GOP leaders turn on voters, will work to give president fast-track trade power


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: Critical of Obama’s past actions, GOP now wants to give him more power on trade

”Republicans have consistently railed at President Obama’s exercise of his executive authority, disparaging him as “an emperor” who has ignored Congress on immigration, climate and Cuba.

Now that they fully control the Congress, those same Republicans critics are on the verge of handing the president expansive new powers to circumvent those who want to stand in his way on trade.

GOP leaders in both chambers are close to introducing legislation that would grant the administration broad authority to finalize one of the largest free-trade pacts in the nation’s history.”

The power being discussed here is one which removes the people’s Representatives from the process to create, debate, amend and then adopt legislation regulating trade with foreign nations.

Fast-track trade power would allow the President to negotiate trade deals with foreign nations in secret, eliminating the American People’s Representatives from their assigned duty to create legislation regulating commerce with foreign nations. Congress would no longer create the legislation and the process of adding corrective amendments to the president’s deals to insure deals which promote America’s best interests would be totally circumvented. The only part Congress would have in the President’s fast-track trade power would be an up or down vote within 90 days upon receiving the presidents deal which leaves little time to even allow the people’s representatives to read and study the deal and then debate it before a vote.

This is another Chamber of Commerce idea to remove the people’s Representatives from the process and be free to adopt trade deals which are not in the best interests of America, but rather, are deals beneficial to international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or promoting the general welfare of the United States.

Every member of Congress who supports this Fast-Track crap ought to be viewed as a domestic enemy of the United States who is attempting to circumvent the People’s Representatives’ constitutionally assigned duty to create legislation promoting an America First trade policy.

Some of the GOP ringleaders behind Obama-Trade are Senator Mitch McConnell from Kentucky, Senator Orrin Hatch, Utah, and our little weasel from Wisconsin, Paul Ryan.Just remember exactly what they are attempting to do, which is to circumvent the process of having the people’s Representatives creating legislation, debating it, amending it and then adopting it. The intention is to effectively exclude the people’s elected Representatives from the law making process as it was intended to operate by our founding fathers.

To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
The leaders of both parties favor free trade as it benefits them personally, the elite class of millionaires who control this nation.
The leaders of both parties favor free trade as it benefits them personally, the elite class of millionaires who control this nation.


If think the GOP leaders behind these so called “free trade” agreements have America’s best interests in mind, read the following article.

America's Trade Deficit- The Job Killer


”The so called free traders (be they Democrat or Republican) are not really free traders. They are supporters of mercantile trade where countries like China and Japan get to manipulate their currencies and use VATs against us to increase their exports and reduce their imports from us. Even though there is a provision in the WTO agreement that prohibits currency manipulation we do nothing about it.

As in most economic issues there are winners and losers. The business group that is the biggest winner are the multi-national corporations. They have built plants in China and other foreign countries to sell products to the country and back to the U.S. They have the same advantages as our competitors to sell cheap products back to the U.S. as imports. They do not want the U.S. government or the WTO to interfere with their foreign partners (particularly China) and they spend huge amounts of lobbying money on Congress to maintain the status quo. The multi-nationals are profiting from our ongoing trade deficit even if the country is not.”

America is being sucked dry and international corporate giants are the winners in these “free trade” agreements which get passed after they grease the palms of our traitorous Washington Establishment.


Today’s corrupted politics is all about the Benjamins, and which political party's leadership can put their hand deeper into the productive working person’s pocket.
Lets see, Chamber of Commerce supports it, unions oppose this. Republicans control Congress and the WH wants to "work" with Republicans.

This is a done deal. Proof once again that the plutocrats don't give a fuck about the middle class. And proving once again that most middle class Republicans have their heads up their asses for supporting and voting for all those Republican assholes in Congress.

Too bad the AMERICAN (both parties) middle class doesn't know the power of a boycott.
Lets see, Chamber of Commerce supports it, unions oppose this. Republicans control Congress and the WH wants to "work" with Republicans.

This is a done deal. Proof once again that the plutocrats don't give a fuck about the middle class. And proving once again that most middle class Republicans have their heads up their asses for supporting and voting for all those Republican assholes in Congress.

Too bad the AMERICAN (both parties) middle class doesn't know the power of a boycott.

America is being defeated without a shot being fired!

There is a big difference between free trade and a manage trade. The NAFTA was never about free trade as our founding fathers understood the phrase and practiced it. It was about managed trade which is managed by a group of individuals who are not elected by the American people, who have no allegiance to America or any nation, and their only guiding principle is their bottom line profits, regardless of how it affects the nations involved!

The NAFTA delegated Congress’ power to regulate commerce with foreign nations to a group un-elected by the American People a majority of whom are foreigners, and who make arbitrarily binding decisions concerning America’s commerce with Canada and Mexico see Establishment of Binational Panels

America is being taken over without a shot being fired and the people’s elected members of Congress are complicit in the act!


"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." ___ Author unknown

Congress granting the President specific authority to act doesn't violate the Constitution.
Congress granting the President specific authority to act doesn't violate the Constitution.

Delegating Congress's assigned duty to the president to write legislation regulating our trade with foreign nations, debating the proposed legislation and then adding amendments to it to serve America's best interests is unconstitutional, especially when the above described process is circumvented.

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