Gov. Cuomo Rejected Buying 16,000 Ventilators in 2015 for Pandemic, Established Death


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
NY Gov. Cuomo Rejected Buying Recommended 16,000 Ventilators in 2015 for Pandemic, Established Death Panels and Lottery Instead
22 Mar 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Life comes at you fast, as the saying goes, or as the case may be in this era of a viral pandemic, death comes at you fast. Sadly it is the latter for the citizens of New York who will pay the price for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) 2015 decision to not fix a shortfall and buy the recommended 16,000 ventilators to shore up the state’s stockpile in case of a pandemic. Cuomo spent more money than the cost of the ventilators on a solar panel boondoggle, reports former New York Lieutenant Governor Betsy McCaughey (R) in a syndicated column published this past week. McCaughey reports the Cuomo administration decided instead to establish “triage officers” to decide in a crisis who would get a ventilator and who would be left to die.
It has also been reported a ventilator lottery would be an option in a pandemic crisis. Now with the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus overwhelming New York hospitals, Cuomo is begging for ventilators.
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo gestures toward a hospital ventilator during an interview with CNN New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota, March 19, screen image.
…After learning that the state’s stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo came to a fork in the road in 2015. He could have chosen to buy more ventilators. Instead, he asked his health commissioner, Howard Zucker to assemble a task force and draft rules for rationing the ventilators they already had.
That task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have the highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst) depending on a “triage officer’s” decision. In truth, a death officer. Let’s not sugarcoat it. It won’t be up to your own doctor.
Cuomo could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece or a total of $576 million in 2015. It’s a lot of money but less than the $750 million he threw away on a boondoggle “Buffalo Billion” solar panel factory. When it comes to state budget priorities, spending half a percent of the budget on ventilators is a no brainer.

I have to hand it to Cuomo he's smacked down De Blasio for his panic and fear mongering. Meanwhile he's covering his backside about the fact that he refused to buy the needed 16,000 respirators when there was planning for a situation like we're going through today. Hindsight is 20/20 but he made the call now he responsible for his actions and should pay for it, not the citizens that elected him.
No doubt the biased LSM will not bring this up and blame Trump for the failings of this governor.
We now are finding that Fredo's older brother is another dim bulb in the Cuomo family, he's not even bright enough to attract a moth. If puppets were smart, they wouldn't be puppets.
The biased MSM won't hold a Democrat like Cuomo to task. It's up to the voters to take action.....
It's a damn good thing Trump actually got GM to offer to build those ventilators. I'm sure they'll blame Trump for them not building SUVs instead right now.
I'm sure that Maddow dude will be all over this story on Monday.
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.

Exactly who is supposed to be doing the stockpiling? I am a little fuzzy on this.

Is it the job of the individual hospitals to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the state and local governments to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the the Fed Govt to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.
That’s true... just as if a disease hit us that shut down kidneys we would likely be short stocked with dialysis machines. Hopefully we can learn from this horrible pandemic and be better prepared in the future
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.

Exactly who is supposed to be doing the stockpiling? I am a little fuzzy on this.

Is it the job of the individual hospitals to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the state and local governments to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the the Fed Govt to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?
I believe it is all of the above
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.
That’s true... just as if a disease hit us that shut down kidneys we would likely be short stocked with dialysis machines. Hopefully we can learn from this horrible pandemic and be better prepared in the future

For many, asteroids are a bigger threat.
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.
That’s true... just as if a disease hit us that shut down kidneys we would likely be short stocked with dialysis machines. Hopefully we can learn from this horrible pandemic and be better prepared in the future

For many, asteroids are a bigger threat.
Was that supposed to be funny?
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.

Exactly who is supposed to be doing the stockpiling? I am a little fuzzy on this.

Is it the job of the individual hospitals to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the state and local governments to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the the Fed Govt to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

The same people that were impeaching Trump....
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.

Exactly who is supposed to be doing the stockpiling? I am a little fuzzy on this.

Is it the job of the individual hospitals to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the state and local governments to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the the Fed Govt to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

The same people that were impeaching Trump....

So it is the Dems jobs to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic? Why is it their job? Why do the Repubs get a free pass?
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.
That’s true... just as if a disease hit us that shut down kidneys we would likely be short stocked with dialysis machines. Hopefully we can learn from this horrible pandemic and be better prepared in the future

For many, asteroids are a bigger threat.
Was that supposed to be funny?

It was a true story BEFORE the Wuhanvirus hit.
waiting for the lefties to begin their screaming...

shall I wait or call them in?

A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.

Exactly who is supposed to be doing the stockpiling? I am a little fuzzy on this.

Is it the job of the individual hospitals to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the state and local governments to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the the Fed Govt to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

The same people that were impeaching Trump....

So it is the Dems jobs to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic? Why is it their job? Why do the Repubs get a free pass?
Because only the Dems can spend money, it’s the Republicans job to sit back and complain about the spending
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.
That’s true... just as if a disease hit us that shut down kidneys we would likely be short stocked with dialysis machines. Hopefully we can learn from this horrible pandemic and be better prepared in the future

For many, asteroids are a bigger threat.
Was that supposed to be funny?

It was a true story BEFORE the Wuhanvirus hit.
Well how many have died from astroids and how many have died from Covid19? This explanation should be good... bring on the hot air
A little context... looks like everybody stock piled too little...

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.

Exactly who is supposed to be doing the stockpiling? I am a little fuzzy on this.

Is it the job of the individual hospitals to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the state and local governments to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?

Is it the job of the the Fed Govt to stockpile equipment and supplies in case of a pandemic?
Stockpile, not cover for them when they make stupid decisions. Two different animals.
Only because others refused to stockpile enough themselves.
That’s true... just as if a disease hit us that shut down kidneys we would likely be short stocked with dialysis machines. Hopefully we can learn from this horrible pandemic and be better prepared in the future

For many, asteroids are a bigger threat.
Was that supposed to be funny?

It was a true story BEFORE the Wuhanvirus hit.
Well how many have died from astroids and how many have died from Covid19? This explanation should be good... bring on the hot air

I never bought into the asteroid theory, grasshopper.

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