Government lies: WMDs and Jan. 6th.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
We never found all those weapons of mass destruction Bush promised us he would protected us from. Nope. When democrats call 99..9 % race rioter in 2020 mostly peaceful and excuse them and bail out rioters, then condemn and persecute EVERYONE involved jan 6th...Explain that.
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There is way more proof Biden lies. The Chinese spy balloon floats over. He lets it go, and then mysteriously got millions of $ from China. You think that would have happened under LBJ or Eisenhower? And that would have been bad because WHY?
In 2002 senator Hillary Clinton stated Saddam Hussein had WMD's

Hillary Clinton Iraq War Vote Speech- Oct. 10, 2002 Hillary Rodham Clinton

March 10, 2002— Washington, D.C. In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort and sanctuary to terrorists including Al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons.
And of course there is the fact that Saddam Hussein did use WMD's,

'News from the USIA Washington File
(1) On September 22, 1980, Iraq invaded Iran, starting an eight year
war in which Iraq employed chemical weapons against Iranian troops and
ballistic missiles against Iranian cities.
(3) On March 16, 1988, Iraq used chemical weapons against Iraqi
Kurdish civilian opponents in the town of Halabja, killing an
estimated 5,000 Kurds and causing numerous birth defects that affect
the town today.
We never found all those weapons of mass destruction Bush promised us he would protected us from. Nope. When democrats call 99..9 % race rioter in 2020 mostly peaceful and excuse them and bail out rioters, then condemn and persecute EVERYONE involved jan 6th...Explain that.
Don’t forget their lies about COVID. Masks, the vaccines.

Oh yea, “Russia, Russia, Russia!”
We never found all those weapons of mass destruction Bush promised us he would protected us from. Nope. When democrats call 99..9 % race rioter in 2020 mostly peaceful and excuse them and bail out rioters, then condemn and persecute EVERYONE involved jan 6th...Explain that.
there's nothing to explain ... January 6 was an attack on our democracy the race riots were black protesting over cops killing black men ...just because they were black ...what part of that you don't understand...

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