
The only one who starts insults around here is you (well, towards me anyway). Go figure...a Red Stater insulting somebody...who'da thunk it! BTW, I'm a no state boy :beer:

you are such a liar.....my first post was to provide jillian a link to National Guard deployment in vietnam....and you jump in and ask me if i know what "as far as i know means".....

accuse others of what you yourself are guility...
as far as i know you were fucking wrong....so to claim that bush dodged service in vietnam by joining the national guard beacuse "as far as you knew" the national guard was not deployed to vietnam is wrong wrong wrong....

good try though.

I do believe I struck a nerve. I don't think I used the word "dodge", though you guys love using it as regards Clinton having a student deferrment which was totally legitimate as was Bush not wanting to go. S'okay, though... I'm used to up being down and down being up and people being dissed who really served (like Kerry, Murtha, Kleland) and people like Bush and Cheney being held up as paradigms of patriotism when Bush didn't even finish his military service because he didn't take his physical (for whatever reason) and Cheney had 5 (count 'em) deferrments cause he wanted to keep his butt out of harm's way (again, not that I blame him). :cof:

Laterz... have to go get my boy.
The national guard didn't get deployed to Vietnam as far as I'm aware because we had a draft. National guard was where people went who didn't want to go. I don't blame him, I'd have done the same, but don't make it like he volunteered and then dis people like Kerry who really did.

Um he did volunteer to go to Vietnam. I diss Kerry not for volunteering but for lying about the troops when he got home and meeting with the enemy. His lies were used as propaganda for the North Vietnamese.

As for Bush volunteering. http://opiniontimes.blogspot.com/2004/09/bush-volunteered-for-vietnam.html

All it takes is about a two second search and you can find numerous references to President Bush volunteering. But you dont care about that. It doesnt matter how many times we prove you guys wrong on the national guard issue you still continue to give us BS.
Um he did volunteer to go to Vietnam. I diss Kerry not for volunteering but for lying about the troops when he got home and meeting with the enemy. His lies were used as propaganda for the North Vietnamese.

As for Bush volunteering. http://opiniontimes.blogspot.com/2004/09/bush-volunteered-for-vietnam.html

All it takes is about a two second search and you can find numerous references to President Bush volunteering. But you dont care about that. It doesnt matter how many times we prove you guys wrong on the national guard issue you still continue to give us BS.

I don't care how many right-wing bloggers spout untruths... no matter how many times a lie is repeated... it's still a lie.

How's this? Bush didn't have enough flight hours because he stopped his training when he failed to take his physical.... a million dollars worth of flight training down the drain.

And Kerry never lied. He may have been misinformed by some of the winter soldiers ABOUT SOME THINGS, he didn't lie about what the leadership was doing.
There weren't lies in any of his posts. You might not agree with him, but there wasn't anything that wasn't truthful. Sorry.

simply not true. and for the reason i stated.

remember.......no matter how many times a lie is repeated... it's still a lie.
Um he did volunteer to go to Vietnam. I diss Kerry not for volunteering but for lying about the troops when he got home and meeting with the enemy. His lies were used as propaganda for the North Vietnamese.

As for Bush volunteering. http://opiniontimes.blogspot.com/2004/09/bush-volunteered-for-vietnam.html

All it takes is about a two second search and you can find numerous references to President Bush volunteering. But you dont care about that. It doesnt matter how many times we prove you guys wrong on the national guard issue you still continue to give us BS.

Note I asked for a credible link. And even if he volunteered, the cynic in me says he knew full-well he didn't have enough flight hours to go on the mission.
I don't care how many right-wing bloggers spout untruths... no matter how many times a lie is repeated... it's still a lie.

How's this? Bush didn't have enough flight hours because he stopped his training when he failed to take his physical.... a million dollars worth of flight training down the drain.

And Kerry never lied. He may have been misinformed by some of the winter soldiers ABOUT SOME THINGS, he didn't lie about what the leadership was doing.

Hold up there son, that's the SAME BS the Dem's use againts our President.

The President is "misinformed", and he lives with this for the rest of his life?

Kerry is "misinformed", and he gets a free pass, fuck you.........:321:

YOU weren't there, YOU weren't a NATIONAL GUARDSMAN, you don't know WHAT they were required to do, or HOW they were required to do it.

Speak of those things you have some background on, or STFU.:poke:

People are responsible for their actions, our President, Kerry, YOU, ME, everyone.

History is still playing out, twenty five years from now, I believe, history will show, President Bush did the RIGHT THING.

Twenty five years from Kerry's little junket siding with OUR enemy in the North, we see what he did WAS FUCKING WRONG.

Show me I'M WRONG.:bang3:
I don't care how many right-wing bloggers spout untruths... no matter how many times a lie is repeated... it's still a lie.

How's this? Bush didn't have enough flight hours because he stopped his training when he failed to take his physical.... a million dollars worth of flight training down the drain.


Need a link for that claim, jillian . As I recall he had completed training and transfered to Alabama before the missed physical.:scratch:
You called me stupid. I said no such thing to you.

You threw this out after the jillian post:

jillian said:
The national guard didn't get deployed to Vietnam as far as I'm aware because we had a draft. National guard was where people went who didn't want to go. I don't blame him, I'd have done the same, but don't make it like he volunteered and then dis people like Kerry who really did.

Manu said:
Originally Posted by manu1959 View Post
how would you like your crow prepared.............


Twenty Army National Guard units from 17 states were mobilized for service in the Vietnam War on May 13, 1968. Company D (Ranger) of the 151st Infantry, Indiana Army National Guard arrived in the country in December of that year. The Indiana Rangers were assigned reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering missions. Operating deep in enemy territory, Ranger patrols engaged enemy units while conducting raids, ambushes and surveillance missions. "Delta Company" achieved an impressive combat record; unit members earned 510 medals for valor and service
You jump in, forgetting the question mark in the second case, then try to change the subject, by throwing in another question for Avatar:
Grump said:
You do know what the words "As far as I'm aware" mean, right? That aside, what does that have to do with Dubya.

If you can find me a credible link that shows Dubya volunteered to go, I'll certainly look at the guy in a new light...
Need a link for that claim, jillian . As I recall he had completed training and transfered to Alabama before the missed physical.:scratch:

He let his flight certification lapse.

But try this...

By Matt Kelley

Updated: 7:53 p.m. ET Sept 7, 2004
WASHINGTON - President Bush was ranked in the middle of his Air National Guard class and flew more than 336 hours in a fighter jet before letting his pilot status lapse and missing a key readiness drill, according to his flight records belatedly uncovered Tuesday under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Defense Department and Bush’s campaign have claimed for months that all records detailing his fighter pilot career have been made public, but defense officials said they found two dozen new records detailing his training and flight logs after The Associated Press filed a lawsuit and crafted new requests under the public records law.

“Previous requests from other requesters for President Bush’s Individual Flight Records did not lead to the discovery of these records because at the time President Bush left the service, flight records were subject to retention for only 24 months and we understood that neither the Air Force nor the Texas Air National Guard retained such records thereafter,” the Defense Department told the AP.

You threw this out after the jillian post:

You jump in, forgetting the question mark in the second case, then try to change the subject, by throwing in another question for Avatar:

Forgetting a question mark is now an insult? And what is wrong with asking the question of another in the same post? Are you some sort of poster police? Either you and Manu are seeing some sort of conspiracy or reading WAY too much into my posts. There was no hidden agenda in there. Jill had a qualifier in her post. She put it there for a reason. Manu either seemed to deliberately ignore it or think it didn't matter. It did matter. That is why she put it there.
Forgetting a question mark is now an insult? And what is wrong with asking the question of another in the same post? Are you some sort of poster police? Either you and Manu are seeing some sort of conspiracy or reading WAY too much into my posts. There was no hidden agenda in there. Jill had a qualifier in her post. She put it there for a reason. Manu either seemed to deliberately ignore it or think it didn't matter. It did matter. That is why she put it there.
Jill is a lawyer and didn't need you to argue her case. BTW, knock off the 'poster police' crap, what I posted was as a member, I wasn't in any way trying to use 'rank' in any way, shape or form.
I don't care how many right-wing bloggers spout untruths... no matter how many times a lie is repeated... it's still a lie.

How's this? Bush didn't have enough flight hours because he stopped his training when he failed to take his physical.... a million dollars worth of flight training down the drain.

And Kerry never lied. He may have been misinformed by some of the winter soldiers ABOUT SOME THINGS, he didn't lie about what the leadership was doing.

You are wrong.

Not only did Kerry lie, by April 22, 1971, when kerry told the whole world that ALL our service members were war criminals who cut off ears, raped, and rampaged in a manner remniscent of Ghenis Khan, that they did it on a day to day basis with the full awareness of all levels of command, he KNEW it was a lie.

Kerry is a known, proven liar. His lies are on tape. There is no denying that fact. And when he testified in April of 1971 he KNEW that many of the "witnesses" at Winter Solier were liars, frauds, or imposters. Nobody claims that atrocities never happened. But because of John Kerry, too many people want to believe that it happened all the time. That's a fucking lie.

And he knew it was a lie when he said it.

Do you know what John Kerry did later that same day? After he "testified" that our soliders were a bunch of murdering barbarians? He held a press conference with the wives of POW's to advance the views of a member of the Viet Cong on how to end the war.

The man doesn't even qualify as shit. Shit, at least, is useful.

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