Governor Palin said she is sick and tired of the Presidents Manufactured Crisis.

I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

What I find most disingenuous about the smug "community organizer" comments is that the conservatives constantly claim they "want someone from grass roots" to run the country. Well what the hell do they think a "community organizer" is if not someone getting down and dirty with the grass roots?
80% of the revenue Alaska needs to run its government is handed to it by the oil companies.

I do not think we were talking about her ability or knowledge as it pertains to generating revenue. As a matter of fact, I know we were not.

We were discussing her knowledge as it pertains to overseeing/running a mullti billion dollar economy.

And I find it absurd that one would criticize her knowledge about running an economy when, in fact she has proof she can do it, but at the same time vote for a man that has absolutely no proven experience or knowledge in running an economy.

It is hypocrisy at its finest in my eyes.

You talk as if Sarah ran the whole state of Alaska all by herself. She had mucho help from her husband, Todd, who was at her side 99% of the time. Alaska aside, has Sara Palin ever proposed what SHE would do to immediately bring an uplift to the economy (and I don't mean talking points like "less taxes, less spending," blah blah blah, I mean SPECIFICS on each of those). Seems no one in the GOP can be specific. Yet people are so damned eager to have these guys take over? Please...If their recent history is any indication, they wouldn't do any better job than the Obama Administration, except their policy would continue to be "Don't-Tax-But-Spend-Anyway."

I made it clear that I do not see her as presidential material.

My argument all along was that one that is a governor has certain experiences that lend itself to presidency more than one that does not have experience as a governor.

Two major platforms of President Obama was "no back room deal making" and "bipartisnaship"

He could not acheive either and he would have known suych was not a reality if he had experience as a governor.
I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

Excuse me, but if you recall, and I am sure you do, it was then candidate Senator Obama who used his experience as a community organizer as one of the reasons why he should be considered a valid presidential candidate.

So why shouldn't she refer to it? Becuase it embarrasses you?

It's because it's gotten old. Just as those who continue to think that because Obama "bowed" to a Chinese leader that's somehow relevant to the larger picture. I mean just give it a fucking rest...
I do not think we were talking about her ability or knowledge as it pertains to generating revenue. As a matter of fact, I know we were not.

We were discussing her knowledge as it pertains to overseeing/running a mullti billion dollar economy.

And I find it absurd that one would criticize her knowledge about running an economy when, in fact she has proof she can do it, but at the same time vote for a man that has absolutely no proven experience or knowledge in running an economy.

It is hypocrisy at its finest in my eyes.

You talk as if Sarah ran the whole state of Alaska all by herself. She had mucho help from her husband, Todd, who was at her side 99% of the time. Alaska aside, has Sara Palin ever proposed what SHE would do to immediately bring an uplift to the economy (and I don't mean talking points like "less taxes, less spending," blah blah blah, I mean SPECIFICS on each of those). Seems no one in the GOP can be specific. Yet people are so damned eager to have these guys take over? Please...If their recent history is any indication, they wouldn't do any better job than the Obama Administration, except their policy would continue to be "Don't-Tax-But-Spend-Anyway."

I made it clear that I do not see her as presidential material.

My argument all along was that one that is a governor has certain experiences that lend itself to presidency more than one that does not have experience as a governor.

Two major platforms of President Obama was "no back room deal making" and "bipartisnaship"

He could not acheive either and he would have known suych was not a reality if he had experience as a governor.

and he probably wouldn't have won if mccain hadn't made such a poor choice of running mate.
I dont quite understand why those on the left feel the need tomake points by putting words in themouths and ideas in the heads of conservatives.

Well, actually, I do understand why they do it. It was more of a rhetorical statement of befuddlement.
You talk as if Sarah ran the whole state of Alaska all by herself. She had mucho help from her husband, Todd, who was at her side 99% of the time. Alaska aside, has Sara Palin ever proposed what SHE would do to immediately bring an uplift to the economy (and I don't mean talking points like "less taxes, less spending," blah blah blah, I mean SPECIFICS on each of those). Seems no one in the GOP can be specific. Yet people are so damned eager to have these guys take over? Please...If their recent history is any indication, they wouldn't do any better job than the Obama Administration, except their policy would continue to be "Don't-Tax-But-Spend-Anyway."

I made it clear that I do not see her as presidential material.

My argument all along was that one that is a governor has certain experiences that lend itself to presidency more than one that does not have experience as a governor.

Two major platforms of President Obama was "no back room deal making" and "bipartisnaship"

He could not acheive either and he would have known suych was not a reality if he had experience as a governor.

and he probably wouldn't have won if mccain hadn't made such a poor choice of running mate.

He was pulling away before the Palin annoucnement.
Where Obama's concerned, what's to refute? He never has any substance to anything he ever says, just a bunch of platitudial talking points that we've heard a gazillion times before, only more shrill.


From all your previous posts I've read, it's obvious you pay little attention to anything at all, so your amusing echo doesn't surprise me.
Excuse me, but if you recall, and I am sure you do, it was then candidate Senator Obama who used his experience as a community organizer as one of the reasons why he should be considered a valid presidential candidate.

So why shouldn't she refer to it? Becuase it embarrasses you?

So whats wrong with that? If it was ONE of his experiences it deserves to be mentioned. What is blatantly deceptive is Palins continued use of "Community Organizer" as Obamas sole experience.......especially based on her own limited resume

That is not accurate. She blantantly brings it up in the same light he did. When the question of his ability to "lead" and "govern" came up, he referred to his experience as a community organizer as he had no other "leadership" experience to fallback on.

She is not at all being misleading. She is simply reminding HIM and the people that he was wrong to think that his leadership experience in community organizing prepped him well to lead a country.
It did not. Thus why he admits "uniting the parties" is difficult and admits that "stopping the backroom deals" is out of his control.

Those were two things he was admant about in his campaign and now he admits defeat in those areas. Maybe if he was a leader of a state and dealt with trying to govern with two parties beneath him, he would have known better?

Or did he simply lie when he said he was goiung to do it?

Bull. She uses that line with a wink and a nod all the time, just as she still occasionally uses her old talking point of "paling around with terrorists." There really isn't much else in that thing that sits atop her head and encases something called a brain, so she has to dredge up her pre-programmed talking points.
When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

Excuse me, but if you recall, and I am sure you do, it was then candidate Senator Obama who used his experience as a community organizer as one of the reasons why he should be considered a valid presidential candidate.

So why shouldn't she refer to it? Becuase it embarrasses you?

It's because it's gotten old. Just as those who continue to think that because Obama "bowed" to a Chinese leader that's somehow relevant to the larger picture. I mean just give it a fucking rest...

Getting old?

In the past couple of months he has admitted no less than twice that he did not realize certain things were not possible.

His "Change the way we do things in Washington" was not a minor platform of his. It was his mantra.

And the more he fails at that, the more it will be said that being a community organizer was not the experience needed to do as he promised. Remmeber, he was the one who bragged about community organizing and how it will help him acheive his
"bipartisan agenda"

So far, the only legislation that was bipartisan was evident with the votes against his initiatives.
I think if you had read her statement, you'd know that.

This statement?
“I’m sick and tired of Obama and the White House coming out with yet another new crisis that has to be fixed by government sticking it to the people and taking more of what we earn and produce. Instead of allowing our small businesses especially to keep what we earn… But see, to many in the White House including our own president, I don’t know when they’ve run a business. I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.“

She makes the subject "statement," then starts rambling about something entirely off topic. So typically a Sarah Screed.
Gasp! Like Obama hasn't done this himself? Truly laughable!

Editors note: why the hell isn't this quoting correctly? Stupid technology![/QUOTE]

I didn't realize we were talking about Obama here.
So whats wrong with that? If it was ONE of his experiences it deserves to be mentioned. What is blatantly deceptive is Palins continued use of "Community Organizer" as Obamas sole experience.......especially based on her own limited resume

That is not accurate. She blantantly brings it up in the same light he did. When the question of his ability to "lead" and "govern" came up, he referred to his experience as a community organizer as he had no other "leadership" experience to fallback on.

She is not at all being misleading. She is simply reminding HIM and the people that he was wrong to think that his leadership experience in community organizing prepped him well to lead a country.
It did not. Thus why he admits "uniting the parties" is difficult and admits that "stopping the backroom deals" is out of his control.

Those were two things he was admant about in his campaign and now he admits defeat in those areas. Maybe if he was a leader of a state and dealt with trying to govern with two parties beneath him, he would have known better?

Or did he simply lie when he said he was goiung to do it?

Bull. She uses that line with a wink and a nod all the time, just as she still occasionally uses her old talking point of "paling around with terrorists." There really isn't much else in that thing that sits atop her head and encases something called a brain, so she has to dredge up her pre-programmed talking points.

Well, you have finally resoprted to calling her names and making fun of her intelligence, so I will accept that as your admittance of defeat in this debate.

I will not resort to that kind of childish debating. I fell into it last week and will not do it again.
Does she even know how to spell Obama? Seriously, this woman should just go away. Whatever, she represents republicans perfectly by never having solutions only criticisms.

She couldn't even say, let alone spell, "Biden". During the campaign she called him, "O'Biden". She is the original dumb broad. Yet the right has made her rich. They don't want to help people that really need it, but they don't mind making this worthless woman a millionaire.
Why? Do you feel she did a poor job overseeing the economy of Alaska?
You feel better with a President with no experience overseeing a state's economy actually making decisions for our economy than you do about one that successfully oversaw a multi billion dollar economy offering free advice?

I find that really strange Rightwinger. Bordering absurd.

If you read through some of these exchanges, you'll find that many of Sarah's opinions on the economy actually favor what the Obama administration has already done. Others show how her handling of Alaska's economy wasn't all that great at all, and still others show that she talks in a special kind of jargon which comes out as gobbledygook that no one can figure out the meaning of.

Sarah Palin on Budget & Economy

The same can be done with just about every politician out there.
And I believe you know that.

Again, we're not talking about any other politician. Just Sarah Palin, who someone said she could run the economy better. It's obvious she's clueless.
I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

What I find most disingenuous about the smug "community organizer" comments is that the conservatives constantly claim they "want someone from grass roots" to run the country. Well what the hell do they think a "community organizer" is if not someone getting down and dirty with the grass roots?

A real Grass Roots movement would be the Tea Party movement. No Conservative i know is against real Grass Roots movements. Most "Community Organizer" groups are corrupt and are funded with other peoples' money. The Tea Party movement is self-sufficient and doesn't demand the right to rob American Tax Payers to prop them up. "Community Organizer" groups like ACORN have flat-out stolen $Billions from American Tax Payers to prop up their corrupt enterprises. I'm certainly not against real Grass Roots movements but i am against fraudulent Tax Payer-funded "Community Organizer" groups. If they want to be a real Grass Roots movement,then let them fund themselves instead of stealing.
Does she even know how to spell Obama? Seriously, this woman should just go away. Whatever, she represents republicans perfectly by never having solutions only criticisms.

She couldn't even say, let alone spell, "Biden". During the campaign she called him, "O'Biden". She is the original dumb broad. Yet the right has made her rich. They don't want to help people that really need it, but they don't mind making this worthless woman a millionaire.

I am saddened to see that you see her O'biden error as a sign of lack of intelligence and not just some slip of the lip.

SO I guess you must see our President as an idiot as well as he siad Corps (using the s) .

I saw it as a slip of the lip on his part.
You talk as if Sarah ran the whole state of Alaska all by herself. She had mucho help from her husband, Todd, who was at her side 99% of the time. Alaska aside, has Sara Palin ever proposed what SHE would do to immediately bring an uplift to the economy (and I don't mean talking points like "less taxes, less spending," blah blah blah, I mean SPECIFICS on each of those). Seems no one in the GOP can be specific. Yet people are so damned eager to have these guys take over? Please...If their recent history is any indication, they wouldn't do any better job than the Obama Administration, except their policy would continue to be "Don't-Tax-But-Spend-Anyway."

I made it clear that I do not see her as presidential material.

My argument all along was that one that is a governor has certain experiences that lend itself to presidency more than one that does not have experience as a governor.

Two major platforms of President Obama was "no back room deal making" and "bipartisnaship"

He could not acheive either and he would have known suych was not a reality if he had experience as a governor.

and he probably wouldn't have won if mccain hadn't made such a poor choice of running mate.

Ouch. The way McCain has been acting lately (full of snarling hate and revenge), if he had chosen a VP who was actually smart, that person would have needed to steer the ship. McCain has proven to be all the things everyone worried he would be: High strung and a loose canon.
If you read through some of these exchanges, you'll find that many of Sarah's opinions on the economy actually favor what the Obama administration has already done. Others show how her handling of Alaska's economy wasn't all that great at all, and still others show that she talks in a special kind of jargon which comes out as gobbledygook that no one can figure out the meaning of.

Sarah Palin on Budget & Economy

The same can be done with just about every politician out there.
And I believe you know that.

Again, we're not talking about any other politician. Just Sarah Palin, who someone said she could run the economy better. It's obvious she's clueless.

Yes, we are not talking about others.

However, I apply myself in a debate. When one wants to cite something as proof of something, I let them know if that "proof" is valid "proof".

In this case, referring to her inconsistancies on the campaign trail as an indication that she is not worthy fdue to such inconsistancies, I deemed it appropriate to point out that such could be said for all candidates.

But I am finding you do not debate. You orate. I am here to debate. SO I guess we can end it here.
Excuse me, but if you recall, and I am sure you do, it was then candidate Senator Obama who used his experience as a community organizer as one of the reasons why he should be considered a valid presidential candidate.

So why shouldn't she refer to it? Becuase it embarrasses you?

It's because it's gotten old. Just as those who continue to think that because Obama "bowed" to a Chinese leader that's somehow relevant to the larger picture. I mean just give it a fucking rest...

Getting old?

In the past couple of months he has admitted no less than twice that he did not realize certain things were not possible.

His "Change the way we do things in Washington" was not a minor platform of his. It was his mantra.

And the more he fails at that, the more it will be said that being a community organizer was not the experience needed to do as he promised. Remmeber, he was the one who bragged about community organizing and how it will help him acheive his
"bipartisan agenda"

So far, the only legislation that was bipartisan was evident with the votes against his initiatives.

Your comment has nothing to do with Sarah's snide remarks about "community organizing" which is what I was responding to. Yes, Obama does admit that he saw the job through rose-colored glasses (not in those words), thinking he could "change the way Washington thinks." But at least he ADMITS that, which no other president in history admitted to, although they all also thought they could.
People really should read Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' It's all in there. Creating discontent and "Crisis" is what all "Community Organizers" are supposed to do. Confrontation is not only good but also encouraged in the Alinsky "Community Organizer" World. Most Democrats are loyal & obedient Alinsky disciples. They're just following his Gospel at this point. Creating a "Crisis" is the Alinsky way.

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