GOP Governer candidate in Michigan believes child rape victim will heal by having rapists baby

Trump backed clowns are bringing the GOP down. Maybe they will have a clear out when they get their arses kicked.
She appears to be greenlighting the forced consequences of child rape. Removing all right of the rape victim here to make a decision.

"Dixon replied that she had spoken to people who were the children of rape victims and that "the bond that those two people made and the fact that out of that tragedy there was healing through that baby, it's something that we don't think about."

Healing through the baby??? whose dream world? Again, this is just giving the tacit go ahead to commit sexual assault.

I agree, where do Republicans dig these whack-a-doodles up? :auiqs.jpg:
She doesn't appear to be doing any such thing, except to those who think that killing babies makes the horrendous crime of rape magically go away.
The GOP platform unveiled.

Democrats are such hypocrites. They don't want all children of rape killed. No matter under what circumstances the mothers are forced FORCED to carry the child, birth the child and then FORCED to care for that child after it is born. When democrats start demanding the post birth abortion for Starlet and Angel Dugard and Jocelyn Berry I'll believe them. Until then they are just mindless blowhards.
Well the usual choice is, as the norm for Dimmers, to murder the infant. The other choice, the logical one, is to have the baby and have it adopted.
Did you ever have that brain tumor checked out Commie??
I am FULLY aware of the NEGATIVE effect of abortion on
a mother pregnant for ANY REASON---FULLY AWARE---
but in the case of pregnancy by child rape----I STILL VOTE
ABORTION-----with lots of care from family and professionals

Where do they find these crazies ? Are there any crazies left in the US who arent looking to be elected in the GOP interest ?

She is trailing the incumbent by 5 points in a race that goppers told us was a shoe in last year. Significantly this loon is trailing 17 points amongst Michigan women.

Obviously she was endorsed by Trump and it seems as if she was one of those shit people that Mitch was moaning about last week. Abortion is killing the GOP.

If they had picked a normal person they might have won. And she has a blokes name.
That's how bad the two party system has gotten, it is so bad that the last three Presidential candidates were Hillary Clinton, totally clueless, Donald Trump, again totally clueless and Joe Biden, totally clueless. The quality of the candidates is so poor as normal people don't want to run as the opposition will dig up every piece of dirt available and most people aren't into that BS.
For those Republicans on this thread -- that is, all of them -- fighting so hard for pedorapist-rights ...

... is that a GOP party plank, or is it just your own personal position?
No one is fighting for “pedorapist rights.” Try to be honest and have some modicum of integrity if possible.
If my daughter was raped and she was forced to have it I would ensure it doesn't step foot in my house.

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