Government Take-Over of Rental Housing

Only in right-wing fantasy. Corporate welfare has even paid multimillion dollar bonuses.
Nothing to do with housing topic just more liberal babble about how the self sustaining did not achieve success but were rather given it. No wonder you all are such a lostvand blaming bunch
What is your profession?
I was being sarcastic as you and I are always on same page
I was a white privleged paid my way college graduate who is part owner of a weather company and part owner of a commercial and land real estate company. Mostly out of the real estate but my recorded voice is hear by hundreds of thousand per week in DC and in other cities we contract to. On my 25th birthday when I got married I had $2,500 worth of stock to my name and bought my first home. 40 years later been a millionaire + for last 10 years and bought and sold a dozen properties interjecting $ 50,000+ into the community on each transaction. Now live mortgage free in a neighborhood of 600k to 1 million
I did nothing spectacular other than to steadily and slowly build wealth and be disciplined and responsible
That used to be almost a universal American ethic but so much weepy bullshit has come into play that such ethic is nearly destroyed .
How about you?
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"Rich" when compared to me. I am Poor and merely have standing and a case before the Court.

Yep, compared to you just about everyone is rich. You are dirt poor in character and dirt poor in finances. No doubt you are stupid enough to remain dirt poor.
Government subsidized housing screams security, peacefulness, and dignity.
Good grief man, you want guns to be a fundamental right but not food, a place to live, and basic healthcare?
Not even close to an equivalence. Terrible attempt. When the government says you can’t buy food or own a home or purchase healthcare, then there is an equivalence. Nobody is lobbying for a fundamental right to a free gun.
Rental costs are exploding around the country - 30%, 40%, 50%.

Good people can't afford to live indoors anymore.

This is a MASSIVE crisis.
And when landlords don't get renters prices will fall by the same amounts. It's simple supply and demand.
Democrats don't give two shits about the crisis they created - you know this.


Yes - hence the unpayable rent demands now unfolding. The Democrats have destroyed millions of good lives with their CovidScam.

By destroying the lives of millions of good people? The DemocraTaliban created this crisis - let them pay for it. Nazi Pelosi can start by renting out her palatial mansion for cheap.

Good people simply CANNOT pay 30% to 50% rent increases.

Food, water, heathcare & housing - the 4 BASIC human rights.

Basic human rights are basic - I have no problem paying for them.

Indeed so; indeed so...

When have food water housing and medical ever been basic human rights? The only places I can think of that that was true were the various communist countries where you stood in long lines to get a little of whatever food was available since they couldn't even feed their own people. The water was horribly polluted by government owned factories and mines that destroyed the environment. Housing was poorly constructed rat mazes with government minders watching your every move and you could only live where and with whom you wee told to. And health care was a joke. Badl7y trained doctors, medicine that was either expired or had the contents diluted so it could be sold on the black market, shall I go on?
I do agree with his proclamation that he “works harder than any of us”. Dishwashing is strenuous and noble but doesn’t get you a $2,500 per month rental and that’s just so unfair and government must fix it by robbing the better off.
Why blame the world for ones laziness?
Highly doubtful; rents in the Seattle area are skyrocketing in the 30% - 50% range; it's a crisis.

I've parroted nothing; housing is housing.


See Websters; I won't play the "define what you mean by what" game.

Obviuously not.

Housing is a basic human right.


Bizarre comment.


More nonsense.

Irrelevant; housing is a basic human right.


Housing is a basic human right.
You keep saying that, but it doesn't mean what you think it does. And very few people agree with you and I'd bet those who do are ones who are chronically unemployed and don't have the means or desire to care for themselves. Tell you what, TOU go buy a twelve unit apartment building and attempt to pay the mortgage and maintenance while letting people live there for free or at subsidized rates below what it's costing you. Them come back in a year and honestly tell us that you still believe housing is a basic human right. When you have to pay the bill, your beliefs change. it's easy to be altruistic when some else is paying the piper.
Another ludicrous/baseless/fallacious assumption topped with ad hominem.

More nonsense.

You've provided NOTHING of substance or contribution to the topic in your post, but rather only trolling, baseless personal attacks and derailing.

Isn't it ironic? :)
You won't define your terms, you won't put forward a program to fund or implement your thesis and you wont define who you expect to provide that housing "right". Until you do, you are just acting stupid and trolling. You debate like a second grader.

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