Government Allows Illegal Aliens to Cheat on Taxes and Get Big Refunds


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
An IRS agent blew the whistle. Of course, don't expect the lame stream media to bother reporting this.

How many of you just had to pay taxes this year? Here's a great place to start making cuts and save the tax payers some serious money. Illegal aliens are getting more than $10,000 each in refunds for their fake returns.

The government knows about this problem, but won't do anything about it. Illegal Aliens use fake numbers or the ITIN issued by the IRS and send fraudulent tax returns and it's costing us $4 billion a year. The illegal aliens claim children, including their nieces and nephews, that live in Mexico and they get the child tax credit from U.S. tax payers.

This video will infuriate some and others will yawn because these tax cheats are potential Dem voters.

IRS Allows Illegal Aliens to Get Bigger Tax Cuts Than Citizens
Indianapolis News Video | Weather Video Forecast | Sports - 13 WTHR Indianapolis
and the democrats scream about raising taxes on Americans every fucking day. fuck all democrats. fuck em.
and the democrats scream about raising taxes on Americans every fucking day. fuck all democrats. fuck em.

What gets me is that they know about this and won't do anything about it. I had to pay this year and I know they'd come after me if I didn't pay. Yet, this sort of fraud is rampant and costing us billions and they allow it. Even though they can't go after every illegal alien that cheats, they could close that loophole. As it is, they go out of their way to ensure that illegals can steal from tax payers. When it comes to our money, the sky is the limit when it comes to buying votes.
The US government, "We keep giving illegals money, and racial preferences, to come here. But, we can't figure out how to stop them. Maybe more border agents?"

The refundable child tax credit, and the earned income tax credit, should be disallowed for all non-citizens, illegal or not.
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and you can't get a snot nosed democrat into a thread like this.. not one.
[ame=]GOP Rep. to Obama: 'You Lie!' - YouTube[/ame]
and you can't get a snot nosed democrat into a thread like this.. not one.

Nope. They can't refute it.

ok i will be Dean until he shows up.....".the Republicans are responsible for this.....if Democrats did this the refunds would be smaller,because we have a diversified party....while Republicans are 90% white and ALL of them would give bigger refunds".....
The only good, maybe

Papa Obama has screwed the economy so
much, it seems like illegals are going back in greater numbers

At the rate we are going, will Mexico adopt the same
immigration policies for Americans as we have for Mexicans
I think you're missing a major point here.

The fact that illegal immigrants are receiving tax returns kinda blows your claims that illegals don't pay taxes out of the water, doesn't it?
The dupes don't realize they're totally played. Pubs love cheap labor and block a good work/ss card, distract the dupes with talk of useless fences and useless unconstitutional harassment laws.

94% of illegal men work, 67% pay taxes, 35% own homes- thanks to PUBS.

Of course it's illegal for them to cheat, morons.

Stupidest voters in the modern world- AND a-holes that just love illegals, except during PUB recessions/depressions. Pfffft!:cuckoo::eusa_liar::lol::eusa_whistle:
I think you're missing a major point here.

The fact that illegal immigrants are receiving tax returns kinda blows your claims that illegals don't pay taxes out of the water, doesn't it?

No. Many who file tax returns don't pay, but get big refunds. They aren't 'refunds' really, just redistribution of tax dollars. A lot of these illegals are taking advantage of the child tax credit and they list a bunch of names, claiming they are their children, nieces or nephews. No one checks it out so they end up getting more money back than they paid in. Some of their refunds are $12,000 a year. Their income might be around $12,000, not counting the welfare and other 'entitlements' they get for anchor children.

If any are working, they are likely using a fake or stolen social security number. The problem of identity theft was getting bad and maybe that's why the IRS opted to issue ITIN numbers. That way they didn't have to steal someone elses number.
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I think you're missing a major point here.

The fact that illegal immigrants are receiving tax returns kinda blows your claims that illegals don't pay taxes out of the water, doesn't it?

No. Many who file tax returns don't pay, but get big refunds. They aren't 'refunds' really, just redistribution of tax dollars. A lot of these illegals are taking advantage of the child tax credit and they list a bunch of names, claiming they are their children, nieces or nephews. No one checks it out so they end up getting more money back than they paid in. Some of their refunds are $12,000 a year. Their income might be around $12,000, not counting the welfare and other 'entitlements' they get for anchor children.

If any are working, they are likely using a fake or stolen social security number. The problem of identity theft was getting bad and maybe that's why the IRS opted to issue ITIN numbers. That way they didn't have to steal someone elses number.

Illegal Immigrants Receive Billions of Dollars More from the IRS than They Pay in | Center for Immigration Studies

There's an article on it.

I'm not defending illegal immigrants defrauding the tax system in any way - but the link says that the IRS collected nearly a billion dollars in taxes from illegal immigrants.
An IRS agent blew the whistle. Of course, don't expect the lame stream media to bother reporting this.

How many of you just had to pay taxes this year? Here's a great place to start making cuts and save the tax payers some serious money. Illegal aliens are getting more than $10,000 each in refunds for their fake returns.

The government knows about this problem, but won't do anything about it. Illegal Aliens use fake numbers or the ITIN issued by the IRS and send fraudulent tax returns and it's costing us $4 billion a year. The illegal aliens claim children, including their nieces and nephews, that live in Mexico and they get the child tax credit from U.S. tax payers.

This video will infuriate some and others will yawn because these tax cheats are potential Dem voters.

IRS Allows Illegal Aliens to Get Bigger Tax Cuts Than Citizens
Indianapolis News Video | Weather Video Forecast | Sports - 13 WTHR Indianapolis

First of all, I highly doubt you will find many people, Dems included, who think this is just a swell thing. But believe as you will.

There are a number of problems with this, and yes, it is an obvious problem. The IRS does now want to go after these people, because putting them all in jail will just cost taxpayers even more money. And since this system is in place, I'm not certain the IRS can change the rules for one group without changing it for everyone, so they might actually need some legislation to make any changes.

To me this is very simple. Workers who file are given a ITIN to file with since they do not have a social security number. In order to claim dependents, those dependents should either have a legitimate SS number or a separate ITIN which must be applied for. When applying, they should have to provide some type of proof that the child they are claiming is actually legitimate. Remember, in most cases, their children were most likely born here and therefore require having a SS number. This seems that it would be the easiest way to stop this. Basically, without proof of the dependents, just don't allow them. At that point, the problem would be very limited and then they could actually go after the few who committed this type of fraud.
An IRS agent blew the whistle. Of course, don't expect the lame stream media to bother reporting this.

How many of you just had to pay taxes this year? Here's a great place to start making cuts and save the tax payers some serious money. Illegal aliens are getting more than $10,000 each in refunds for their fake returns.

The government knows about this problem, but won't do anything about it. Illegal Aliens use fake numbers or the ITIN issued by the IRS and send fraudulent tax returns and it's costing us $4 billion a year. The illegal aliens claim children, including their nieces and nephews, that live in Mexico and they get the child tax credit from U.S. tax payers.

This video will infuriate some and others will yawn because these tax cheats are potential Dem voters.

IRS Allows Illegal Aliens to Get Bigger Tax Cuts Than Citizens
Indianapolis News Video | Weather Video Forecast | Sports - 13 WTHR Indianapolis

Wrong. The IRS doesn't even ask nor do they want you to tell them whether you are an illegal. Many illegals pay taxes voluntarily and they have a tax ID number.

This issue comes up here about every six months and of course it has to be explained to moronic rwns because all some of you know how to do is parrot wingnut talking points.

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