Good News- Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings

and the dems are bitchin? but it was just fine with the rats when Reid blocked 90% of the bills congress sent to him. many of the bills just to help create jobs.

Hey, they got this Presidential election in the bag, just ask all of them, they will tell you, so why are they worrying-) Just think, if Bernie gets elected, he can nominate a Roland Freisler clone. What more do the lefties want?
I supported the shut down and Cruz all nighter, and I support this.... and many of Trumps ideas, but can't vote for him.... yet....

Thanks and hats off to the Senate


In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings | Zero Hedge

LETTER: 'this Committee will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee' until 1/20/17

An excellent idea by the GOP Senators...and even better, their signatures on a hard document. Win!
Thanks and hats off to the Senate


In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings | Zero Hedge

LETTER: 'this Committee will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee' until 1/20/17


These idiots haven't even bothered MAILING it in for the past several years.....

Tragically, the GOP will now have to live down 8 years of Scrub and 8 years of the biggest bunch of imbeciles to ever loiter about the halls of Congress....crowned by a massive mongolian cluster at this summer's convention.....

Because Obama refuses to negotiate or compromise, therefore prefers to rule instead of govern from the Imperial White House

Too funny! :rofl:
Geaux will get back to you on that after he huddles with his political commissar....
Thanks and hats off to the Senate


In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings | Zero Hedge

LETTER: 'this Committee will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee' until 1/20/17

An excellent idea by the GOP Senators...and even better, their signatures on a hard document. Win!

Major win for Democrats... GOP have a constitutional duty to approve or deny... They are failing in their duty in an election year...

As an aside not Obama can also push for no Recesses for the rest of the year... This will hurt incumbents in an election year (most are GOP)...

So while not perfect, the GOP are going to pay for not having even a vote..
Thanks and hats off to the Senate


In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings | Zero Hedge

LETTER: 'this Committee will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee' until 1/20/17


Then we need to call upon the the minority members of the Judicial Committee to demand that their salaries be frozen and their health care benefits be withheld -- because that's what happens in the real world when you don't do your job.
Moron. They did do their job. They were elected to block Obama's bad decisions. SInce his history of SC appointments is every bit as bad as everything else he's done they are right to block him.
Thanks and hats off to the Senate


In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings | Zero Hedge

LETTER: 'this Committee will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee' until 1/20/17

An excellent idea by the GOP Senators...and even better, their signatures on a hard document. Win!

Major win for Democrats... GOP have a constitutional duty to approve or deny... They are failing in their duty in an election year...

As an aside not Obama can also push for no Recesses for the rest of the year... This will hurt incumbents in an election year (most are GOP)...

So while not perfect, the GOP are going to pay for not having even a vote..
Which part of the Constitution gives them the choice only to approve or deny?
This stupid stunt is going to bite those 11 GOP hardliner idiots on the Judiciary Committee right on the ass and there will be a butt-ton of trickle-down payback from the electorate for the rest of those obstructionists in November and beyond. If those dummies don't perform their sworn Constitutional in at least a pro forma manner, the GOP will regret this childish tantrum of elephant shit bluster.
Thanks and hats off to the Senate


In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings | Zero Hedge

LETTER: 'this Committee will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee' until 1/20/17


Then we need to call upon the the minority members of the Judicial Committee to demand that their salaries be frozen and their health care benefits be withheld -- because that's what happens in the real world when you don't do your job.

In that case, Obama needs to be fired. That's what happens in the real world when you're the worst employee, ever.
The democrooks blocked everyone they could when republicrats were in office, so fuck them. It's bad enough were stuck with the troll and blimp the meat puppet faggot got to appoint, we can't have another sick libturd pervert replace one of the only sane judges we had in the court.

I'll actually be surprised if the republicrats stick to it, so until the moonbat messiah is gone and the WH is fumigated for Moochelle's fleas I won't believe it.

G.W. Bush nominated 231 Federal Judges in his first term**, 205 were confirmed for a rate of 88.7%

Obama nominated 215 Federal Judges in his first term**, 173 were confirmed for a rate of 80.5%
Thanks and hats off to the Senate


In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings | Zero Hedge

LETTER: 'this Committee will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee' until 1/20/17


Then we need to call upon the the minority members of the Judicial Committee to demand that their salaries be frozen and their health care benefits be withheld -- because that's what happens in the real world when you don't do your job.

In that case, Obama needs to be fired. That's what happens in the real world when you're the worst employee, ever.

I really think you have no idea how elections work...
Thanks and hats off to the Senate


In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings | Zero Hedge

LETTER: 'this Committee will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee' until 1/20/17


Then we need to call upon the the minority members of the Judicial Committee to demand that their salaries be frozen and their health care benefits be withheld -- because that's what happens in the real world when you don't do your job.

In that case, Obama needs to be fired. That's what happens in the real world when you're the worst employee, ever.

I really think you have no idea how elections work...

Actually, I do. A lot of democrats were bad employees and they got their assets
They'll knuckled under, probably when it becomes clear Trump will be the nominee...
Yes...because winning big in Sin City yesterday is bound to be good for Trump given the robo calls in SC that neatly sliced Trump's lead from 15 points to 5 overnight in polls just after they ran. First time anything stuck to Trump. And it was 5 points because the ads were milk toast, hasty, last minute experiments. But they worked. They will be polished and released earlier.
Thanks and hats off to the Senate


In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings | Zero Hedge

LETTER: 'this Committee will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee' until 1/20/17

An excellent idea by the GOP Senators...and even better, their signatures on a hard document. Win!

Major win for Democrats... GOP have a constitutional duty to approve or deny... They are failing in their duty in an election year...

As an aside not Obama can also push for no Recesses for the rest of the year... This will hurt incumbents in an election year (most are GOP)...

So while not perfect, the GOP are going to pay for not having even a vote..
Which part of the Constitution gives them the choice only to approve or deny?
Article II, § 2 Clause 2! Do a little reading and look up the definition for SHALL!
They'll knuckled under, probably when it becomes clear Trump will be the nominee...
Yes...because winning big in Sin City yesterday is bound to be good for Trump given the robo calls in SC that neatly sliced Trump's lead from 15 points to 5 overnight in polls just after they ran. First time anything stuck to Trump. And it was 5 points because the ads were milk toast, hasty, last minute experiments. But they worked. They will be polished and released earlier.
5% of the votes are in ,,a long long way to go Super Tuesday will mean a lot

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