GOP Senator: We Shouldn't Have Elections Anymore


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville today said yesterday’s Durham report shows that “a whole list of people lied,” including members of Congress, about links between the Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. Speaking to Newsmax, Tuberville said he “can’t even talk about it it’s so bad.” Tuberville said, “If people don’t go to jail for this, the American people should just stand up and say, ‘Listen, enough’s enough, let’s don’t have elections anymore. I wish there was a special investigation into the voter fraud, but it was outrageous what happened, but nobody wanted to look into it because they were afraid they were going to be called out. But it is what it is. I hate that it happened.” Efforts to reach Tuberville’s office for clarification were not immediately successful."

As I have said before, everything with Republicans is projection - but no matter how much they gaslight, it won't change the fact that the only party who has and continues to openly call for canceling elections and just having a fascist authoritarian style government, are Conservatives. If they can't win electorally, they won't try to campaign on better policies, they will just end the election process altogether. When Tubby says he can't talk about it because its so bad; what he really means is, he doesn't have shit to talk about without making it up...

Also, this claim that there has been no investigation into election fraud is premium level gas-lighting...not only has there been multiple investigations into it; multiple recounts, multiple audits; multiple court cases; but his cult leader, the guy who started this whole voter fraud bullshit years before there was even a 2020 election, that guy's own administration proved there was no election fraud. Not only that, that guy raised over 250 million and didn't spend a single dime of it on proving election fact, that guy who only hires the best people, hired people who also proved to him that there was no election fraud....

I said it before and I will say it again, the whole 2020 Election was stolen bullshit is just the latest version of the Lost Cause Strategy; employed by the same Confederates who pushed the previous version of the Lost Cause Strategy by the previous Confederates...The previous confederates used it to get over their butthurt of losing the civil war and today's Confederates use it to cope with their butt hurt of losing the 2020 election...and all other subsequent elections they don't win....
What's the point of having an election if we're going to allow widespread voter fraud like we did in 2020?
They didn't

I tell you what.....if you can't prove widespread voter fraud, random people should just be able to slap the shit out you until you do......maybe then you would shut the fuck up

"Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville today said yesterday’s Durham report shows that “a whole list of people lied,” including members of Congress, about links between the Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. Speaking to Newsmax, Tuberville said he “can’t even talk about it it’s so bad.” Tuberville said, “If people don’t go to jail for this, the American people should just stand up and say, ‘Listen, enough’s enough, let’s don’t have elections anymore. I wish there was a special investigation into the voter fraud, but it was outrageous what happened, but nobody wanted to look into it because they were afraid they were going to be called out. But it is what it is. I hate that it happened.” Efforts to reach Tuberville’s office for clarification were not immediately successful."

As I have said before, everything with Republicans is projection - but no matter how much they gaslight, it won't change the fact that the only party who has and continues to openly call for canceling elections and just having a fascist authoritarian style government, are Conservatives. If they can't win electorally, they won't try to campaign on better policies, they will just end the election process altogether. When Tubby says he can't talk about it because its so bad; what he really means is, he doesn't have shit to talk about without making it up...

Also, this claim that there has been no investigation into election fraud is premium level gas-lighting...not only has there been multiple investigations into it; multiple recounts, multiple audits; multiple court cases; but his cult leader, the guy who started this whole voter fraud bullshit years before there was even a 2020 election, that guy's own administration proved there was no election fraud. Not only that, that guy raised over 250 million and didn't spend a single dime of it on proving election fact, that guy who only hires the best people, hired people who also proved to him that there was no election fraud....

I said it before and I will say it again, the whole 2020 Election was stolen bullshit is just the latest version of the Lost Cause Strategy; employed by the same Confederates who pushed the previous version of the Lost Cause Strategy by the previous Confederates...The previous confederates used it to get over their butthurt of losing the civil war and today's Confederates use it to cope with their butt hurt of losing the 2020 election...and all other subsequent elections they don't win....

Says the party who wants elections where they only allow one person to run.
They didn't

I tell you what.....if you can't prove widespread voter fraud, random people should just be able to slap the shit out you until you do......maybe then you would shut the fuck up
your nose is growing miles long trollboy.

pretty hard to have a fair chance in court when you got dem judges who wont even allow whistleblowers to come forward and present their evidence and be willing to do so knowing the penalty of perjury and yet STILL are not allowed to come forward and present the evidence.

must suck having shit on your face in embarrassment there after that ass beating getting checkmated.:auiqs.jpg:

we already proved widespread voter fraud,this is the best damn thread that proves it,not our fault you dem lovers are cowards and posted a laughing smiley or fake news item like the cowards you all are and then did this-:scared1: after wards.
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What's the point of having an election if we're going to allow widespread voter fraud like we did in 2020? damn post on this thread that shuts up the OP next to mine of course.:abgg2q.jpg::yes_text12: damn right we should not have elections anymore when the whole system is rigged.whats the point? its just a dog and pony show with the outcome already decided and fixed before it even starts,
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What's the point of having an election if we're going to allow widespread voter fraud like we did in 2020?
Agreed. You would have to be pretty stupid to vote republican in a rigged election. Stay home and don't vote. Don't let the left make you look foolish. damn post on this thread that shuts up the OP next to mine of course.:abgg2q.jpg::yes_text12: damn right we should not have elections anymore when the whole system is rigged.whats the point? its just a dog and pony show with the outcome already decided and fixed before it even starts,
Stay home.

"Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville today said yesterday’s Durham report shows that “a whole list of people lied,” including members of Congress, about links between the Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. Speaking to Newsmax, Tuberville said he “can’t even talk about it it’s so bad.” Tuberville said, “If people don’t go to jail for this, the American people should just stand up and say, ‘Listen, enough’s enough, let’s don’t have elections anymore. I wish there was a special investigation into the voter fraud, but it was outrageous what happened, but nobody wanted to look into it because they were afraid they were going to be called out. But it is what it is. I hate that it happened.” Efforts to reach Tuberville’s office for clarification were not immediately successful."

As I have said before, everything with Republicans is projection - but no matter how much they gaslight, it won't change the fact that the only party who has and continues to openly call for canceling elections and just having a fascist authoritarian style government, are Conservatives. If they can't win electorally, they won't try to campaign on better policies, they will just end the election process altogether. When Tubby says he can't talk about it because its so bad; what he really means is, he doesn't have shit to talk about without making it up...

Also, this claim that there has been no investigation into election fraud is premium level gas-lighting...not only has there been multiple investigations into it; multiple recounts, multiple audits; multiple court cases; but his cult leader, the guy who started this whole voter fraud bullshit years before there was even a 2020 election, that guy's own administration proved there was no election fraud. Not only that, that guy raised over 250 million and didn't spend a single dime of it on proving election fact, that guy who only hires the best people, hired people who also proved to him that there was no election fraud....

I said it before and I will say it again, the whole 2020 Election was stolen bullshit is just the latest version of the Lost Cause Strategy; employed by the same Confederates who pushed the previous version of the Lost Cause Strategy by the previous Confederates...The previous confederates used it to get over their butthurt of losing the civil war and today's Confederates use it to cope with their butt hurt of losing the 2020 election...and all other subsequent elections they don't win....

Coach Tommy gives Tommys a bad name.

"Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville today said yesterday’s Durham report shows that “a whole list of people lied,” including members of Congress, about links between the Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. Speaking to Newsmax, Tuberville said he “can’t even talk about it it’s so bad.” Tuberville said, “If people don’t go to jail for this, the American people should just stand up and say, ‘Listen, enough’s enough, let’s don’t have elections anymore. I wish there was a special investigation into the voter fraud, but it was outrageous what happened, but nobody wanted to look into it because they were afraid they were going to be called out. But it is what it is. I hate that it happened.” Efforts to reach Tuberville’s office for clarification were not immediately successful."

As I have said before, everything with Republicans is projection - but no matter how much they gaslight, it won't change the fact that the only party who has and continues to openly call for canceling elections and just having a fascist authoritarian style government, are Conservatives. If they can't win electorally, they won't try to campaign on better policies, they will just end the election process altogether. When Tubby says he can't talk about it because its so bad; what he really means is, he doesn't have shit to talk about without making it up...

Also, this claim that there has been no investigation into election fraud is premium level gas-lighting...not only has there been multiple investigations into it; multiple recounts, multiple audits; multiple court cases; but his cult leader, the guy who started this whole voter fraud bullshit years before there was even a 2020 election, that guy's own administration proved there was no election fraud. Not only that, that guy raised over 250 million and didn't spend a single dime of it on proving election fact, that guy who only hires the best people, hired people who also proved to him that there was no election fraud....

I said it before and I will say it again, the whole 2020 Election was stolen bullshit is just the latest version of the Lost Cause Strategy; employed by the same Confederates who pushed the previous version of the Lost Cause Strategy by the previous Confederates...The previous confederates used it to get over their butthurt of losing the civil war and today's Confederates use it to cope with their butt hurt of losing the 2020 election...and all other subsequent elections they don't win....

Not "we need to change the electoral system to something better", but "no elections"....

"Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville today said yesterday’s Durham report shows that “a whole list of people lied,” including members of Congress, about links between the Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. Speaking to Newsmax, Tuberville said he “can’t even talk about it it’s so bad.” Tuberville said, “If people don’t go to jail for this, the American people should just stand up and say, ‘Listen, enough’s enough, let’s don’t have elections anymore. I wish there was a special investigation into the voter fraud, but it was outrageous what happened, but nobody wanted to look into it because they were afraid they were going to be called out. But it is what it is. I hate that it happened.” Efforts to reach Tuberville’s office for clarification were not immediately successful."

As I have said before, everything with Republicans is projection - but no matter how much they gaslight, it won't change the fact that the only party who has and continues to openly call for canceling elections and just having a fascist authoritarian style government, are Conservatives. If they can't win electorally, they won't try to campaign on better policies, they will just end the election process altogether. When Tubby says he can't talk about it because its so bad; what he really means is, he doesn't have shit to talk about without making it up...

Also, this claim that there has been no investigation into election fraud is premium level gas-lighting...not only has there been multiple investigations into it; multiple recounts, multiple audits; multiple court cases; but his cult leader, the guy who started this whole voter fraud bullshit years before there was even a 2020 election, that guy's own administration proved there was no election fraud. Not only that, that guy raised over 250 million and didn't spend a single dime of it on proving election fact, that guy who only hires the best people, hired people who also proved to him that there was no election fraud....

I said it before and I will say it again, the whole 2020 Election was stolen bullshit is just the latest version of the Lost Cause Strategy; employed by the same Confederates who pushed the previous version of the Lost Cause Strategy by the previous Confederates...The previous confederates used it to get over their butthurt of losing the civil war and today's Confederates use it to cope with their butt hurt of losing the 2020 election...and all other subsequent elections they don't win....

i share in his frustration on how horrible the demafasict corruption was around the 1016 election

"Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville today said yesterday’s Durham report shows that “a whole list of people lied,” including members of Congress, about links between the Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. Speaking to Newsmax, Tuberville said he “can’t even talk about it it’s so bad.” Tuberville said, “If people don’t go to jail for this, the American people should just stand up and say, ‘Listen, enough’s enough, let’s don’t have elections anymore. I wish there was a special investigation into the voter fraud, but it was outrageous what happened, but nobody wanted to look into it because they were afraid they were going to be called out. But it is what it is. I hate that it happened.” Efforts to reach Tuberville’s office for clarification were not immediately successful."

As I have said before, everything with Republicans is projection - but no matter how much they gaslight, it won't change the fact that the only party who has and continues to openly call for canceling elections and just having a fascist authoritarian style government, are Conservatives. If they can't win electorally, they won't try to campaign on better policies, they will just end the election process altogether. When Tubby says he can't talk about it because its so bad; what he really means is, he doesn't have shit to talk about without making it up...

Also, this claim that there has been no investigation into election fraud is premium level gas-lighting...not only has there been multiple investigations into it; multiple recounts, multiple audits; multiple court cases; but his cult leader, the guy who started this whole voter fraud bullshit years before there was even a 2020 election, that guy's own administration proved there was no election fraud. Not only that, that guy raised over 250 million and didn't spend a single dime of it on proving election fact, that guy who only hires the best people, hired people who also proved to him that there was no election fraud....

I said it before and I will say it again, the whole 2020 Election was stolen bullshit is just the latest version of the Lost Cause Strategy; employed by the same Confederates who pushed the previous version of the Lost Cause Strategy by the previous Confederates...The previous confederates used it to get over their butthurt of losing the civil war and today's Confederates use it to cope with their butt hurt of losing the 2020 election...and all other subsequent elections they don't win....

'A+' for Tommy's fire, anger, and demand for accountability for these traitors....but then his mouth gets ahead of his brain and derails when saying we just shouldn't have elections anymore.

There's a simple solution...

When a politician gets sworn in a bracelet should be put on his wrist - a very special bracelet.

This one would shock the shit out of the / any pokitician whenever they lied - not enough to seriously injure them but enough to cause them to flinch, cause serious discomfort they would be unable to hide.

If they attempted to remove it or tamper with it, it would shock the shit out of them, and a noticeable red light on the bracelet would stay on.

Plus it would be GREAT entertainment.

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