Good God... Dementia Joe backtracks, saying Trump supporters aren't a threat after saying they were a threat for 20 minutes in speech.

Just the violent ones who believe the election was stolen or lie about it.
Not what he said last night. At all. I linked direct transcript of speech....
Again for your convenience... They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.
You simply can't make this stuff up.
After his weird speech that sounded like it was written by Rachel Maddow received major criticism - "off meds Joe" basically admits it was a mistake and wanting you to believe it isn't what he said. Perhaps he was unaware he was on television when he said it 20 times live.
And then off the meds he now says "look. no Trump supporters are a danger to the country"

You simply can't make this up.
My God

They are a threat. Do you think for one second Trumps cult gives a shit about the missing 34 classified documents Trump stole?Trump investigation: Empty folders marked classified found at Mar-a-Lago
They are a threat. Do you think for one second Trumps cult gives a shit about the missing 34 classified documents Trump stole?Trump investigation: Empty folders marked classified found at Mar-a-Lago
Do you think for one second Biden apologist and sheep gives a shit about the emails that directly link President Biden with Hunter Biden's business dealings where he was given $millions - and no one knows what he did to get it - other than have one dinner with them only hours after Joe Biden met with them.
Just a coincidence?
Got something else to say about TRUMP!! now?
The rabid intolerant left is demanding that Biden attack Republicans. When he did it backfired.
They are used to getting near everything they want over the years. When something causes a crimp in their road to utopia, they have massive conniptions. They use African Americans as part of the violence wing along with Antifa. And have had success with it. No self-respecting white suburban Prog would have George Floyed living next to him/her, but they will yell to the top of their lungs about the racist system.
you have that hideous avatar and tell someone else to get therapy??!!

ha ha... that's comical

But again, u better run along now... too many fascists around here..

you might get an owie.. get your fewins hewt
You simply can't make this stuff up.
After his weird speech that sounded like it was written by Rachel Maddow received major criticism - "off meds Joe" basically admits it was a mistake and wanting you to believe it isn't what he said. Perhaps he was unaware he was on television when he said it 20 times live.
And then off the meds he now says "look. no Trump supporters are a danger to the country"

You simply can't make this up.
My God

Sounded like it was written by Heinrich Himmler.
People who lie about the election are a threat, super dupe. Your election fraud crap is poison. End of story. Not to mention the hate of every possible minority! Sorry about your luck!
The fake news media, Democrats, Republicans...tell me who hasn't lied about elections and candidates...anyone who denied / denies the Russian Collusion Scandal meant to affect the election...all threats...according to you and Biden
People who lie about the election are a threat, super dupe. Your election fraud crap is poison. End of story. Not to mention the hate of every possible minority! Sorry about your luck!
What about those who vote against your Reich?

They are a "super threat."

Which is why your Fuhrer has instructed your to engage in violence who voted against him.


Adolf Biden is counting on you, his Brown Shirt followers, to attack 74 million Americans who are enemies of your Reich.

Standard Disclaimer: You clowns are SO FUCKING EVIL, yet so incredibly stupid - it's like something out of a cartoon.

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