Goodbye union thug Schulttz


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
That's right. Eddie Schulttz your classic union 'enforcer' thug MSNBC goon is going to be replaced by Hannity on radio in 2014.
You'd think some LIB 'Obamatowner' would have read the history of 'Air America'.
"Hello? Hello?" Sorry all you LIB radio hosts who are losing their jobs because NO BODY IS LISTENING TO YOU!!!!!!
You are all being replaced. Guess the boys at Hertz who used to sponsor LIB radio have had enough of Schulttz trying to get their employees to join unions and then go on strike.Liberal Commercial Talk Radio Disappears in NY, LA, SF in 2014 | Truth Revolt
To me the reason is obvious. Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in current events/news/facts than conservatives.
Which is anther reason Fox News audience is larger than ALL of the other cable news channels - combined. Conservatives are more interested and want to stay informed.
Liberals are idealist...and idealism and reality - just don't mix..
Who with who?

far left quack with far right religious quack?


I was thinking this extreme to another.
Spin doctors extraordinaire.

when I watched them, they both made me laugh

Ed, b/c I was always stunned at how far he had to go.
Han, b/c he often seemed to be knowingly telling a joke with a straight face.

I did like Hans haircut and pro look though, Ed always looked like he splashed cold water on his face to sober up.
To me the reason is obvious. Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in current events/news/facts than conservatives.
Which is anther reason Fox News audience is larger than ALL of the other cable news channels - combined. Conservatives are more interested and want to stay informed.
Liberals are idealist...and idealism and reality - just don't mix..

Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in being force-fed a regurgitated diet of bs dressed up as current events/news/facts than conservatives.
To me the reason is obvious. Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in current events/news/facts than conservatives.
Which is anther reason Fox News audience is larger than ALL of the other cable news channels - combined. Conservatives are more interested and want to stay informed.
Liberals are idealist...and idealism and reality - just don't mix..

Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in being force-fed a regurgitated diet of bs dressed up as current events/news/facts than conservatives.

Beat me to it. Same reason Air America failed and MSNBC gets such low ratings. One type of person is more interested in partisan propaganda than the other.
To me the reason is obvious. Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in current events/news/facts than conservatives.
Which is anther reason Fox News audience is larger than ALL of the other cable news channels - combined. Conservatives are more interested and want to stay informed.
Liberals are idealist...and idealism and reality - just don't mix..

Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in being force-fed a regurgitated diet of bs dressed up as current events/news/facts than conservatives.

Beat me to it. Same reason Air America failed and MSNBC gets such low ratings. One type of person is more interested in partisan propaganda than the other.

Then try to explain why ABC, NBC, CBS manage to survive with their left wing propaganda?

It isn't that your lefties don't like your propaganda sources, it's that you have so many that you have too many choices....
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Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in being force-fed a regurgitated diet of bs dressed up as current events/news/facts than conservatives.

Beat me to it. Same reason Air America failed and MSNBC gets such low ratings. One type of person is more interested in partisan propaganda than the other.

Then try to explain why ABC, NBC, CBS manage to survive with their left wing propaganda?

Because there isn't any. People watch Fox News and MSNBC to get fed opinions. People watch real news to get information.
Beat me to it. Same reason Air America failed and MSNBC gets such low ratings. One type of person is more interested in partisan propaganda than the other.

Then try to explain why ABC, NBC, CBS manage to survive with their left wing propaganda?

Because there isn't any. People watch Fox News and MSNBC to get fed opinions. People watch real news to get information.
so which are you??? A denier or a liar?

You have to be one of the two to make such a statement.
To me the reason is obvious. Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in current events/news/facts than conservatives.
Which is anther reason Fox News audience is larger than ALL of the other cable news channels - combined. Conservatives are more interested and want to stay informed.
Liberals are idealist...and idealism and reality - just don't mix..

Let's be honest - liberal people are, generally speaking, less interested in being force-fed a regurgitated diet of bs dressed up as current events/news/facts than conservatives.

Beat me to it. Same reason Air America failed and MSNBC gets such low ratings. One type of person is more interested in partisan propaganda than the other.

I think liberals have no need to have 24/7 media coverage of faux outrage over everything in order to stay involved and devoted to some mythical battle with an evil enemy.

Most liberals know their opponents are sad, deluded, lonely people in constant need of reassurance that they are not alone in their insanity
Let's be honest.

The reason left-wing kooks can't draw an audience to their radio ranting is simply that their imagined audience, those whose tilt to the left makes Pisa look vertical, are too busy to listen. They're all tuned to their local Rush Limbaugh Outlet, feverishly taking notes. They are constitutionally unable to twist the dial (or even push a button).

"Another" begs the question as whether that might require a startup or just a "Come to Jesus" moment for one of the several leftist nets whose shareholders are watching the numbers - and therefore the value of their stock - go South.
Are you trying to suggest that the network that goes by the name of FOXNEWS is NOT a RW network?
So if all other media are liberal, why can't conservatives support many other right wing tv networks?

It seems to serve their nefarious purposes perfectly.

Have ONE Master Network to consolidate all their efforts and plans.

Easy to control. Easy to execute. Easy to follow.

Easy peasy.

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