GOP chickens all coming home to love american politics!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
There would be no republican party without the elements of fear. Their entire format since Goldwater has been based on putting fear into conservative voters against anything that isn't rich white or ignorant to reality or facts, which is southern white trash to the core. Now that the beast of that rhetoric has emerged in the form a leader, ie Trump, these war mongering race baiting bastards are now at a loss for words. Behold, GOP your chicken is back to the roost and will in fact tear this country apart....and you have no one to blame but yourselves and the bullshit you have manifest for decades, hate!!

To all your white supporters, especially those that are following the Trump very careful for what you ask for, sometimes when the Gods want to punish you.....THEY ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS AMERICA!!
The only real fear out there right now, is that Trump is gaining ground. I recommend that far-left Democraps and the Repub establishment hook-up together to bring him down.............:oops-28:.................., that has already happened (along with a strong push by the leftist status quo media).
I just want to know if the GOP chickens taste like a lot like chicken. And if it's fried up real good will you get grease on down to your elbows diggin in?
There would be no republican party without the elements of fear. Their entire format since Goldwater has been based on putting fear into conservative voters against anything that isn't rich white or ignorant to reality or facts, which is southern white trash to the core. Now that the beast of that rhetoric has emerged in the form a leader, ie Trump, these war mongering race baiting bastards are now at a loss for words. Behold, GOP your chicken is back to the roost and will in fact tear this country apart....and you have no one to blame but yourselves and the bullshit you have manifest for decades, hate!!

To all your white supporters, especially those that are following the Trump very careful for what you ask for, sometimes when the Gods want to punish you.....THEY ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS AMERICA!!

that never used to be the case.

very sad.
There would be no republican party without the elements of fear. Their entire format since Goldwater has been based on putting fear into conservative voters against anything that isn't rich white or ignorant to reality or facts, which is southern white trash to the core. Now that the beast of that rhetoric has emerged in the form a leader, ie Trump, these war mongering race baiting bastards are now at a loss for words. Behold, GOP your chicken is back to the roost and will in fact tear this country apart....and you have no one to blame but yourselves and the bullshit you have manifest for decades, hate!!

To all your white supporters, especially those that are following the Trump very careful for what you ask for, sometimes when the Gods want to punish you.....THEY ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS AMERICA!!

sometimes when the Gods want to punish you....

I heard it as "when the gods want to punish you, they first drive you mad"

Which god, or gods, have you upset?
Ever notice a lot of trumps mantra and speeches are based on what the Tea Party started?


But I DO notice that Trump is a mirror image of the shit you Communists have been spewing for the last 8 years.

YOU wanted identity politics, YOU want to pit race against race, gender against gender. Trump is the result of the seeds of hate that Obama and the democrats have so carefully planted and nurtured.
There would be no republican party without the elements of fear. Their entire format since Goldwater has been based on putting fear into conservative voters against anything that isn't rich white or ignorant to reality or facts, which is southern white trash to the core. Now that the beast of that rhetoric has emerged in the form a leader, ie Trump, these war mongering race baiting bastards are now at a loss for words. Behold, GOP your chicken is back to the roost and will in fact tear this country apart....and you have no one to blame but yourselves and the bullshit you have manifest for decades, hate!!

To all your white supporters, especially those that are following the Trump very careful for what you ask for, sometimes when the Gods want to punish you.....THEY ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS AMERICA!!

that never used to be the case.

very sad.
Yes, of course. The liberals are deeply saddened that the Republicans have deteriorated into child molesting ax murderers. I am saddened by your sadness. Really. It's sincere.
Ever notice a lot of trumps mantra and speeches are based on what the Tea Party started?


But I DO notice that Trump is a mirror image of the shit you Communists have been spewing for the last 8 years.

YOU wanted identity politics, YOU want to pit race against race, gender against gender. Trump is the result of the seeds of hate that Obama and the democrats have so carefully planted and nurtured.

Actually, those seeds were planted the day after the 2008 election when McConnell got together with other GOP leaders and vowed to make Obama a one term president. When they decided that, they amped up the rhetoric to try to stop Obama, and it's just grown bigger and wilder since.
There would be no republican party without the elements of fear. Their entire format since Goldwater has been based on putting fear into conservative voters against anything that isn't rich white or ignorant to reality or facts, which is southern white trash to the core. Now that the beast of that rhetoric has emerged in the form a leader, ie Trump, these war mongering race baiting bastards are now at a loss for words. Behold, GOP your chicken is back to the roost and will in fact tear this country apart....and you have no one to blame but yourselves and the bullshit you have manifest for decades, hate!!

To all your white supporters, especially those that are following the Trump very careful for what you ask for, sometimes when the Gods want to punish you.....THEY ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS AMERICA!!
It's amazing that this level of simple ignorance,still exsist,there is no wonder there is division,hard to have a healthy political discourse,with hate and bigotry,and ignornece show by the OP.
Ever notice a lot of trumps mantra and speeches are based on what the Tea Party started?

Not at all.

But I have noticed that Trumps' mantra has left the tea party in the dustbin of history. Trump calls it, 'common-sense conservatism'. Go to his website to divine the difference.
Ever notice a lot of trumps mantra and speeches are based on what the Tea Party started?


But I DO notice that Trump is a mirror image of the shit you Communists have been spewing for the last 8 years.

YOU wanted identity politics, YOU want to pit race against race, gender against gender. Trump is the result of the seeds of hate that Obama and the democrats have so carefully planted and nurtured.

Actually, those seeds were planted the day after the 2008 election when McConnell got together with other GOP leaders and vowed to make Obama a one term president. When they decided that, they amped up the rhetoric to try to stop Obama, and it's just grown bigger and wilder since.
I seem to remember them doing pretty good in Nov '14.
I know in dope head terms that was light years ago but still ....
Ever notice a lot of trumps mantra and speeches are based on what the Tea Party started?


But I DO notice that Trump is a mirror image of the shit you Communists have been spewing for the last 8 years.

YOU wanted identity politics, YOU want to pit race against race, gender against gender. Trump is the result of the seeds of hate that Obama and the democrats have so carefully planted and nurtured.

And yet, all t-rump's supporters are crazy right wingers.
Actually, those seeds were planted the day after the 2008 election when McConnell got together with other GOP leaders and vowed to make Obama a one term president. When they decided that, they amped up the rhetoric to try to stop Obama, and it's just grown bigger and wilder since.

Those seeds were planted before and during the election, as your little tin Messiah preached revenge against whitey. Every time he claimed white cops "acted stupidly," when he spoke of Grammy as a "typical white," when he sat for years in the pews of "God Damn America."

Vowing to make a radical left democrat a one term president has nothing to do with race, but the divisive rhetoric of Obama and his goons is all about race.
Sure, but your reality doesn't match the rest of the world.

Yeah, I mean you told me nearly a year ago that Trump was done, and pretty much every single day since.

I really should listen to you... :eusa_whistle:
When did I do that? Link?
Ever notice a lot of trumps mantra and speeches are based on what the Tea Party started?

It is. It's also what they sent the GOP to Congress to get done and the GOP never got around to doing. What you're seeing in Trump is a lot of pent up anger from Middle Class Americans sick of DC and establishment politics and broken political promises.

It isn't about Trump; it's about normal everyday Americans who are sick of the system the two parties have set up on their backs. The only thing Trump has going for him is the ability to not need either party for cash. Otherwise it would be business as usual.

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