Government Can Take Your Money – Without Charges


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Didn't know this? Well, here's a story of a guy riding a train west, During a stop at the Amtrack station in Albuquerque, NM, DEA agents stopped a man and confiscated the $16,000 he was carrying. They left him penniless and he wasn't even detained.

A DEA agent boarded the train at the Albuquerque Amtrak station and began asking various passengers, including Rivers, where they were going and why. When Rivers replied that he was headed to LA to make a music video, the agent asked to search his bags. Rivers complied.

Rivers was the only passenger singled out for a search by DEA agents – and the only black person on his portion of the train, Pancer said.

Rivers was left penniless, his dream deferred

How long can this continue? When is someone going to stand up and put a stop to this?

Read more @ Prison The DEA Strikes Again Agents Seize Man s Life Savings Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Without Charges with links.
Civil Asset forfeiture started as a way to cripple drug organizations when you couldn't figure out the chain of command. It is now used as a revenue stream by law enforcement, and its abuse is one of the many symptoms of the failing war on drugs.
Didn't know this? Well, here's a story of a guy riding a train west, During a stop at the Amtrack station in Albuquerque, NM, DEA agents stopped a man and confiscated the $16,000 he was carrying. They left him penniless and he wasn't even detained.

A DEA agent boarded the train at the Albuquerque Amtrak station and began asking various passengers, including Rivers, where they were going and why. When Rivers replied that he was headed to LA to make a music video, the agent asked to search his bags. Rivers complied.

Rivers was the only passenger singled out for a search by DEA agents – and the only black person on his portion of the train, Pancer said.

Rivers was left penniless, his dream deferred

How long can this continue? When is someone going to stand up and put a stop to this?

Read more @ Prison The DEA Strikes Again Agents Seize Man s Life Savings Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Without Charges with links.

This is one of the most disgusting things happening to good people in this country. The worst thing is that these people really have no recourse to get their money back. I heard a similar story of a man traveling to Las Vegas with $100,000 in cash for a poker tournament, as he happens to be a professional poker player. They took all of his $100,000. After hiring attorneys he got some of it back, but not all of it, and he had to pay his attorneys. Of course, he also missed his poker tournament. Eventually I would imagine that the laws will be changed so that this cannot happen and so that those who have had their money stolen can recoup all of their losses, but it will take a push from everyday citizens to get their legislators to make changes.
Didn't know this? Well, here's a story of a guy riding a train west, During a stop at the Amtrack station in Albuquerque, NM, DEA agents stopped a man and confiscated the $16,000 he was carrying. They left him penniless and he wasn't even detained.

A DEA agent boarded the train at the Albuquerque Amtrak station and began asking various passengers, including Rivers, where they were going and why. When Rivers replied that he was headed to LA to make a music video, the agent asked to search his bags. Rivers complied.

Rivers was the only passenger singled out for a search by DEA agents – and the only black person on his portion of the train, Pancer said.

Rivers was left penniless, his dream deferred

How long can this continue? When is someone going to stand up and put a stop to this?

Read more @ Prison The DEA Strikes Again Agents Seize Man s Life Savings Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Without Charges with links.

This is one of the most disgusting things happening to good people in this country. The worst thing is that these people really have no recourse to get their money back. I heard a similar story of a man traveling to Las Vegas with $100,000 in cash for a poker tournament, as he happens to be a professional poker player. They took all of his $100,000. After hiring attorneys he got some of it back, but not all of it, and he had to pay his attorneys. Of course, he also missed his poker tournament. Eventually I would imagine that the laws will be changed so that this cannot happen and so that those who have had their money stolen can recoup all of their losses, but it will take a push from everyday citizens to get their legislators to make changes.

The solution is to put these proceedings where they belong, in criminal law.
Government Can Take Your Money – Without Charges

This isn't new...

This was permitted to happen so that property could be confiscated from known drug dealers, the real big players. What has happened is that they are now using this as a way to terrorize everyday people. Those involved should be imprisoned for theft.
what is being ignored here is the fact that he was carrying all of that cash. We have strict laws where if, in fact, you are engaged in a cash transaction of 10K or more, it must be reported to the IRS. If you deduct 10K or more from your personal/business account, the bank will ask you what it is for and report it to the IRS.
It is a way to prevent washing of money and also a way to prevent unrecorded cash transactions.

Now, in a day where we have ATM's, bank branches all over the country, internet banking, internet purchasing, paypal as well as the traditional paper check....why would anyone carry 16K in cash?
In a manner of speaking, yes, it is. I was visiting an old friend in Denver a year or so back and while there, a man and his new bride were driving through the state. Unfortunately, they were speeding. The cops asked for, and received, permission to search the vehicle (stupid man). He had $28,000 from a recent insurance settlement (proven) that he and his new Wife were using to Honeymoon.

Cops took the money and he has never recovered it (at least to my knowledge). Welcome to a "nation of laws".
Our government is corrupt, one reason I don't advocate for more of it. Congress is well aware of this law being abused yet does nothing about it, why?
why? because the majority in congress are criminals thats why,they commit crimes everyday we go to jail for. the sheep in america are so brainwashed by the propaganda of the media that america is a free country when the truth its one of the very most supressed of them all.

here is the truth about our country.

The notion that America has "special freedoms" that the rest of the world doesn't, like many concepts in America, turns out to be a baseless myth upon examination.

In actuality, America is one of the least free countries in the world, compared to most other countries. Yet Americans are brainwashed to believe that they live in "the land of the free" without reason or basis. Since the media and everyone else around them repeat this like a programmed mantra, they assume it must be true so they just repeat it to go along.

It's like a religion. But it's based on the faulty premise that all other countries are unfree and all under some kind of dictatorship, while America is the only country that remains free, which is totally UNTRUE. It's just a form of mind control designed to pacify the sheeple and human cattle with false ideas to keep them motivated to go to work and be productive.

However, with the US government and power elite taking away more America's freedoms since 9/11, and undermining the US Constitution, I don't think most Americans believe anymore that America is a free country. So nowadays, on the 4th of July, they just use it as a holiday to have fun and light fireworks. So this myth of America being "the land of the free" is way outdated now. But people still chant it to be cool and fit in, and the corporate media still propagates it of course, because their job is to promote the mind control of the establishment. So perhaps I'm beating a dead horse with this article.
8 Reasons Why America is NOT The Land of the Free - A 4th of July Special Blog of The Happier Abroaders
what is being ignored here is the fact that he was carrying all of that cash. We have strict laws where if, in fact, you are engaged in a cash transaction of 10K or more, it must be reported to the IRS. If you deduct 10K or more from your personal/business account, the bank will ask you what it is for and report it to the IRS.
It is a way to prevent washing of money and also a way to prevent unrecorded cash transactions.

Now, in a day where we have ATM's, bank branches all over the country, internet banking, internet purchasing, paypal as well as the traditional paper check....why would anyone carry 16K in cash?

Oh really? Why is it that IRS employees are exempt from that law? As I said in an earlier post - it is NOT illegal to carry cash. It's YOUR money - do with it as you will. Ever see the wads of cash that illegals carry around? Does their money ever get taken?

The ONLY time I have ever been questioned by my bank was the one time I deposited $11,000 (cash). I will never make that mistake again. I have NEVER been questioned when withdrawing money (just took $47,000 out for a new tractor). It's none of their damned business what I do with MY money.
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Our government is corrupt, one reason I don't advocate for more of it. Congress is well aware of this law being abused yet does nothing about it, why?
why? because the majority in congress are criminals thats why,they commit crimes everyday we go to jail for. the sheep in america are so brainwashed by the propaganda of the media that america is a free country when the truth its one of the very most supressed of them all.

here is the truth about our country.

The notion that America has "special freedoms" that the rest of the world doesn't, like many concepts in America, turns out to be a baseless myth upon examination.

In actuality, America is one of the least free countries in the world, compared to most other countries. Yet Americans are brainwashed to believe that they live in "the land of the free" without reason or basis. Since the media and everyone else around them repeat this like a programmed mantra, they assume it must be true so they just repeat it to go along.

It's like a religion. But it's based on the faulty premise that all other countries are unfree and all under some kind of dictatorship, while America is the only country that remains free, which is totally UNTRUE. It's just a form of mind control designed to pacify the sheeple and human cattle with false ideas to keep them motivated to go to work and be productive.

However, with the US government and power elite taking away more America's freedoms since 9/11, and undermining the US Constitution, I don't think most Americans believe anymore that America is a free country. So nowadays, on the 4th of July, they just use it as a holiday to have fun and light fireworks. So this myth of America being "the land of the free" is way outdated now. But people still chant it to be cool and fit in, and the corporate media still propagates it of course, because their job is to promote the mind control of the establishment. So perhaps I'm beating a dead horse with this article.
8 Reasons Why America is NOT The Land of the Free - A 4th of July Special Blog of The Happier Abroaders

Actually - HERE is the TRUTH about our country:

Get ready......
Government Can Take Your Money – Without Charges

This isn't new...

No, it's not new, but it's good for people to keep bringing it up and I hope people take time to complain to their congress critters. It's the only way things will change. I hope this keeps coming up and that more and more people get angered by this bullshit.

It's increased in recent years as law enforcement realizes that it's a great way to get quick cash and people are basically robbed and have little recourse. Most don't bother fighting to get their money back since it often cost more than they lost.

Just another way for government to rob us blind.

People don't have to have the cash on them to get robbed. If you deposit more than $10,000 in your bank, it sends up a red flag and your money can be confiscated. If you deposit less than $10,000, it sends up a red flag because they "suspect" you are trying to get around the $10,000 red flag. In other words, if they want your money, they will take it and you are screwed.

Many cash businesses have had their accounts raided. One lady lost everything because she waited too long to deposit her profits. They can claim any amount looks suspicious. One father lost his child's college fund because he finally decided to deposit the money he had been saving for years. They don't care about the circumstances, they see the money and they take the money.
what is being ignored here is the fact that he was carrying all of that cash. We have strict laws where if, in fact, you are engaged in a cash transaction of 10K or more, it must be reported to the IRS. If you deduct 10K or more from your personal/business account, the bank will ask you what it is for and report it to the IRS.
It is a way to prevent washing of money and also a way to prevent unrecorded cash transactions.

Now, in a day where we have ATM's, bank branches all over the country, internet banking, internet purchasing, paypal as well as the traditional paper check....why would anyone carry 16K in cash?

BECAUSE they are innocent until proven guilty Captain America.

Additionally, you're forgetting one thing. They have done this without filing charges. Where does the peoperty or money go? Straight to the police departments pockets.
what is being ignored here is the fact that he was carrying all of that cash. We have strict laws where if, in fact, you are engaged in a cash transaction of 10K or more, it must be reported to the IRS. If you deduct 10K or more from your personal/business account, the bank will ask you what it is for and report it to the IRS.
It is a way to prevent washing of money and also a way to prevent unrecorded cash transactions.

Now, in a day where we have ATM's, bank branches all over the country, internet banking, internet purchasing, paypal as well as the traditional paper check....why would anyone carry 16K in cash?

Oh really? Why is it that IRS employees are exempt from that law? As I said in an earlier post - it is NOT illegal to carry cash. It's YOUR money - do with it as you will. Ever see the wads of cash that illegals carry around? Does their money ever get taken?

The ONLY time I have ever been questioned by my bank was the one time I deposited $11,000 (cash). I will never make that mistake again. I have NEVER been questioned when withdrawing money (just took $47,000 out for a new tractor). It's none of their damned business what I do with MY money.
It is not illegal to carry cash. I never said it was. It is illegal to withdraw 10K or more from the bank without it being reported. It is also illegal to accept 10K or more in a cash payment without it being reported.
If you took 47K in cash out of the bank and they did not question you, it is not because there is no law. It is because the bank teller dropped the ball. When they report the transaction to the IRS, (and they did), they usually like to offer an explanation as to why you took it out....but the explanation is part of the law. Just the reporting of it.
As for why are IRS employees exempt from the law...who said they are?

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