Governor Abbott of Texas Moves to Stop the Flow of Illegals

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

About freakin' time!

With rifles and razor wire, National Guard and state troopers are blocking migrants at the border in El Paso

As cities on the Texas-Mexico border continue preparing for a possible influx of migrants and Title 42 remains in limbo, a shallow spot in the Rio Grande where thousands have recently crossed became the scene of a standoff Monday.


EL PASO — National Guard members and state troopers formed a line on the banks of the Rio Grande on Tuesday and blocked dozens of migrants who had already crossed the river from surrendering to nearby Border Patrol agents.

About 75 men, women and children stood on a narrow strip of concrete between the river and the guard members, facing coils of razor wire, seven National Guard members holding rifles and two state troopers as a National Guard member holding a bullhorn told them in Spanish that they would not be able to enter the country here and directed them to a port of entry.

Border Patrol agents positioned behind the National Guard and state troopers watched the standoff. A Border Patrol spokesperson on site said Border Patrol agents would not process the migrants.

Why in the world should Texas have not done that already? I love and hate that the Border Patrol joined the National Guard in refusing to process the migrants if they forced their way through the wire and the seven NG troops.

I love that the Border Patrol is doing its job now in that one spot. I hate that it is very likely that the Border Patrol Agents will face adverse action for doing their jobs. I hate that the Border Patrol is put in a position that they have to tell would-be illegal immigrants that that one time they would do their jobs, as they signed up to do.

This is very much a common sense move that needs to be replicated all across the border as the end of Title 42 approaches.

Who could oppose such an obvious need? Who else but our taxpayer funded official state radio and news site (as opposed to the taxpayer subsidized unofficial state television that is the alphabet networks), NPR, and Democratic politicians?

Local and state authorities at odds​

"We'll be here as long as the governor thinks we're adding value, we are serving as a deterrent," says Burkett, but the city and county leaders are clear — the National Guard is not helping.

"We specifically told them we did not want them to send troops or militarize the border any further," says David Stout, a County Commissioner and chairman of the Texas Border Coalition, which includes elected officials and business leaders. "We told them we need humanitarian assistance and not this political game they're playing."

El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego told CNN on Tuesday that installing razor wire at the border isn’t the National Guard’s role. “I am very confident that it was not coordinated with Border Patrol,” he said. “I have always insisted that any assistance from the state has to be part of our overall strategy and in lockstep with our own enforcement strategy.”

County Judges in Texas do not wear robes and decide cases. They are the county equivalent of mayors.

Counties and cities are creatures of the state, the state is not subordinate to them. There is no requirement that Governor Abbott be in lockstep with El Paso small-time race hustlers in order to protect all the citizens of Texas.
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By "moves" I'm hoping the OP meant the Texas Governor is moving some belt-fed machine guns to the border.

Like some M250s or at least some old M249s or M240s. I'd love to feed those things until the barrel melts.

Some automatic armed drones, with heat seeking technology.
Landmines would a nice touch.

Get some sewage trucks down there and start spraying them down with raw sewage.

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