GOP Campaign Consultants Panicked About Upcoming Midterms After Roe Decision

How is it an equal protection issue.

The exact same way interracial marriage is an Equal Protection issue.

Using your backwards logic a white person and marry a white person and a black person can marry a black person so there is no problem it a white and a black person not being allowed to marry
Clarence Thomas' opinion should draw more concern. He now has his sights set on gay rights, transgender rights and the right to contraceptives. The Republican Party is clearly trying to take away the rights of women.

Was I in the DNC his opinion would be in every House and Senate ad on TV and the radio between now and the election.
you have been going on and on about it for an hour or more.

Seems you are clearly triggered
No, I'm replying to your posts, you're the one that brings it up every seems like you are clearly triggered by support it, but don't want the visual......because it's disgusting, isn't it?
No, I'm replying to your posts, you're the one that brings it up every seems like you are clearly triggered by support it, but don't want the visual......because it's disgusting, isn't it?

And I am just responding to your post...weird.

The visual does not bother me at all. I just find it funny that you all always use that visual, as if it is always on your mind.
According to a report from Politico, while Republicans are publically applauding a decision from the conservative Supreme Court to dismantle the 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision that allowed women to get an abortion, in private they are admitting it could not have come at a worse time.

In interviews with Politico's David Siders, Republican Party campaign consultants are throwing up their hands in frustration at a ruling that will make it harder for them to do their jobs in November -- particularly as they try to bring suburban women back into the fold after four years of Donald Trump.

As one GOP adviser put it: "This is a losing issue for Republicans.”

Oh, look who’s bashing the decision in private

You’ve got bigger things to worry about Donny.

And in the Politico article the same Strategists are quoted saying the Republicans will still take the House, etc, etc, etc.
And in the Politico article the same Strategists are quoted saying the Republicans will still take the House, etc, etc, etc.

They probably will, gerrymandering will make sure of that. But will it be the 60+ swing that has been predicated.

And will they take the Senate now? That is much more up in the air after yesterday. The more your fellow Repubs talk about going after same sex marriage and birth control the less likley it will be the GOP can take the senate.
And I am just responding to your post...weird.

The visual does not bother me at all. I just find it funny that you all always use that visual, as if it is always on your mind.
It's not, it just makes lefties's like they support the idea, but don't know what they're supporting, so I like to remind them.
They probably will, gerrymandering will make sure of that. But will it be the 60+ swing that has been predicated.

And will they take the Senate now? That is much more up in the air after yesterday. The more your fellow Repubs talk about going after same sex marriage and birth control the less likley it will be the GOP can take the senate.

I would call that at least even by the time the panting, screeching Leftists are done. You forget that most people, even those who support abortion, find it a sad necessity. These Leftists do not. And America will not love the weeks- or months-long protests and prurient defense of killing your own babies we're about to witness.

So in the end, I say it's a draw.
It's not, it just makes lefties's like they support the idea, but don't know what they're supporting, so I like to remind them.

You keep blaming your actions on the "leftys".

That is sort of a pussy cop out. But hey, it seems to work for you! :beer:
The exact same way interracial marriage is an Equal Protection issue.

Using your backwards logic a white person and marry a white person and a black person can marry a black person so there is no problem it a white and a black person not being allowed to marry

You have to change the definition of marriage for gay marriage. Now a marriage is just whatever, I guess. I'm surprised, honestly, we haven't seen polygamy, incest, and who knows what yet. It's anything now.
Advice to would-be Democrat voters:

Before marking a ballot consider whether you'd be around to do dat if your mommy and daddy had believe in abortion as much as you!

Yes, voting Democrat is to show your disrespect for your very own parents!
According to a report from Politico, while Republicans are publically applauding a decision from the conservative Supreme Court to dismantle the 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision that allowed women to get an abortion, in private they are admitting it could not have come at a worse time.

In interviews with Politico's David Siders, Republican Party campaign consultants are throwing up their hands in frustration at a ruling that will make it harder for them to do their jobs in November -- particularly as they try to bring suburban women back into the fold after four years of Donald Trump.

As one GOP adviser put it: "This is a losing issue for Republicans.”

Oh, look who’s bashing the decision in private

You’ve got bigger things to worry about Donny.

No Doubt ... It's Called Chickens Come Home To Roost.

Establishment Republicans, Democrats and Even Moderate Independents have long survived on their promises.
Many openly declared their stance as far as Abortion and with the acceptance that it didn't make a difference because of Roe and Casey.

Now ... It's nut-cutting time and a single-issue position has because a pivot point of actual upcoming policy.
They can no longer hide in ambiguity and will be called on to put their money and their effort where it counts.
Some could try and blame the Supreme Court, but they would just be cowards.

Shit or get off the pot ... :thup:
I have no doubt there will be some Republicans that fail to return after November ...
And the people that think those Republicans will be replaced by Democrats might have another thing coming.

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I would call that at least even by the time the panting, screeching Leftists are done. You forget that most people, even those who support abortion, find it a sad necessity. These Leftists do not. And America will not love the weeks- or months-long protests and prurient defense of killing your own babies we're about to witness.

So in the end, I say it's a draw.

Perhaps, but this is not a one time story that will be forgotten. Between now and Nov multiple states will pass more and more restrictive laws all trying to out do each other. Each time it will reignite the anger.

Plus, one does not have to be "leftist" to think that there should be exemptions for rape/incest/human trafficking victims. But more and more states will remove these.

Add in the attack on same sex marriage, which most people support and it gets a bit worse.

With any luck a few of the more well known Repubs will start talking about going after birth control also, since that is next in line for them

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