Good People On Both Sides


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010

Biden is visiting his interest group while his staffers are funding the riots.
There are protesters exercising a Constitutional right.
There are looters (and of all shades) breaking and stealing that have no right to do so.
There are two separate events.
The first invites the presence of "officers of the peace" to maintain order and protect everyone, including those demonstrating.
The second invites armed enforcement officers prepared to suppress thieves and hooligans of whatever color/type.
Beating up demonstrators is reprehensible.
Violence used to put down violence is to be expected.
If one goes into the street to demonstrate, one should not have to fear officers of the law.
If one goes out to steal, the fear should be very real.
There are protesters exercising a Constitutional right.
There are looters (and of all shades) breaking and stealing that have no right to do so.
There are two separate events.
The first invites the presence of "officers of the peace" to maintain order and protect everyone, including those demonstrating.
The second invites armed enforcement officers prepared to suppress thieves and hooligans of whatever color/type.
Beating up demonstrators is reprehensible.
Violence used to put down violence is to be expected.
If one goes into the street to demonstrate, one should not have to fear officers of the law.
If one goes out to steal, the fear should be very real.

That was one weak account of the story. Why do the "good" ones need their bail paid so that they can "protest" in "good faith" again?

Democrats keep proving how dangerous they are to this country. Antifa and BLM dipshits keep proving how dangerous they are to this country. WTF will they do when they destroy the cities they have turned into shitholes? These people need to be destroyed. They sure as hell don't belong among civilized people.
Democrats keep proving how dangerous they are to this country. Antifa and BLM dipshits keep proving how dangerous they are to this country. WTF will they do when they destroy the cities they have turned into shitholes? These people need to be destroyed. They sure as hell don't belong among civilized people.

The problem is bigger. This is what happens when you let low IQ idiots vote, falling for the democrat free shit scam over and over again. And now falling for the media bait riot scam.
Democrats keep proving how dangerous they are to this country. Antifa and BLM dipshits keep proving how dangerous they are to this country. WTF will they do when they destroy the cities they have turned into shitholes? These people need to be destroyed. They sure as hell don't belong among civilized people.

The problem is bigger. This is what happens when you let low IQ idiots vote, falling for the democrat free shit scam over and over again. And now falling for the media bait riot scam.

High taxes and riots chase people and businesses out of cities, democrats let the cities decay until they become nonviable, then they become rat infested slums. People get what they vote for.
The ancient Romans understood the psychology of crowds and mobs but modern conservatives are absolutely clueless. Civil unrest happens in every country and every political system. It usually arises from bad governance.
The ancient Romans understood the psychology of crowds and mobs but modern conservatives are absolutely clueless. Civil unrest happens in every country and every political system. It usually arises from bad governance.

They understood what is going on very well.

Democrats keep proving how dangerous they are to this country. Antifa and BLM dipshits keep proving how dangerous they are to this country. WTF will they do when they destroy the cities they have turned into shitholes? These people need to be destroyed. They sure as hell don't belong among civilized people.
Antifa is the only group that will protect you against the neoNazis in this country, who are growing in number by the day. Antifa is impossible to shut down, because they have sleeper cells (much like Al Queda).
There is no good people on the Left side. They are the ones that started this shit.

The victim mentality Blacks that got all huffy and demanded a lynching because a Black street thug got wasted. What could possibly go wrong?

The filthy "mababydindunutin" family that encouraged the demand for a lynching.

The Black mob rioters and looters who decided this was a great time to steal TVs, Nike shoes and expensive handbags.

The stupid confused hate filled Left Wing anarchists that seized the opportunity and used the Blacks for destruction and terrorism.

The weak and stupid Democrat Governors and Mayors that didn't do anything to stop the shit because they wanted to give the assholes time to "vent their frustrations".

Shitheads like Biden that says he is in solidarity with the destructive protest.
There is no good people on the Left side. They are the ones that started this shit.

The victim mentality Blacks that got all huffy and demanded a lynching because a Black street thug got wasted. What could possibly go wrong?

The filthy "mababydindunutin" family that encouraged the demand for a lynching.

The Black mob rioters and looters who decided this was a great time to steal TVs, Nike shoes and expensive handbags.

The stupid confused hate filled Left Wing anarchists that seized the opportunity and used the Blacks for destruction and terrorism.

The weak and stupid Democrat Governors and Mayors that didn't do anything to stop the shit because they wanted to give the assholes time to "vent their frustrations".

Shitheads like Biden that says he is in solidarity with the destructive protest.
You are a real piece of work, you know that? Antifa could save your life from the NeoNazis someday, unless of course, you already are a white supremacist. I suspect you lean towards that based on the hateful words above!!!
There is no good people on the Left side. They are the ones that started this shit.

The victim mentality Blacks that got all huffy and demanded a lynching because a Black street thug got wasted. What could possibly go wrong?

The filthy "mababydindunutin" family that encouraged the demand for a lynching.

The Black mob rioters and looters who decided this was a great time to steal TVs, Nike shoes and expensive handbags.

The stupid confused hate filled Left Wing anarchists that seized the opportunity and used the Blacks for destruction and terrorism.

The weak and stupid Democrat Governors and Mayors that didn't do anything to stop the shit because they wanted to give the assholes time to "vent their frustrations".

Shitheads like Biden that says he is in solidarity with the destructive protest.
You are a real piece of work, you know that? Antifa could save your life from the NeoNazis someday, unless of course, you already are a white supremacist. I suspect you lean towards that based on the hateful words above!!!

So ANTFIA is going to save us from the NeoNazis by burning down churches, defacing monuments, rioting, looting, attacking the police and pretty much destroying everything they touch. LOL. You are one confused Moon Bat.

You sound like Joe Biden in his support for the assholes.
There is no good people on the Left side. They are the ones that started this shit.

The victim mentality Blacks that got all huffy and demanded a lynching because a Black street thug got wasted. What could possibly go wrong?

The filthy "mababydindunutin" family that encouraged the demand for a lynching.

The Black mob rioters and looters who decided this was a great time to steal TVs, Nike shoes and expensive handbags.

The stupid confused hate filled Left Wing anarchists that seized the opportunity and used the Blacks for destruction and terrorism.

The weak and stupid Democrat Governors and Mayors that didn't do anything to stop the shit because they wanted to give the assholes time to "vent their frustrations".

Shitheads like Biden that says he is in solidarity with the destructive protest.
You are a real piece of work, you know that? Antifa could save your life from the NeoNazis someday, unless of course, you already are a white supremacist. I suspect you lean towards that based on the hateful words above!!!

So ANTFIA is going to save us from the NeoNazis by burning down churches, defacing monuments, rioting, looting, attacking the police and pretty much destroying everything they touch. LOL. You are one confused Moon Bat.

You sound like Joe Biden in his support for the assholes.
I'm not defending what they are doing right now, but I am simply stating that their primary mission is to stop a Nazi takeover, and they are convinced that Hitler never would have risen to power if there was an Antifa movement in 1930s Germany.

Biden is visiting his interest group while his staffers are funding the riots.

Biden consoles victims and visits riot sites

Trump hides in his bunker screaming.......Antifa is going to get me!

Biden is visiting his interest group while his staffers are funding the riots.

Biden consoles victims and visits riot sites

Trump hides in his bunker screaming.......Antifa is going to get me!

Go fuck yourself with your TDS.

Best. President. Ever.
There are protesters exercising a Constitutional right.
There are looters (and of all shades) breaking and stealing that have no right to do so.
There are two separate events.
The first invites the presence of "officers of the peace" to maintain order and protect everyone, including those demonstrating.
The second invites armed enforcement officers prepared to suppress thieves and hooligans of whatever color/type.
Beating up demonstrators is reprehensible.
Violence used to put down violence is to be expected.
If one goes into the street to demonstrate, one should not have to fear officers of the law.
If one goes out to steal, the fear should be very real.

That was one weak account of the story. Why do the "good" ones need their bail paid so that they can "protest" in "good faith" again?

The "good ones"? Simply because the police aren't differentiating between "good ones" and looters. They're just rounding people up, and the looters are hiding amongst the protestors.

Why do we keep having to explain simply, common sense concepts to conservatives? Are you people incapable of figuring things out for yourselves based on the information and evidence in front of you? Why must others always tell you what to think? You don't fact check, you don't think for yourselves, you just parrot whatever Dumb Donald tells you.

How much death, damage and destruction does Trump have to oversee and mishandle before you fools wake up? Cities are aflame. An epidemic is raging unchecked throughout the nation. The National Guard has been called up in 24 states and DC to deal with rioting. Where is Donald Trump in all of this? Tweeting hate and inciting violence. Pushing blacks to go back to work while black people are dying in much higher numbers from covid19 than white people.

For months, Norman, you have had that stupid avatar of Trump pushing CNN to its death. You've been promoting the idea of death to all Democrats. Of starting another against civil war against the left. Why aren't you cheering now Norman. This is what you said you wanted all along.

Donald Trump told you that he would undo everything that Obama has done. 40 million unemployed, the country falling deeper into debt every single day. Record numbers of farm bankruptcies two years running. Worst economy since the Great Depression. Race riots throughout the country. A pandemic raging unchecked.

Donnie's work is done.

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