Good God... Dementia Joe backtracks, saying Trump supporters aren't a threat after saying they were a threat for 20 minutes in speech.

So you heed his call to violence? Will you try to kill those you suspect of being Republican? The guy down the street who wore a red cap once? Anyone with an American flag?

Heil Biden!
Please paste the line in from Biden’s speech calling for violence. If you can’t I’m reporting you to your local authorities for lying AND being dumb.
Fascists are those that are close to communist's.... both want a big centralized government that holds all the power... while the people hold none... so think about that and tell me which side looks more fascistic..... newsom telling people they can't buy gas driven cars biden calling people who disagree fascist and dangerous... its the left that have turned fascist.... MAGA supporters want freedom and justice for all not just those that agree with us....

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