GOP is Fractured


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.

Forgot a link...sorry

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and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?
I was not as quiet as a mouse, neither were many. Don't be fooled by the News Entertainment you're watching that paints all his voters as the 30% I listed above. I thought you were smarter than that. Ooooops wrong again.
It’s pretty simple. The American people are desperate for leadership that will address their concerns, rather than the MIC and billionaires. They knew Hillary was owned and controlled. So, they went with the blow hard conman, since they only had two choices in the world’s leading so called democracy.

Then after four years of BS from the conman, they went back to the swamp and voted in a old neocon in Senile Joe. Giving back control of their government to the ruling class, not that it ever lost control under the conman.
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?
I was not as quiet as a mouse, neither were many. Don't be fooled by the News Entertainment you're watching.
I watch you on here -- not making thread after thread about how Trump exploded the debt and deficit -- because you were too busy praising Trump for what he exploded the debt and deficit for......

Which is why I that illogical or no?
One thing's for certain, the right FEARS Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I made a thread entitled as such over a year ago.
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One thing's for certain, the right FEARS Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
For someone as dumb as they claim she is -- she sure does hold more power in their mind than she does in the House....

Hell, I wish she had as much power as their fears tell them -- we would have 2000 a month stim checks by now as well as a public option at least....

But nope, all we got is a failed insurrection and a 2nd impeachment....#sad
It’s pretty simple. The American people are desperate for leadership that will address their concerns, rather than the MIC and billionaires. They knew Hillary was owned and controlled. So, they went with the blow hard conman, since they only had two choices in the world’s leading so called democracy.

Then after four years of BS from the conman, they went back to the swamp and voted in a old neocon in Senile Joe. Giving back control of their government to the ruling class, not that it ever lost control under the conman.
What does that have to do with fractured GOP?
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?

Congress spends money, Loon

Try Schoolhouse Rock, it appeals to your level
One thing's for certain, the right FEARS Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
For someone as dumb as they claim she is -- she sure does hold more power in their mind than she does in the House....

Hell, I wish she had as much power as their fears tell them -- we would have 2000 a month stim checks by now as well as a public option at least....

But nope, all we got is a failed insurrection and a 2nd impeachment....#sad
I put that in there as a joke. Jeeezuz, you leftists have zero sense of humor.
I suppose I would consider myself more or less as being in group #2, but I do not consider liberals as people with opposing views. I consider liberals as having SIMILAR views as mine, not opposing. The problem here is that there are just precious few actual liberals these days, as much of what is being called liberal is authoritarian leftism.

I believe in liberal egalitarianism. The left does not as the tribalism of identity politics prevails. I believe in the liberal ideal of free speech. The left does not -- obviously so these days. I believe in the liberal principle of maximizing the choices people can make by way of determining their own life. The left is now all about control and MINIMIZING those choices.

There is simply no room in the Democrat party for somebody like me these days, and so if the Republican party did reorganize in the ways you mentioned, I would consider option #2.
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?
I was not as quiet as a mouse, neither were many. Don't be fooled by the News Entertainment you're watching.
I watch you on here -- not making thread after thread about how Trump exploded the debt and deficit -- because you were too busy praising Trump for what he exploded the debt and deficit for......

Which is why I that illogical or no?
When did I make a thread praising Trump? I have replied multiple times how I dislike his budget handling. That being said he is just signing what Congress gives him.
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?
/----/ Well, if Trump is responsible for blowing up the debt, let's see how quickly democRATs reign in spending and pass a balanced budget.
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?

Congress spends money, Loon

Try Schoolhouse Rock, it appeals to your level
Trump has veto power does he not??

But aside from your answer being a bitch ass deflection....

Wouldn't that also mean Obama, Bush, or anyone else aren't to blame for the debt and deficits during their time in office?

Or does only your cult leader get that pass?

0_z-data (25).jpg
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?
I was not as quiet as a mouse, neither were many. Don't be fooled by the News Entertainment you're watching.
I watch you on here -- not making thread after thread about how Trump exploded the debt and deficit -- because you were too busy praising Trump for what he exploded the debt and deficit for......

Which is why I that illogical or no?
When did I make a thread praising Trump? I have replied multiple times how I dislike his budget handling. That being said he is just signing what Congress gives him. with that being said -- Trump could very well be a staunch fiscal conservative -- but since he is president, we would never know since presidents aren't responsible for the debt and

That means, no president is, not just Trump...right??
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?

Congress spends money, Loon

Try Schoolhouse Rock, it appeals to your level
Trump has veto power does he not??

But aside from your answer being a bitch ass deflection....

Wouldn't that also mean Obama, Bush, or anyone else aren't to blame for the debt and deficits during their time in office?

Or does only your cult leader get that pass?

View attachment 442759
He wanted to veto but wanted the military spend so he acquiesced and I disagree with him on that. 09 was the great recession. Why not go back to 2000? You're picking and choosing and hijacking this thread. It is about the fractured GOP. Not about me and the budget. Learn to read.
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?

Congress spends money, Loon

Try Schoolhouse Rock, it appeals to your level
Trump has veto power does he not??

But aside from your answer being a bitch ass deflection....

Wouldn't that also mean Obama, Bush, or anyone else aren't to blame for the debt and deficits during their time in office?

Or does only your cult leader get that pass?

View attachment 442759
He wanted to veto but wanted the military spend so he acquiesced and I disagree with him on that. 09 was the great recession. Why not go back to 2000? You're picking and choosing and hijacking this thread. It is about the fractured GOP. Not about me and the budget. Learn to read.
Now tell us what he wanted to veto that bill for??

Was it due to his "fiscal conservatism"??
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?
I was not as quiet as a mouse, neither were many. Don't be fooled by the News Entertainment you're watching.
I watch you on here -- not making thread after thread about how Trump exploded the debt and deficit -- because you were too busy praising Trump for what he exploded the debt and deficit for......

Which is why I that illogical or no?
When did I make a thread praising Trump? I have replied multiple times how I dislike his budget handling. That being said he is just signing what Congress gives him. with that being said -- Trump could very well be a staunch fiscal conservative -- but since he is president, we would never know since presidents aren't responsible for the debt and

That means, no president is, not just Trump...right??
Answer my question. You said I made thread after thread praising Trump? He overspent because he said our military was depleted. I do not know if he is right or wrong but Congress approved each and every budget. I believe he should have been more focused on balancing the budget. But no one cares what I think. Democrats control Washington now so they will gladly balance the budget, I am sure.
and may not be able to recover for some time...

Way I see it there party is fractured into three parts to simplify it.

#1) The new Trump party. These are ardent to the death Trump supporters. He does not do anything wrong. He wants what is best for the country. Best President Ever. Trump or Death. Consider liberals to be the enemy of America. Believe GOP who turned on Trump are traitors. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture. See AOC as an idiot. ~ 30%

#2) The Independent/Moderate. They like Trump's fiscal policies. They think he needs to at times tone down his rhetoric. They like his America First stance and strong military buildout. They have concerns over the budget deficit. They will support other candidates. They are strongly concerned with the PC/Cancel culture as well but consider liberals to be just people with opposing POV but leftists are the enemy of America as are the Alt Right. See AOC as an idiot. ~55%

#3) They are old school GOP, many call them RINOs. They hate Trump and would rather vote 3rd party, not vote or vote Democrat rather than support him. They despise everything about him. Now that he is gone they will likely come back to the party but maybe not. See AOC as an idiot. ~15%

As I can gauge all three dislike one another and it would be tough to find candidates in 2022 (House) and 2024 (WH0 to placate the full 100% so to me the Democratic Party will be running this country for the next few elections, I say ~12 years. For those who care....I am the one in the middle. Independent/Moderate. I do not believe that Trump caused this fracture. It was always there. But Trump brought it out into the open for sure.

Congratulations again to the Democratic Party. You own Washington and you won the culture war. I am still unsure as to how this happened as many of the positions are illogical to me but no one cares what losers think. For now you are the winners and winners write history.

Let me have it...sincerely, The Pale Orc.
Is being concerned about "fiscal responsibility" and debts while being quiet as a church mouse while Trump exploded the debt an illogical position or no?

Congress spends money, Loon

Try Schoolhouse Rock, it appeals to your level
Trump has veto power does he not??

But aside from your answer being a bitch ass deflection....

Wouldn't that also mean Obama, Bush, or anyone else aren't to blame for the debt and deficits during their time in office?

Or does only your cult leader get that pass?

View attachment 442759
He wanted to veto but wanted the military spend so he acquiesced and I disagree with him on that. 09 was the great recession. Why not go back to 2000? You're picking and choosing and hijacking this thread. It is about the fractured GOP. Not about me and the budget. Learn to read.
Now tell us what he wanted to veto that bill for??

Was it due to his "fiscal conservatism"??
Yes. He thought there was too much wasteful spending in it. But also selfishly approved it to boost the military. So they compromised. Pork spend for Military spend. What is a few trillion between friends?

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