Diamond Member
The story about Diane Fedele, the president of the Republican women's club in San Bernardino County who came up with "Obama Bucks," is making the rounds. Plenty of people are outraged. Others, like Rightpundits, say yeah, it's crummy, but claim the imagery may be losing its power. Fedele told The Times:
"If I was racist, I would have looked at it through racist eyes," she said. "I am not racist, which is why it probably didn't register."
Club member Kristina Sandoval agreed.
"None of us are racists," she said.
The use of watermelon, ribs and fried chicken was innocent, she said.
"Everyone eats those foods, it's not a racial thing."
That's not how club member Acquanetta Warren -- a Fontana city councilwoman and an African American -- saw it.
"My daughter who is 16 was standing over my shoulder when I opened the e-mail, and her mouth dropped wide open," Warren said. "I actually turned the screen away and sent her to her room so she wouldn't see. I don't want to talk to anyone; I want a written apology so the public knows that this is not right and this is not representative of the way Republicans think."
She's known Fedele a long time and is shocked by the newsletter.
GOP club offers 'Obama Bucks' while Democrats rib Palin | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times
Now.....given the history of how black people have been treated over the years, as well as the disparaging remarks that have been made about Kool-Aid, ribs, fried chicken and watermelon, as they relate to blacks in America, how in the hell can these brain-dead, racist idiots of the GOP claim anything different?
It's not so much anymore that Bush Jr. and McInsane and Pale One are going to be the ones to tear apart the GOP, it's going to be the stupidity of their followers as evidenced here.