GOP: Millions For The Wealthy But We Can't Afford To Award $250 Social Security COLA

But with the absolutely massive executive payrolls that have become the norm these days, what makes you think that another tax cut would suddenly make companies hire? Why would they not just pocket more for themselves, as they've been doing for many years? What makes you think they would hire people they don't need, just because there's a little extra money laying around? They haven't done it yet. Why now?
this is more targeted at the small business
ya know, the people that generally hire most people in this country

Define "this."
I was referring to taxes on wages above $250k.
the discussion

the big CEO's are so far over the $250K mark it wont change a thing for them
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this is more targeted at the small business
ya know, the people that generally hire most people in this country

Define "this."
I was referring to taxes on wages above $250k.
the discussion

the big CEO's are so far over the $250K mark it wont change a thing for them

I don't think the size of the business is relevant, really. Say I'm making $500k (i wish!). Why would my take-home pay on that second $250k going up from $151,000 to $162,500 encourage me to hire more workers? To me, it just doesn't make sense. Either I need more help at work, or I don't; This is what determines my payroll budget. What does my personal tax rate have to do with it? And if nobody's buying my products because the whole country is broke, I won't need more help.

That's why I reject trickle down... most economists do. If you take a step back and really analyze what these people are telling you, you'll see how silly it really is.
Define "this."
I was referring to taxes on wages above $250k.
the discussion

the big CEO's are so far over the $250K mark it wont change a thing for them

I don't think the size of the business is relevant, really. Say I'm making $500k (i wish!). Why would my take-home pay on that second $250k going up from $151,000 to $162,500 encourage me to hire more workers? To me, it just doesn't make sense. Either I need more help at work, or I don't; This is what determines my payroll budget. What does my personal tax rate have to do with it? And if nobody's buying my products because the whole country is broke, I won't need more help.

That's why I reject trickle down... most economists do. If you take a step back and really analyze what these people are telling you, you'll see how silly it really is.

And with Trickle Down we have the benefit of hindsight. It was a failed experiment and nearly bankrupted this nation.

Reagan really sold us a bill of goods with that one!!
As long as the GOP keeps this up the Dems will have no problems in 2012.

"House and Senate Republicans on Wednesday thwarted Democratic efforts to award $250 checks to Social Security recipients facing a second consecutive year without a cost-of-living increase."

GOP blocks legislation to award seniors $250 - Yahoo! News

the index didn't go up, why do you want to try and bribe people?
As the link shows, seniors had their medical expenses increase beyond the COLA calculation. This blockage is the GOP "DEATH PANEL."

Democrats and advocacy groups say the formula does not accurately reflect the living costs of seniors, who pay more for such commodities as health care and drugs. "Basically, they have their benefit levels flatlined at a time when they're encountering higher costs, reducing their quality of life experience and disappointing them greatly about Social Security," said Rep. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D., a member of the Ways and Means Social Security subcommittee.
14 billion? What % is that compared to the 700 billion Republicans want to GIVE to the top 1%? Hmmm.

How are we giving someone money simply because we havent taken a knife to their throat and emptied their pockets?

I haven't taken any money from your pocket. Shouldnt you be grateful that im so generous in letting you keep your money? You aren't. I can't imagine why.

How bout a gun??

You missed the other half of that clever personification.

I am beginning to just hate the Republican leadership. They are absolutely disgraceful. They only care about the rich, and it is so obvious, it takes an idiot not to see it. Where in God's name did they get this bunch??

Liar. When have you ever had a good word for the Republican leadership? It would not matter what they did, you would hate them anyway.
I don't hate the Democratic leadership. I merely think they are all incompetent turds who need to be voted out of office.

You know absolutely nothing about me because we have never had a civil discussion. So shut up and don't talk about what you don't know.

And FYI, I had a good word for Bush today in another thread. Like I said, shut up about what you don't know. I am fair and I try to be objective, which is more than I can say for you. You little twit.
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Did $1T in stimulus help the economy?

Nope, but it probably would have if they'd given the money to the people rather than the bankers and the already obscenely wealthy.

And had that happened the people would be out buying things which would spur hiring in the retail sector. With the increased retail sales more factories would be hiring to meet demand. In turn that would increase wages for workers and income for corporations and the CEO's.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?
Did $1T in stimulus help the economy?

Nope, but it probably would have if they'd given the money to the people rather than the bankers and the already obscenely wealthy.

And had that happened the people would be out buying things which would spur hiring in the retail sector. With the increased retail sales more factories would be hiring to meet demand. In turn that would increase wages for workers and income for corporations and the CEO's.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?
It's not your money to worry about, you didn't earn it.
Stop worrying about other peoples property and pay attention to furthering your own success.
Fuck the economy and lets try again to pass the DREAM Act again.............:lol: or was that Fuck the President that I hear coming from the Libtards........
Did $1T in stimulus help the economy?

Nope, but it probably would have if they'd given the money to the people rather than the bankers and the already obscenely wealthy.

And had that happened the people would be out buying things which would spur hiring in the retail sector. With the increased retail sales more factories would be hiring to meet demand. In turn that would increase wages for workers and income for corporations and the CEO's.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?
The retail sector only has Chinese goods to sell since the restrictive regulations and union goons make it nearly imposable to produce "things"...........
All those wealthy family farms will not pass from Dad to the kids with the new estate tax, oh well.. Fuckem..........:lol:
How are we giving someone money simply because we havent taken a knife to their throat and emptied their pockets?

I haven't taken any money from your pocket. Shouldnt you be grateful that im so generous in letting you keep your money? You aren't. I can't imagine why.

How bout a gun??

You missed the other half of that clever personification.


Doesn't make any sense.

A Capitalist doesn't hold a gun to your head. The market controls profits in a Capitalist economy. You're rarely if ever forced to buy a product....that is until Obama came along. So your illustration is basically :bsflag:
Nope, but it probably would have if they'd given the money to the people rather than the bankers and the already obscenely wealthy.

And had that happened the people would be out buying things which would spur hiring in the retail sector. With the increased retail sales more factories would be hiring to meet demand. In turn that would increase wages for workers and income for corporations and the CEO's.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?
It's not your money to worry about, you didn't earn it.
Stop worrying about other peoples property and pay attention to furthering your own success.
Fuck the economy and lets try again to pass the DREAM Act again.............:lol: or was that Fuck the President that I hear coming from the Libtards........

When my nation goes deeper in debt so a few multi-millionaires can get back even more millions of dollars I will worry about it.

Nope, but it probably would have if they'd given the money to the people rather than the bankers and the already obscenely wealthy.

And had that happened the people would be out buying things which would spur hiring in the retail sector. With the increased retail sales more factories would be hiring to meet demand. In turn that would increase wages for workers and income for corporations and the CEO's.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?
The retail sector only has Chinese goods to sell since the restrictive regulations and union goons make it nearly imposable to produce "things"...........

I guess we can try it YOUR way by reducing our standard of living to that of a third world nation in oreder to compete.

Isn't that what you're REALLY saying?
All those wealthy family farms will not pass from Dad to the kids with the new estate tax, oh well.. Fuckem..........:lol:

Only on estates worth more than $7,000,000.00 The Congressional Budget Office found that the estate tax threatens almost no farmers or small businesspeople.

Death Tax Myths, Estate Tax Realities |
It's not your property, you and the gov. didn't earn it. Stop stealing other peoples property. It's not yours.
It threatens everyone. You can't secure anyone's rights by trashing the property right of others.
And had that happened the people would be out buying things which would spur hiring in the retail sector. With the increased retail sales more factories would be hiring to meet demand. In turn that would increase wages for workers and income for corporations and the CEO's.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?
It's not your money to worry about, you didn't earn it.
Stop worrying about other peoples property and pay attention to furthering your own success.
Fuck the economy and lets try again to pass the DREAM Act again.............:lol: or was that Fuck the President that I hear coming from the Libtards........

When my nation goes deeper in debt so a few multi-millionaires can get back even more millions of dollars I will worry about it.

And had that happened the people would be out buying things which would spur hiring in the retail sector. With the increased retail sales more factories would be hiring to meet demand. In turn that would increase wages for workers and income for corporations and the CEO's.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?
The retail sector only has Chinese goods to sell since the restrictive regulations and union goons make it nearly imposable to produce "things"...........

I guess we can try it YOUR way by reducing our standard of living to that of a third world nation in oreder to compete.

Isn't that what you're REALLY saying?
Stop spending other peoples money.
No one has a right to someones property and at the point of a gun makes it worse. If you feeeel that you want to help people on public assistance write a check. Maybe you don't want to use your own money, so put on a mask, get a gun and do your own dirty work. Redistribution is real man's work.
Your Nation is going deeper in debt because of spending and we have run out of other peoples money.
How can someone who wants to initiate government force to redistribute property look at themselves in the mirror.
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True, True... We do pay into it, but...

Fed says if I Die right now, my Wife and Chitlins get about $1200 ea a Month until the kids are 18...

That's a MINIMUM of $561,000 just based on when my Eldest Child turns 18 and no Increase in COLA...

This System can NOT Sustain itself, Period.



Your kids will take 35+ years to reach the age of 18?

516,000/1200 = 430 months

430/12 = 35.8 1/3 years.
he likely has 3 kids

Yeah, so?

Not a chance in hell thateach kid would get $1200 month, from social security suvivor's, mate.

Either he is misinformed about how much money his death would mean to his family from SS, or he needs to brush up on his math skills.
If I get to keep more of the $$ I earn how is that the government giving me $$?
The $250 is BORROWING AND TAKING $$ from middle class workers that are hurting and giving it to wealthy seniors that do not need it.
you do understand that not all seniors are wealthy, right?

But some of them are. Why would anyone want to take money from middle class families and give them to wealthy senior citizens?

They're not taking money from the middle class.

They'd be taking money out of the social securuuty accounts which, in case you haven't been paying attention, was fully funded by the Boomers to last until 2050.

Yeah, that's right folks, contrary to your talking heads, I'm here to tell you that they money in the social security accounts isn't the GOVERNMENT's money, its the money of the people who ALREADY PAID it.

So if the government doesn't have that money, if they've pissed it all away on stupid wars, and tax breaks for billionaires, don't blame the social security recepients, or the priveious generation, either.

The American people more than FUNDED the social security plan.

Our government may be broke but social security ought not to be.
It's not your money to worry about, you didn't earn it.
Stop worrying about other peoples property and pay attention to furthering your own success.
Fuck the economy and lets try again to pass the DREAM Act again.............:lol: or was that Fuck the President that I hear coming from the Libtards........

When my nation goes deeper in debt so a few multi-millionaires can get back even more millions of dollars I will worry about it.

The retail sector only has Chinese goods to sell since the restrictive regulations and union goons make it nearly imposable to produce "things"...........

I guess we can try it YOUR way by reducing our standard of living to that of a third world nation in oreder to compete.

Isn't that what you're REALLY saying?
Stop spending other peoples money.
No one has a right to someones property and at the point of a gun makes it worse. If you feeeel that you want to help people on public assistance write a check. Maybe you don't want to use your own money, so put on a mask, get a gun and do your own dirty work. Redistribution is real man's work.
Your Nation is going deeper in debt because of spending and we have run out of other peoples money.
How can someone who wants to initiate government force to redistribute property look at themselves in the mirror.

Nice dodge on what you REALLY want to do which is turn our nation into a third world country. And while YOU'RE at it you can start paying on the more than over $40,000 that YOU owe on your part of the National Debt. You know what that is, right?

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