GOPs pitch Fantasy Tax Plans

But it does if you include everything else someone might be considering. Like trump. Tax cuts, protectionism etc
Bush did it the wrong way at the wrong time.

I have no confidence trump has a clue of what he is planning. Bankruptcy isn't an option for a country. Also given most his own party hates him how is he going to get anything done?
That is correct. The republicans are globalists. They will never go for that. But trump is a business man. I could see him negotiating.
4 bankruptcies out of how many businesses?

What will he have to negotiate? Most of congress will hate him. That alone will make them not negotiate. That is 4 more than I have had.
Ok and HE didn't file bankruptcy :thup:
Congress would tend to hate non-establishment, wouldn't you think?
So I guess you think an "establishment" is the only one that could get anything done? :lol:

Yes I think a moderate is the. Only one who is really going to get anything done. They have to work together like clinton did with congress.
Poor thing. After everything the establishment has done/doing/will do and you still support them. They got you bro LOL
I have no confidence trump has a clue of what he is planning. Bankruptcy isn't an option for a country. Also given most his own party hates him how is he going to get anything done?
That is correct. The republicans are globalists. They will never go for that. But trump is a business man. I could see him negotiating.
4 bankruptcies out of how many businesses?

What will he have to negotiate? Most of congress will hate him. That alone will make them not negotiate. That is 4 more than I have had.
Ok and HE didn't file bankruptcy :thup:
Congress would tend to hate non-establishment, wouldn't you think?
So I guess you think an "establishment" is the only one that could get anything done? :lol:

Yes I think a moderate is the. Only one who is really going to get anything done. They have to work together like clinton did with congress.
Poor thing. After everything the establishment has done/doing/will do and you still support them. They got you bro LOL

They balanced the budget the last time it was done. You don't live in reality if you think trump would be able to do anything.
I liked when Fiorina said she would cut the tax code from 70,000 pages to 3, and someone asked her "how? Will you use really tiny print?" :rofl:

I forget who asked that but it was hilarious.
Did you listen to her response? Or were you too busy chuckling over what you perceived was a clever question.
Yes I heard her response. It was 1 part good idea, 1 part wishful thinking, and 98 parts ridiculous.
That is correct. The republicans are globalists. They will never go for that. But trump is a business man. I could see him negotiating.
4 bankruptcies out of how many businesses?

What will he have to negotiate? Most of congress will hate him. That alone will make them not negotiate. That is 4 more than I have had.
Ok and HE didn't file bankruptcy :thup:
Congress would tend to hate non-establishment, wouldn't you think?
So I guess you think an "establishment" is the only one that could get anything done? :lol:

Yes I think a moderate is the. Only one who is really going to get anything done. They have to work together like clinton did with congress.
Poor thing. After everything the establishment has done/doing/will do and you still support them. They got you bro LOL

They balanced the budget the last time it was done. You don't live in reality if you think trump would be able to do anything.
That isn't my point. He actually wants to fix something. The establishment don't. You are a goddamn FOOL if you do.
Lefties believe that all money belongs to the government and the elites in government only let us use it for a while at their whim. That answers the question why they think all tax plans are costly.
The Republican tax plans are all variations on a theme. Out of all of them, Rand Paul's is the best.

Yes, I really did just say that. The guy who has picked on Rand Paul for years.

I still don't like him, but I like his tax plan the best out of all the candidates.

I think the people who are making fun of the GOP candidates' tax plans haven't spent one second looking into them. They just read an editorial somewhere and parroted the best punch lines.

I also like Marco Rubio's business tax plan, which I have discussed at length elsewhere.

Here are the nuts and bolts of Rand's plan:

1. Eliminate most tax expenditures for individuals and businesses.

You guys know how much I hate tax expenditures by now. They are the biggest government gift program in the history of the Universe, and a massive government behavioral control program, and a massive wealth transfer system up the food chain. They rob Americans of $1.2 trillion a year and transfer that wealth to special interests, while fooling people into believing they are coming out ahead ("I get to keep my money").

Unfortunately, Rand Paul's plan keeps the worst of the tax expenditure ripoff schemes. He keeps the Mortgage Interest Deduction and the employer health benefit exemptions. He also keeps the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit. Of all the tax expenditures which exist, the EITC is the only one which has been proven to have a positive economic effect.

Perhaps Rand Paul is aware the American people will scream like hippies if you try to take away the MID, even though it is hurting them.

2. Enact a flat 14.5% tax on individuals.

Not high enough. Not even close. Especially since he retains the worst and most expensive tax expenditures.

And it's regressive as hell.

This will cause a deficit. Rand's response is that he will cut a lot of spending.

Okay. So what would he cut? See here for details.

He would cut the FDA by 20 percent. There's that unrealistic Libertarianism kicking in. This will never happen.

He would cut NASA by 25 percent.

He would eliminate the Department of Education.

He would pretty much eliminate HUD, including Section 8 housing.

He would eliminate the Department of Commerce.

USGS would be cut by 20 percent. He thinks universities and private organizations would take over those functions.

He would eliminate the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Read more at the link.

3. Eliminate corporate taxes and replace them with a 14.5% VAT.

A VAT is a great way for government to hide tax hikes. This would undo the transparency of a tax structure which has no tax expenditures. And a VAT on top of an income tax? Ouch.

4. Eliminate the payroll tax.

It's time for the payroll tax to go. It's a sham. The fund is empty and has a pile of IOUs in it. We've been paying for Social Security out of the general fund for a while now, so let's just be up front about it.

Not only that, by eliminating the payroll tax, you give a huge tax break to lower income Americans, while most of the burden for paying for Social Security and Medicare is moved further up the food chain since it will be paid for out of the general funds.

It will also make bookkeeping a lot simpler.

This is an awesome idea.

5. Eliminate all excise taxes and tariffs.

It is simply amazing to hear this coming from someone purporting to be a Libertarian. A bedrock principle of the Libertarian philosophy is MORE excise taxes and tarriffs and LESS income taxes.

This one from Rand Paul is out of left field.
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What will he have to negotiate? Most of congress will hate him. That alone will make them not negotiate. That is 4 more than I have had.
Ok and HE didn't file bankruptcy :thup:
Congress would tend to hate non-establishment, wouldn't you think?
So I guess you think an "establishment" is the only one that could get anything done? :lol:

Yes I think a moderate is the. Only one who is really going to get anything done. They have to work together like clinton did with congress.
Poor thing. After everything the establishment has done/doing/will do and you still support them. They got you bro LOL

They balanced the budget the last time it was done. You don't live in reality if you think trump would be able to do anything.
That isn't my point. He actually wants to fix something. The establishment don't. You are a goddamn FOOL if you do.

Want is useless without the ability. The people need to make them want it, worked before.
The Republican tax plans are all variations on a theme. Out of all of them, Rand Paul's is the best.

Yes, I really did just say that. The guy who has picked on Rand Paul for years.

I still don't like him, but I like his tax plan the best out of all the candidates.

I think the people who are making fun of the GOP candidates' tax plans haven't spent one second looking into them. They just read an editorial somewhere and parroted the best punch lines.

I also like Marco Rubio's business tax plan, which I have discussed at length elsewhere.

Here are the nuts and bolts of Rand's plan:

1. Eliminate most tax expenditures for individuals and businesses.

You guys know how much I hate tax expenditures by now. They are the biggest government gift program in the history of the Universe, and a massive government behavioral control program, and a massive wealth transfer system up the food chain. They rob Americans of $1.2 trillion a year and transfer that wealth to special interests, while fooling people into believing they are coming out ahead ("I get to keep my money").

Unfortunately, Rand Paul's plan keeps the worst of the tax expenditure ripoff schemes. He keeps the Mortgage Interest Deduction and the employer health benefit exemptions. He also keeps the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit. Of all the tax expenditures which exist, the EITC is the only one which has been proven to have a positive economic effect.

Perhaps Rand Paul is aware the American people will scream like hippies if you try to take away the MID, even though it is hurting them.

2. Enact a flat 14.5% tax on individuals.

Not high enough. This will cause a deficit. Rand's response is that he will cut a lot of spending.

Okay. So what would he cut? See here for details.

He would cut the FDA by 20 percent. There's that unrealistic Libertarianism kicking in. This will never happen.

He would cut NASA by 25 percent.

He would eliminate the Department of Education.

He would pretty much eliminate HUD, including Section 8 housing.

He would eliminate the Department of Commerce.

USGS would be cut by 20 percent. He thinks universities and private organizations would take over those functions.

He would eliminate the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Read more at the link.

3. Eliminate corporate taxes and replace them with a 14.5% VAT.

A VAT is a great way for government to hide tax hikes. This would undo the transparency of a tax structure which has no tax expenditures. And a VAT on top of an income tax? Ouch.

4. Eliminate the payroll tax.

It's time for the payroll tax to go. It's a sham. The fund is empty and has a pile of IOUs in it. We've been paying for Social Security out of the general fund for a while now, so let's just be up front about it.

5. Eliminate all excise taxes and tariffs.

It is simply amazing to hear this coming from someone purporting to be a Libertarian. A bedrock principle of the Libertarian philosophy is MORE excise taxes and tarriffs and LESS income taxes.

This one from Rand Paul is out of left field.

Don't you think that is asking for too much change? People are always scared of change.
I liked when Fiorina said she would cut the tax code from 70,000 pages to 3, and someone asked her "how? Will you use really tiny print?" :rofl:

I forget who asked that but it was hilarious.
Did you listen to her response? Or were you too busy chuckling over what you perceived was a clever question.
Yes I heard her response. It was 1 part good idea, 1 part wishful thinking, and 98 parts ridiculous.
Her response was dead on. She would eliminate tax expenditures and level the playing field. The reason your tax return is so complicated is because of tax expenditures which transfer wealth to special interests, and results in people earning identical incomes paying radically different taxes depending on how much they participate in the government behavioral control programs.
The Republican tax plans are all variations on a theme. Out of all of them, Rand Paul's is the best.

Yes, I really did just say that. The guy who has picked on Rand Paul for years.

I still don't like him, but I like his tax plan the best out of all the candidates.

I think the people who are making fun of the GOP candidates' tax plans haven't spent one second looking into them. They just read an editorial somewhere and parroted the best punch lines.

I also like Marco Rubio's business tax plan, which I have discussed at length elsewhere.

Here are the nuts and bolts of Rand's plan:

1. Eliminate most tax expenditures for individuals and businesses.

You guys know how much I hate tax expenditures by now. They are the biggest government gift program in the history of the Universe, and a massive government behavioral control program, and a massive wealth transfer system up the food chain. They rob Americans of $1.2 trillion a year and transfer that wealth to special interests, while fooling people into believing they are coming out ahead ("I get to keep my money").

Unfortunately, Rand Paul's plan keeps the worst of the tax expenditure ripoff schemes. He keeps the Mortgage Interest Deduction and the employer health benefit exemptions. He also keeps the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit. Of all the tax expenditures which exist, the EITC is the only one which has been proven to have a positive economic effect.

Perhaps Rand Paul is aware the American people will scream like hippies if you try to take away the MID, even though it is hurting them.

2. Enact a flat 14.5% tax on individuals.

Not high enough. This will cause a deficit. Rand's response is that he will cut a lot of spending.

Okay. So what would he cut? See here for details.

He would cut the FDA by 20 percent. There's that unrealistic Libertarianism kicking in. This will never happen.

He would cut NASA by 25 percent.

He would eliminate the Department of Education.

He would pretty much eliminate HUD, including Section 8 housing.

He would eliminate the Department of Commerce.

USGS would be cut by 20 percent. He thinks universities and private organizations would take over those functions.

He would eliminate the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Read more at the link.

3. Eliminate corporate taxes and replace them with a 14.5% VAT.

A VAT is a great way for government to hide tax hikes. This would undo the transparency of a tax structure which has no tax expenditures. And a VAT on top of an income tax? Ouch.

4. Eliminate the payroll tax.

It's time for the payroll tax to go. It's a sham. The fund is empty and has a pile of IOUs in it. We've been paying for Social Security out of the general fund for a while now, so let's just be up front about it.

5. Eliminate all excise taxes and tariffs.

It is simply amazing to hear this coming from someone purporting to be a Libertarian. A bedrock principle of the Libertarian philosophy is MORE excise taxes and tarriffs and LESS income taxes.

This one from Rand Paul is out of left field.

Don't you think that is asking for too much change? People are always scared of change.
Hope McChangepants was elected solely on the promise of change.
The Republican tax plans are all variations on a theme. Out of all of them, Rand Paul's is the best.

Yes, I really did just say that. The guy who has picked on Rand Paul for years.

I still don't like him, but I like his tax plan the best out of all the candidates.

I think the people who are making fun of the GOP candidates' tax plans haven't spent one second looking into them. They just read an editorial somewhere and parroted the best punch lines.

I also like Marco Rubio's business tax plan, which I have discussed at length elsewhere.

Here are the nuts and bolts of Rand's plan:

1. Eliminate most tax expenditures for individuals and businesses.

You guys know how much I hate tax expenditures by now. They are the biggest government gift program in the history of the Universe, and a massive government behavioral control program, and a massive wealth transfer system up the food chain. They rob Americans of $1.2 trillion a year and transfer that wealth to special interests, while fooling people into believing they are coming out ahead ("I get to keep my money").

Unfortunately, Rand Paul's plan keeps the worst of the tax expenditure ripoff schemes. He keeps the Mortgage Interest Deduction and the employer health benefit exemptions. He also keeps the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit. Of all the tax expenditures which exist, the EITC is the only one which has been proven to have a positive economic effect.

Perhaps Rand Paul is aware the American people will scream like hippies if you try to take away the MID, even though it is hurting them.

2. Enact a flat 14.5% tax on individuals.

Not high enough. This will cause a deficit. Rand's response is that he will cut a lot of spending.

Okay. So what would he cut? See here for details.

He would cut the FDA by 20 percent. There's that unrealistic Libertarianism kicking in. This will never happen.

He would cut NASA by 25 percent.

He would eliminate the Department of Education.

He would pretty much eliminate HUD, including Section 8 housing.

He would eliminate the Department of Commerce.

USGS would be cut by 20 percent. He thinks universities and private organizations would take over those functions.

He would eliminate the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Read more at the link.

3. Eliminate corporate taxes and replace them with a 14.5% VAT.

A VAT is a great way for government to hide tax hikes. This would undo the transparency of a tax structure which has no tax expenditures. And a VAT on top of an income tax? Ouch.

4. Eliminate the payroll tax.

It's time for the payroll tax to go. It's a sham. The fund is empty and has a pile of IOUs in it. We've been paying for Social Security out of the general fund for a while now, so let's just be up front about it.

5. Eliminate all excise taxes and tariffs.

It is simply amazing to hear this coming from someone purporting to be a Libertarian. A bedrock principle of the Libertarian philosophy is MORE excise taxes and tarriffs and LESS income taxes.

This one from Rand Paul is out of left field.

Don't you think that is asking for too much change? People are always scared of change.
Hope McChangepants was elected solely on the promise of change.

Funny. People like the idea of change but often get scared when the time to change actually comes.

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