. And Trump has gotten pissed they haven't spent more.

Regardless, the pseudocons blamed Obama for every single penny of debt accumulated between January 20, 2009 and January 19, 2017. So their own benchmark is going to bitch slap them right in their slack mouth breather faces.

If you’re gonna blame Trump for his time in office, then why shouldn’t Obable be blamed for his, just saying

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For one, Obama inherited a recession and Trump didn’t.

Thats a very lame excuse to run up the debt 8 trillion.
It only appears lame when you're too ignorant to comprehend the hit to income tax revenue the government takes when some 8 million people lose their jobs; plus the increase to spending to keep money flowing through the economy and for those millions who became eligible for government aid.
When he matches W and O in debt, 16t, let us know and we'll all laugh and compare notes together. Otherwise, no one cares.
The House Republicans are responsible for all of our debt.

Learn the constitution, dope.
Since taking power, the GOP Congress has accelerated our deficits. And Trump has gotten pissed they haven't spent more.

Regardless, the pseudocons blamed Obama for every single penny of debt accumulated between January 20, 2009 and January 19, 2017. So their own benchmark is going to bitch slap them right in their slack mouth breather faces.

How stupid of people to think the POTUS must sign and agree to spending Bills crafted in Congress...huh?

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