GPs and data indicate continued rise in double-vaccinated Covid cases

Are you an immunologist?
Did you read what I pasted at the beginning of the thread? Are you a lazy dipshit? ....nod your head....nod your head.

"A weekly update from the ZOE study at King’s College London, said there were currently 15,537 new daily symptomatic cases in partly or fully vaccinated people, an increase of 40% from 11,084 new cases last week.

By contrast in unvaccinated people in the UK there are currently an average of 17,581 new daily PCR-confirmed symptomatic cases of Covid, according to the ZOE figures, a drop of 22% from the week before."

Simple math for stupid



47% rounded

You see, when you fucking READ you don't need an immunology degree. Perhaps you compliant idiots should read a little more? Maybe then you wouldn't be so ready to have them jam experimental shit in your arm? Nah....
The mathematics undoubtedly fail when considering unknown factors of each particular genome. This report is factoring in effects of the Delta variant. This variant will be negated by Pfizer’s forthcoming booster. The commie virus has just so many options that are running out for it. That’s the truer math.
So you deny the government monetarily incentivized hospitals for Covid? You deny that the PCR test cycles were ramped up?
You people are absolutely nuts. You think Covid is just a US thing? That it isn't a worldwide pandemic? You think the entire world is in cohoots with this? You are absolutely out of your pathetic mind.
They don't prevent infection.

They prime the immune system so that if one gets infected the body can fight it off faster so that symptoms do not become severe or fatal
Well...they don't do that very well do they?
You people are absolutely nuts. You think Covid is just a US thing? That it isn't a worldwide pandemic? You think the entire world is in cohoots with this? You are absolutely out of your pathetic mind.
Don't be scared...perhaps your vaccine will nothing to you. Hopefully the spike proteins will not harm YOU.
Clearly defined goals ensure wealth is concentrated to achieve a specific purpose.
So who incentivized them monetarily during the project? Was it public or private? Based on milestones or end product? How much? do you know? This is the first I have heard of this.
The Manhattan Project was a public sector project.
Ok...what was their monetary compensation? Extra salary of course.
Well because hospitals get $13K for every patient they put on a ventilator.

Citizens incentivized to take an experimental vaccine which data is collected.

Any examples of things like this from the Manhattan Project?
What is it about this pandemic that you Q Nuts love so much?

You have fought every effort to fight this from the beginning whether it was testing and tracing, mask, social distancing, and now vaccinations


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