GOP budget plan would raise debt, hurt seniors


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office's initial analysis of the House GOP budget released today by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is filled with nuggets of bad news for Republicans.

In addition to acknowledging that seniors, disabled and elderly people would be hit with much higher out-of-pocket health care costs, the CBO finds that by the end of the 10-year budget window, public debt will actually be higher than it would be if the GOP just did nothing.
CBO: GOP Budget Would Increase Debt, Then Stick It To Medicare Patients | TPMDC
How can this be? There were a multitude of attack ads sponsored by the GOP and their conservative attack groups during the Healthcare debate, scaring the shit out of seniors by telling them that "Obamacare" would make drastic cuts to MediCare. Why is it now OK to eliminate MediCare?
Fearmngering will get you nowhere.. Seniors have already been hurt by the theft of 960 Billion dollars from medicare. We didn't have nuttin left anyway..

so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?
Fearmngering will get you nowhere.. Seniors have already been hurt by the theft of 960 Billion dollars from medicare. We didn't have nuttin left anyway..

so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

Would you care to explain just exactly HOW $960 billion was "stolen" from Medicare?

go to you tube,, find the hearing in which Sebilius explains the theft of 960 billion, not used to pay down debt but to fund the 30 million individuals who were un insured. you did that off the backs of seniors so don't fearmonger now.. instead cry us a river.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office's initial analysis of the House GOP budget released today by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is filled with nuggets of bad news for Republicans.

In addition to acknowledging that seniors, disabled and elderly people would be hit with much higher out-of-pocket health care costs, the CBO finds that by the end of the 10-year budget window, public debt will actually be higher than it would be if the GOP just did nothing.
CBO: GOP Budget Would Increase Debt, Then Stick It To Medicare Patients | TPMDC

How about waiting until they actually review tha plan?

Note, that the CBO hasn't reviewed legislative language, so these numbers will likely be revised when an official cost-estimate is completed.

And since the plan doesn't affect those over 55 your post is an outright lie.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office's initial analysis of the House GOP budget released today by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is filled with nuggets of bad news for Republicans.

In addition to acknowledging that seniors, disabled and elderly people would be hit with much higher out-of-pocket health care costs, the CBO finds that by the end of the 10-year budget window, public debt will actually be higher than it would be if the GOP just did nothing.
CBO: GOP Budget Would Increase Debt, Then Stick It To Medicare Patients | TPMDC

How about waiting until they actually review tha plan?

Note, that the CBO hasn't reviewed legislative language, so these numbers will likely be revised when an official cost-estimate is completed.

And since the plan doesn't affect those over 55 your post is an outright lie.

the part she leaves out is that what the dimmies are doing fucks up the whole damn country and instead of looking for solutions they want to demogouge.. Saul Alinsky people do that.
ah, right on cue. here come the Fearmongering.

only thing, they left out how it will HURT the Childeeeeerrrrrrn too.
Fearmngering will get you nowhere.. Seniors have already been hurt by the theft of 960 Billion dollars from medicare. We didn't have nuttin left anyway..

so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

Would you care to explain just exactly HOW $960 billion was "stolen" from Medicare?

go to you tube,, find the hearing in which Sebilius explains the theft of 960 billion, not used to pay down debt but to fund the 30 million individuals who were un insured. you did that off the backs of seniors so don't fearmonger now.. instead cry us a river.

Are you talking about the cost savings in the ACA that equaled that amount? You'll have to be a little less vague with your claims.
Would you care to explain just exactly HOW $960 billion was "stolen" from Medicare?

go to you tube,, find the hearing in which Sebilius explains the theft of 960 billion, not used to pay down debt but to fund the 30 million individuals who were un insured. you did that off the backs of seniors so don't fearmonger now.. instead cry us a river.

Are you talking about the cost savings in the ACA that equaled that amount? You'll have to be a little less vague with your claims.

I don't have to be anything.
ah, right on cue. here come the Fearmongering.

only thing, they left out how it will HURT the Childeeeeerrrrrrn too.

It's hardly "fearmongering" to point out that the GnOP budget will cut 200,000 children from Head Start programs, kick 150,000 out of childcare and countless numbers will die overseas from malaria.

Republicans: Love the fetus, hate the child...52 after.
go to you tube,, find the hearing in which Sebilius explains the theft of 960 billion, not used to pay down debt but to fund the 30 million individuals who were un insured. you did that off the backs of seniors so don't fearmonger now.. instead cry us a river.

Are you talking about the cost savings in the ACA that equaled that amount? You'll have to be a little less vague with your claims.

I don't have to be anything.

Beyond a shill with no facts, you are absolutely correct.
ah, right on cue. here come the Fearmongering.

only thing, they left out how it will HURT the Childeeeeerrrrrrn too.

It's hardly "fearmongering" to point out that the GnOP budget will cut 200,000 children from Head Start programs, kick 150,000 out of childcare and countless numbers will die overseas from malaria.

Republicans: Love the fetus, hate the child...52 after.

[ame=]YouTube - Gloom Despair[/ame]
ah, right on cue. here come the Fearmongering.

only thing, they left out how it will HURT the Childeeeeerrrrrrn too.

It's hardly "fearmongering" to point out that the GnOP budget will cut 200,000 children from Head Start programs, kick 150,000 out of childcare and countless numbers will die overseas from malaria.

Republicans: Love the fetus, hate the child...52 after.

last I heard, these types of programs were NOT THE FEDERAL Guberments JOB. I do believe these children have something called, Parents.
Would you care to explain just exactly HOW $960 billion was "stolen" from Medicare?

When she brings that up I assume she's talking about $157 billion that's been shaved off of market basket updates to certain Medicare reimbursements over the next decade. And an end to $200 billion in extra payments to private insurers resulting from the last partial privatization debacle.

Certainly that's more odious than actually ending Medicare.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office's initial analysis of the House GOP budget released today by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is filled with nuggets of bad news for Republicans.

In addition to acknowledging that seniors, disabled and elderly people would be hit with much higher out-of-pocket health care costs, the CBO finds that by the end of the 10-year budget window, public debt will actually be higher than it would be if the GOP just did nothing.
CBO: GOP Budget Would Increase Debt, Then Stick It To Medicare Patients | TPMDC

There's a lot of misinformation out there. TPM reported a correction to an article about the CBO report:

Correction: This post was based on a misreading or the GOP budget, and on Republican claims that the budget would save money by repealing the the health care law. The budget itself doesn't claim that repealing the health care law will reduce the deficit as we reported. It claims repeal will reduce spending outlays, and at times characterizes those reductions as "savings". That's true so far as it goes. But the budget does not grapple with the fact that repealing the law's taxes and other savings would more than make up for the spending reductions, resulting in a deficit increase. We regret the error.

CORRECTED: GOP Budget Ignores CBO To Claim Health Care Repeal Will Save Money | TPMDC

Now it's time for both sides to work together to get deficit spending under control.

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