Governor Palin said she is sick and tired of the Presidents Manufactured Crisis.

I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?
I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

waaaa, leave the Boy-king Obama ALONE
Did she somehow revolutionize the state of Alaska before she quit?

Did people in Alaska suddenly stop receiving the federal subsidies that every citizen of the state receives?


But she DID fold under pressure, and quit her job long before her term in office was supposed to end.

And that adds up to a bad governor.

well I'm sure you think because you say it is then is must be so.:lol::lol::lol:

Was what I said not accurate? Did she not quit long before her term was over?

Let's say you hired a contractor, and they did a decent job, until about mid-way through the construction, and then they quit.

Would you say that contractor did a good job?

If he was Joe the Plumber, they would.
I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

waaaa, leave the Boy-king Obama ALONE

Boy-King? Who besides YOU called our President the "Boy-King"?
When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

waaaa, leave the Boy-king Obama ALONE

Boy-King? Who besides YOU called our President the "Boy-King"?

what? you don't like boy-king. I think it has a nice ring to it, don't you.
that seems to be what he and you Obamabots believe him to be, isn't it?:lol:
5th post
I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

Excuse me, but if you recall, and I am sure you do, it was then candidate Senator Obama who used his experience as a community organizer as one of the reasons why he should be considered a valid presidential candidate.

So why shouldn't she refer to it? Becuase it embarrasses you?
Why? Do you feel she did a poor job overseeing the economy of Alaska?
You feel better with a President with no experience overseeing a state's economy actually making decisions for our economy than you do about one that successfully oversaw a multi billion dollar economy offering free advice?

I find that really strange Rightwinger. Bordering absurd.

80% of the revenue Alaska needs to run its government is handed to it by the oil companies.

I do not think we were talking about her ability or knowledge as it pertains to generating revenue. As a matter of fact, I know we were not.

We were discussing her knowledge as it pertains to overseeing/running a mullti billion dollar economy.

And I find it absurd that one would criticize her knowledge about running an economy when, in fact she has proof she can do it, but at the same time vote for a man that has absolutely no proven experience or knowledge in running an economy.

It is hypocrisy at its finest in my eyes.

You don't actually 'run' an economy as a governor, unless perhaps it's a socialist economy. Is that what you're saying Alaska is?
80% of the revenue Alaska needs to run its government is handed to it by the oil companies.

I do not think we were talking about her ability or knowledge as it pertains to generating revenue. As a matter of fact, I know we were not.

We were discussing her knowledge as it pertains to overseeing/running a mullti billion dollar economy.

And I find it absurd that one would criticize her knowledge about running an economy when, in fact she has proof she can do it, but at the same time vote for a man that has absolutely no proven experience or knowledge in running an economy.

It is hypocrisy at its finest in my eyes.

You don't actually 'run' an economy as a governor, unless perhaps it's a socialist economy. Is that what you're saying Alaska is?

Oh please. Stop with the semantics. You know what I am saying.
Barry didn't invent a crisis on immigration, its been ongoing back to the 80s.

He's just the latest POTUS that refuses to deal with it.

Well, the option people like you would choose probably includes a lot of dead Mexicans, innocent or not.
I do not think we were talking about her ability or knowledge as it pertains to generating revenue. As a matter of fact, I know we were not.

We were discussing her knowledge as it pertains to overseeing/running a mullti billion dollar economy.

And I find it absurd that one would criticize her knowledge about running an economy when, in fact she has proof she can do it, but at the same time vote for a man that has absolutely no proven experience or knowledge in running an economy.

It is hypocrisy at its finest in my eyes.

You don't actually 'run' an economy as a governor, unless perhaps it's a socialist economy. Is that what you're saying Alaska is?

Oh please. Stop with the semantics. You know what I am saying.

Yeah, you're saying Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than John McCain, but less qualified than my governor David Paterson.
Does she even know how to spell Obama? Seriously, this woman should just go away. Whatever, she represents republicans perfectly by never having solutions only criticisms.

I think if you had read her statement, you'd know that.

This statement?
“I’m sick and tired of Obama and the White House coming out with yet another new crisis that has to be fixed by government sticking it to the people and taking more of what we earn and produce. Instead of allowing our small businesses especially to keep what we earn… But see, to many in the White House including our own president, I don’t know when they’ve run a business. I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.“[/quote]

She makes the subject "statement," then starts rambling about something entirely off topic. So typically a Sarah Screed.
"She's daft."

Yep, and what does that say about her followers?

She has 2 categories of followers:

1. Those too stupid to know any better.

2. Those who refuse to admit their mistake in jumping on her bandwagon in 2008, before they realized how daft she is.

3. Republican MEN who go orgasmic over her hot bod.
4. Republican WOMEN who pretend they don't care about #3.
You don't actually 'run' an economy as a governor, unless perhaps it's a socialist economy. Is that what you're saying Alaska is?

Oh please. Stop with the semantics. You know what I am saying.

Yeah, you're saying Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than John McCain, but less qualified than my governor David Paterson.

No. You said that, not me.

I said the experience of a governor is more applicable than the experience of a junior legislator to that of President.

You opted to read it any way you wish. But I never said anything of the kind.
Hello this is my first post. I was glad to see Sarah defend the bill today. Just for the record, she didn’t use the term ‘race-baiting’ but she certainly talked about pitting groups one against another.

This is what she said

“I’m sick and tired of Obama and the White House coming out with yet another new crisis that has to be fixed by government sticking it to the people and taking more of what we earn and produce. Instead of allowing our small businesses especially to keep what we earn… But see, to many in the White House including our own president, I don’t know when they’ve run a business. I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

This is your first post?

I'm sorry, but it was a poor one.

Ms Palin seems to have nothing to add to the political conversation except for endless repetition of right-wing talking points and continuous complaint about Mr Obama.

She could not even handle the pressure of finishing her gubernatorial term, I doubt from that record she'd have the ability to lead the country herself anywhere except into collapse.

LOL, replace Palin with Obama and we have a winner.
Palin has a higher approval rating than the TIC. go figure.:lol:

Ya think? You need to start following the trend. She's becoming more and more UNpopular according to ALL THE POLLS here:

Political Figures: P

As opposed to Obama's favorability ratings, which continue to be strong in spite of all the negativity (especially health care):

Obama: Favorability
"She's daft."

Yep, and what does that say about her followers?

She has 2 categories of followers:

1. Those too stupid to know any better.

2. Those who refuse to admit their mistake in jumping on her bandwagon in 2008, before they realized how daft she is.

Why is it you guys can't come up with anything original, say refuting what your opponents say? Why is it always "He/she's stupid!" "He/she lies!" or "He/she is racist/bigot/homophobe!"

You know, you can keep doing the personal attacks, but people aren't going to be persuaded by them.

Where Sarah's concerned, what's to refute? She never has any substance to anything she ever says, just a bunch of platitudial talking points that we've heard a gazillion times before, only more shrill.
I think most of us are just sick and tired of Obama in general... the "boy king" who spends his time creating new crisis' and then blames it all on Bush.

Enough already of this guy... what a joke.

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