GOP is to blame for recent earthquakes

Is Global Warming to Blame for the Killer Earthquake in the Philippines? – Greener Ideal

You heard it hear first! Global warming is causing earthquakes seen in places like Japan and South America, for which only the GOP is to blame.

It works like this.

1. GOP ignores/denies global warming.
2. GOP drives SUV's, flies on planes, toots in the wind without even trying to hold it.
3. Ice melts in the artic from GOP emissions while Dims ride bikes, walks, and live in caves or on the streets rather than using carbon heating materials.
4. Weight shift in the oceans cause earthquakes.

Our only hope is Hillary. Only she, and she alone, can stop earthquakes by raising taxes on carbon emissions.

It works like this.

1. DIms raise taxes on carbon emissions.
2. People have less money to afford gas for their cars and natural gas to heat their homes.
3. People have less money to have children, all of whom are part of the GOP conspiracy to destroy the planet via carbon emissions.
4. People have less money to buy food that makes them toot.
5. GOP opposes abortion and gay marriage, both of which are needed to be promoted to prevent people from having carbon emitting parasites.
6. Once taxes go up, the planet then cools down, the seas quiet down, the lion lies down to rest with the lamb once again. Terrorists lay down the arms. All is well.

In short, all the worlds problems can be solved through taxation. Shrug, KN was right.

So the choice is yours really. Vote for Hillary or vote for planet chaos and the GOP.
Here is a comprehensive list of the mayhem caused by global warming.

Earthquakes and volcanos included.

A Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming

Believe it, the scientist Bill Nye told me so.

Global warming turned me into a newt.

I got better.

Pretty soon you will be a fat newt.

Climate Change May Turn Crops Into Junk Food

You heard it here first. Global warming is to blame for higher obesity levels, and yes, it's all Bush's fault.
Is Global Warming to Blame for the Killer Earthquake in the Philippines? – Greener Ideal

You heard it hear first! Global warming is causing earthquakes seen in places like Japan and South America, for which only the GOP is to blame.

It works like this.

1. GOP ignores/denies global warming.
2. GOP drives SUV's, flies on planes, toots in the wind without even trying to hold it.
3. Ice melts in the artic from GOP emissions while Dims ride bikes, walks, and live in caves or on the streets rather than using carbon heating materials.
4. Weight shift in the oceans cause earthquakes.

Our only hope is Hillary. Only she, and she alone, can stop earthquakes by raising taxes on carbon emissions.

It works like this.

1. DIms raise taxes on carbon emissions.
2. People have less money to afford gas for their cars and natural gas to heat their homes.
3. People have less money to have children, all of whom are part of the GOP conspiracy to destroy the planet via carbon emissions.
4. People have less money to buy food that makes them toot.
5. GOP opposes abortion and gay marriage, both of which are needed to be promoted to prevent people from having carbon emitting parasites.
6. Once taxes go up, the planet then cools down, the seas quiet down, the lion lies down to rest with the lamb once again. Terrorists lay down the arms. All is well.

In short, all the worlds problems can be solved through taxation. Shrug, KN was right.

So the choice is yours really. Vote for Hillary or vote for planet chaos and the GOP.
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If you were really sorry you would vote for Hillary and higher taxes to save us all.
In the bible it predicts exactly what is happening now. It states when morals are taken out of society these things will occur more often. Well in that case it's liberals fault that these disasters are happening more often. Just think a book written thousands of years ago is spot on.

Perhaps it is God's wrath on conservative wall building heretics that the Pope says are all going to hell.

I hear the Pope is partial to Bernie Sanders, but Hillary will have to do.
homosexuals, trannys, beastiality known as interracial marriage is y we get earthquakes. Its a sign from the Divine Jesus God above the He is incredible displeased, its a request 4 us 2 repent. Democraps u know what ur doing and u know u should stop b4 u damn us all to be buttbuddys with Lucefer.
homosexuals, trannys, beastiality known as interracial marriage is y we get earthquakes. Its a sign from the Divine Jesus God above the He is incredible displeased, its a request 4 us 2 repent. Democraps u know what ur doing and u know u should stop b4 u damn us all to be buttbuddys with Lucefer.

According to the Pope, God only hates wall building conservatives like Trump.
homosexuals, trannys, beastiality known as interracial marriage is y we get earthquakes. Its a sign from the Divine Jesus God above the He is incredible displeased, its a request 4 us 2 repent. Democraps u know what ur doing and u know u should stop b4 u damn us all to be buttbuddys with Lucefer.

According to the Pope, God only hates wall building conservatives like Trump.
This Pope Is a heratic. plain&simple
nothing wrong with protecting our countrys freedom by keeping Mexicants out
homosexuals, trannys, beastiality known as interracial marriage is y we get earthquakes. Its a sign from the Divine Jesus God above the He is incredible displeased, its a request 4 us 2 repent. Democraps u know what ur doing and u know u should stop b4 u damn us all to be buttbuddys with Lucefer.

According to the Pope, God only hates wall building conservatives like Trump.
This Pope Is a heratic. plain&simple
nothing wrong with protecting our countrys freedom by keeping Mexicants out

Silly, the Pope calls YOU a heretic, not the other way round.
homosexuals, trannys, beastiality known as interracial marriage is y we get earthquakes. Its a sign from the Divine Jesus God above the He is incredible displeased, its a request 4 us 2 repent. Democraps u know what ur doing and u know u should stop b4 u damn us all to be buttbuddys with Lucefer.

According to the Pope, God only hates wall building conservatives like Trump.
This Pope Is a heratic. plain&simple
nothing wrong with protecting our countrys freedom by keeping Mexicants out

Silly, the Pope calls YOU a heretic, not the other way round.
he is a heratic he turnsaway from God. i am ashamed to be living in this retched age were we have a LIBTARD POPE
homosexuals, trannys, beastiality known as interracial marriage is y we get earthquakes. Its a sign from the Divine Jesus God above the He is incredible displeased, its a request 4 us 2 repent. Democraps u know what ur doing and u know u should stop b4 u damn us all to be buttbuddys with Lucefer.

According to the Pope, God only hates wall building conservatives like Trump.
While he lives behind a wall. He is a good hypocrite liberal. He represents you well.

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