GOP State Senator's Son Beaten Over Pro Romney Signs in Yard


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
"Early on Friday morning, October 19th, my son Sean was awakened by noises outside his residence in Whitewater. As he went to see what the commotion was about, he noticed an individual removing a Romney/Ryan yard sign from his property. He yelled to the person that they were taking something not theirs and to return it immediately. The individual returned the sign, however, a second person confronted and attacked Sean without warning.

Sean was wrestled to the ground by both persons, held down by a constricting chokehold, and struck repeatedly about the face and head. He nearly passed out from the chokehold and suffered contusions to his face and eyes.
Fortunately, an alert neighbor heard the commotion, scared the individuals away, and called the police. My wife and I were awakened by a telephone call from Sean’s roommate that Sean had been taken by ambulance to Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital."


That is some messed up stuff, Dems.
Well, those assholes who did this would have their work cut out for them around the part of Iowa where I live. There are too many Romney/Ryan signs to count. Many who had Obama/Biden signs 4 years ago have Romney signs this time around.

I guess some aren't content just to have their own signs. They have to remove others and even beat them over it. You are right that this is messed up stuff.
Just wait til Nov. 7th, it's going to get REAL ugly out there.

I won't go out unless I'm armed, these fucking Obamabots are DANGEROUS!
Twitter is now a valid news source?

Well for the right I suppose....

From the link:
"Deeply disturbing news breaking on Twitter about the alleged assault on the son of a Wisconsin GOP state senator"
Thread killer with that pic Truthseeker. lol

Gotta be careful with some of these stories. Triple fact check to be certain. Twitchy as a source just isn't going to cut it for me. Might be true, might not but I can't find any legit news source reporting this.
CaféAuLait;6204526 said:
Thread killer with that pic Truthseeker. lol

Gotta be careful with some of these stories. Triple fact check to be certain. Twitchy as a source just isn't going to cut it for me. Might be true, might not but I can't find any legit news source reporting this.

Try post 11, since you missed it, here it is again.

BREAKING: Senator's Son Assaulted Over Romney Sign - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local News and Weather

I saw it after I posted. It is simply a copy of the Twitchy report reposted at the radio station website. I am not claiming to know the validity of the report or the incident. I am questioning the lack of news reports. I find it odd that no local newspaper picked this story up.
Must be a fake story, and the photo is a fake photo too.

The Obamanistas are not convinced it's a "real" story, because MSNBC and the Huffington Post aren't validating it.

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