Governor Romney To Same-Sex Couples: "I Didn't Know You Had Families"


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
A new account detailing Mitt Romney's interactions with same-sex couples was published Tuesday, alleging that the former governor had an uncomfortable meeting with several of the plaintiffs in Goodridge v. Dept of Public Health, the landmark case that legalized same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.

According to a story in Boston Spirit magazine, Romney met with the plaintiffs in 2004 after the then-governor endorsed a constitutional amendment barring same-sex couples from obtaining marriage licenses. According to those present at the meeting, Romney showed little interest in hearing them plead their case.

Boston Spirit's Scott Kearnan reports:

“It was like talking to a robot. No expression, no feeling,” recalls David Wilson, one of the plaintiffs in the case who met with Romney that day. “People were sharing touching stories, stories where you’d expect recognition in the other person’s face that they at least hear what you’re saying — that there’s empathy. He didn’t even shake his head. He was completely blank.”

Occasionally Romney would say something.

“I didn’t know you had families,” remarked Romney to the group, according to Wilson. The offhanded remark underscored that Romney, the governor of the first state prepared to grant same-sex marriage, hadn’t taken the time to look at what the landmark case was really about.​

More: Mitt Romney's Reported Interactions With Massachusetts Same-Sex Couples Detailed
A new account detailing Mitt Romney's interactions with same-sex couples was published Tuesday, alleging that the former governor had an uncomfortable meeting with several of the plaintiffs in Goodridge v. Dept of Public Health, the landmark case that legalized same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.

According to a story in Boston Spirit magazine, Romney met with the plaintiffs in 2004 after the then-governor endorsed a constitutional amendment barring same-sex couples from obtaining marriage licenses. According to those present at the meeting, Romney showed little interest in hearing them plead their case.

Boston Spirit's Scott Kearnan reports:

“It was like talking to a robot. No expression, no feeling,” recalls David Wilson, one of the plaintiffs in the case who met with Romney that day. “People were sharing touching stories, stories where you’d expect recognition in the other person’s face that they at least hear what you’re saying — that there’s empathy. He didn’t even shake his head. He was completely blank.”

Occasionally Romney would say something.

“I didn’t know you had families,” remarked Romney to the group, according to Wilson. The offhanded remark underscored that Romney, the governor of the first state prepared to grant same-sex marriage, hadn’t taken the time to look at what the landmark case was really about.​

More: Mitt Romney's Reported Interactions With Massachusetts Same-Sex Couples Detailed

He reminds me of our Opposition Leader, Tony (Big Ears) Abbott. He and Mitt are made for each other. Both ignorant, both don't give a shit about the struggles faced by homosexuals, and both only care about getting into power, whatever it takes.
After President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage earlier this year, Romney reiterated his belief that marriage is only between a man and a woman.

"If two people of the same gender want to live together, want to have a loving relationship and even want to adopt a child, in my state individuals of the same sex were able to adopt children," Romney said in May. "In my view that's something which people have the right to do, but to call that marriage is ... a departure for the real meaning of that word."
Romney’s entitled to his opinion, however hateful and ignorant – but it doesn’t comport with current Constitutional case law on the issue, and is illustrative of the governor’s contempt for equal protection rights and the rule of law.

And fortunately Romney will be expressing his opinion as a private citizen only, for many years to come.
It is obvious from the way he has lived his life, that Romney is a very cold person.

The dog on the roof of the car, the bullying at school, the looting of company pensions, the firing and oursourcing of workers, the anti gay agenda, the problems with the police, etc....

He really is a dick.
This is just my read, but when I see Romney, what comes across to me is thinly veiled hostility.

This is someone who is used to getting his way. He does not respond well when he doesn’t. He’s the boss who says that he values your input, but if you contradict him or his goals he will not hesitate to fire you or (better yet) see to it that you get fired. There is a coldness, a calculation about him. He is a man of action, a man who will do what needs to be done. If what needs to be done involves hiding a few bodies, he will find the most effective way to do so.

The façade of good humor, bonhomie and “man of the people” is a paper mask. The eyes looking out of it have all of the warmth and kindness of a cobra.

You’re absolutely right the women are creeped out by him. This isn’t the serial rapist or dangerous drunken frat boy. He’s the guy who would dismiss your thoughts and opinions and remove your autonomy under the guise of loving you. He’s the guy who would tell you, “Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry your pretty little head about this,” and mean it.

Tuesdays with Moron: Chatological Humor Update - The Washington Post
With regard to Romney, we’re dealing with a politician who either doesn’t understand or doesn’t respect the rights of the individual, the right to self-determination, the right to privacy concerning personal, intimate relationships, and the fundamental right to be left alone by the state.

Regardless of one’s personal opinion as to same-sex couples’ access to marriage law, every American should find offensive Romney’s desire to allow the state to interfere with such personal decisions.
With regard to Romney, we’re dealing with a politician who either doesn’t understand or doesn’t respect the rights of the individual, the right to self-determination, the right to privacy concerning personal, intimate relationships, and the fundamental right to be left alone by the state.

Regardless of one’s personal opinion as to same-sex couples’ access to marriage law, every American should find offensive Romney’s desire to allow the state to interfere with such personal decisions.

no one including Romney is is your bedroom stopping you from practicing your lifestyle

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