Good and evil

God hasn't revealed himself to me yet. What now? :dunno:
One cannot expect to discover without searching
It is like hide and seek? Do I count to ten?

YHWH is the ultimate power, the ultimate freedom, the ultimate life, the ultimate evolution, the ultimate Nature. The ultimate Force. Unrivaled powers of destruction, unrivaled powers of creation.

If you have no desire to reach out to that, than don't. The ability to connect is there, in all of us, but if it isn't your Will to experience God(s)... the link will never be forged.

So if I don't reach out, I go to hell?

I believe in focusing on the moment and embracing the here and now, so I try not to spend too much time fantasizing about afterlives. Still, it is an incredibly fascinating subject, and I have this Natural feeling somewhere deep inside my subconscious that we experience many cycles of reincarnation, primarily on Earth but sometimes elsewhere in the cosmos and in various Celestial and Infernal realms.

But really. Everyone has their own thoughts and feelings about what could happen after death, and about what they want to happen after death... but reaching out to the God(s) shouldn't be out of some misguided desire to alter our fate after we die. It should be about the experience itself. It should be about the honor and advantages and sheer badassery of connecting with the forces Above or Below to alter our destiny in this Life.

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1st post
Who knows what they really want... until it happens.... it's all speculation.....

Would you rather live forever in a perfect state (not knowing really what a perfect state is?)
Would you rather just live your life on Earth and then be done with it, never to exist again?
Bonzi, however if you can't properly discern and define God (power & source of life) then your concept of right & wrong is based on affiliation into an error or can be evil without knowing it's evil, just as Radicals don't think they are doing evil.
Without comprehension to your positioning (path) blindfolded in a gyro you can point up assuming it's the sky, however if you don't know you're facing down (positioned opposite) you would be pointing to the ground. Therefore you need a mediator that defines that Essence power of life so you can reflect and manifest that Essence.
Your faith accidentally combines your imposter mediator with your god, neither which leads you to the proper path or understanding because "you receive from the wrong message & false messengers."
Which is why humanity has failed and why we suffer fallen off our purpose and course, still not complete nor whole far from the kingdom of Shalem and thus outside the walls of the kingdom & into Gehinom (trash heap of life).
In Judaism you have those who bestow and those always taking instead of giving, we call this "receiving" nature.
We try to sway society into the bestowing nature over the receiving nature.
The serving of an Icon has not changed our lopsided nature. Moshiach is a servant to humanity not served by it. Thus called messenger(malakh) and mediator(meditron). "You are programed to receive the message", but it's up to you to discern which side does that message come from. Is it towards Shalem or lead you away or in opposition to Shalem?

I'll give you an example, I've been trying to get people to tell me their favorite song to show how messages can be sent.
Nobody participated, I have no idea why.
I'll put a Shalem (evening star-Night-slayer of the beast) message in your Mom's favorite song for you, If Jesus is who he says he is he'll put his morning star-day message in your father's favorite song, and the imposter mediator the Pope will place his Baal message in your favorite song.
Now tell us their favorite songs and once and for all discern who is the messenger and who is the fraud.

The bottom line is the there IS a reality. A truth.
What man has taught you is fallible.
What God reveals to you, is inerrant.

God reveals himself (THE one true God) to everyone at some point in their lives.
God hasn't revealed himself to me yet. What now? :dunno:

Well either he has and you pushed him away
Or he has not yet, but will.....
Like I'd push an invisible alien away.:rolleyes:

Well you won't be open minded with me... you just want to be silly
I'm totally open to contact with extra-terrestrials, invisible or otherwise.
God hasn't revealed himself to me yet. What now? :dunno:
One cannot expect to discover without searching
It is like hide and seek? Do I count to ten?

YHWH is the ultimate power, the ultimate freedom, the ultimate life, the ultimate evolution, the ultimate Nature. The ultimate Force. Unrivaled powers of destruction, unrivaled powers of creation.

If you have no desire to reach out to that, than don't. The ability to connect is there, in all of us, but if it isn't your Will to experience God(s)... the link will never be forged.

So if I don't reach out, I go to hell?

I believe in focusing on the moment and embracing the here and now, so I try not to spend too much time fantasizing about afterlives. Still, it is an incredibly fascinating subject, and I have this Natural feeling somewhere deep inside my subconscious that we experience many cycles of reincarnation, primarily on Earth but sometimes elsewhere in the cosmos and in various Celestial and Infernal realms.

But really. Everyone has their own thoughts and feelings about what could happen after death, and about what they want to happen after death... but reaching out to the God(s) shouldn't be out of some misguided desire to alter our fate after we die. It should be about the experience itself. It should be about the honor and advantages and sheer badassery of connecting with forces Above or Below to alter our destiny in this Life.

So how do I connect with these gods? Email the universe? :dunno:
One cannot expect to discover without searching
It is like hide and seek? Do I count to ten?

YHWH is the ultimate power, the ultimate freedom, the ultimate life, the ultimate evolution, the ultimate Nature. The ultimate Force. Unrivaled powers of destruction, unrivaled powers of creation.

If you have no desire to reach out to that, than don't. The ability to connect is there, in all of us, but if it isn't your Will to experience God(s)... the link will never be forged.

So if I don't reach out, I go to hell?

I believe in focusing on the moment and embracing the here and now, so I try not to spend too much time fantasizing about afterlives. Still, it is an incredibly fascinating subject, and I have this Natural feeling somewhere deep inside my subconscious that we experience many cycles of reincarnation, primarily on Earth but sometimes elsewhere in the cosmos and in various Celestial and Infernal realms.

But really. Everyone has their own thoughts and feelings about what could happen after death, and about what they want to happen after death... but reaching out to the God(s) shouldn't be out of some misguided desire to alter our fate after we die. It should be about the experience itself. It should be about the honor and advantages and sheer badassery of connecting with forces Above or Below to alter our destiny in this Life.

So how do I connect with these gods? Email the universe? :dunno:

Taz - just pray (but not in a sarcastic way... you have to mean it and be open hearted and minded). Your snark is unimpressive but duly noted!
5th post
So how do I connect with these gods?

Man has devised many methods. Study every spiritual/ religious system you Will, absorb the strengths and discard the weaknesses. Find whatever works for you.

And learn to understand and approach gods from an atheistic as well as a theistic point of view. From an atheistic perspective... they can be viewed as energy patterns within the collective human subconscious and deific archetypes symbolic of human Nature, or as one's "higher self", or even as Tulpas aka Thoughtforms aka unreal mind created apparitions that embody one's subjective impression of a deity. From a theistic perspective, gods can be perceived as Celestial or Infernal beings, intelligent forces of Nature, extraterrestrials, etc. To many people, gods are perceived as a combination of many of the above mentioned things

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Bonzi, however if you can't properly discern and define God (power & source of life) then your concept of right & wrong is based on affiliation into an error or can be evil without knowing it's evil, just as Radicals don't think they are doing evil.
Without comprehension to your positioning (path) blindfolded in a gyro you can point up assuming it's the sky, however if you don't know you're facing down (positioned opposite) you would be pointing to the ground. Therefore you need a mediator that defines that Essence power of life so you can reflect and manifest that Essence.
Your faith accidentally combines your imposter mediator with your god, neither which leads you to the proper path or understanding because "you receive from the wrong message & false messengers."
Which is why humanity has failed and why we suffer fallen off our purpose and course, still not complete nor whole far from the kingdom of Shalem and thus outside the walls of the kingdom & into Gehinom (trash heap of life).
In Judaism you have those who bestow and those always taking instead of giving, we call this "receiving" nature.
We try to sway society into the bestowing nature over the receiving nature.
The serving of an Icon has not changed our lopsided nature. Moshiach is a servant to humanity not served by it. Thus called messenger(malakh) and mediator(meditron). "You are programed to receive the message", but it's up to you to discern which side does that message come from. Is it towards Shalem or lead you away or in opposition to Shalem?

I'll give you an example, I've been trying to get people to tell me their favorite song to show how messages can be sent.
Nobody participated, I have no idea why.
I'll put a Shalem (evening star-Night-slayer of the beast) message in your Mom's favorite song for you, If Jesus is who he says he is he'll put his morning star-day message in your father's favorite song, and the imposter mediator the Pope will place his Baal message in your favorite song.
Now tell us their favorite songs and once and for all discern who is the messenger and who is the fraud.

The bottom line is the there IS a reality. A truth.
What man has taught you is fallible.
What God reveals to you, is inerrant.

God reveals himself (THE one true God) to everyone at some point in their lives.

Is that the same reality you just avoided and hid from?
I asked you a simple question, which means you are avoiding and hiding or you can't comprehend what you read to discern nor follow instructions. So which is your faulty nature that affects your ability to discern what is right or wrong without it being based on affiliation brainwashing?

I could turn the tables and say the same about you.
But because people can't see (and therefore, can not comprehend) the truth creates a frustration.
It's easier to write someone off as ignorant or crazy.....
None of what you said pertains to the conversation, and yet it proves my point.
Your assertion is subjective, your enemies assertion is subjective, you both assume you're in the right, the other in the wrong and yet you are both wrong and you'll never admit it due to affiliation pride and your failed human ego. Once again you failed to read and answer the simple questions I asked.

Ask me one direct question in one sentence like I'm a 5 y/o and I'll answer.
Doesn't need to be complex and flowery....
See you just admitted what a struggle your ability to differentiate would be through your inability to comprehend a complex bible in a language I'm sure you needed translation from men through what you admit are always in error. (who also struggled translation and reading comprehension).

My simple question was as an example of messages: I wanted to know your Mom's favorite song to place a message in it.
Then Your father's favorite song to challenge Jesus to put a message in it.
Then your favorite song to challenge the Pope to put a message in it.
Then you can settle once and for all who the messenger is and who the frauds are.
You're hiding-avoidance proves Jesus a fraud and that the deception and your affiliation pride keeps you from recognizing right or wrong good or evil.
The post you ignored to answer stated:
I'll give you an example, I've been trying to get people to tell me their favorite song to show how messages can be sent.
Nobody participated, I have no idea why.
I'll put a Shalem (evening star-Night-slayer of the beast) message in your Mom's favorite song for you, If Jesus is who he says he is he'll put his morning star-day message in your father's favorite song, and the imposter mediator the Pope will place his Baal message in your favorite song.
Now tell us their favorite songs and once and for all discern who is the messenger and who is the fraud.
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The bottom line is the there IS a reality. A truth.
What man has taught you is fallible.
What God reveals to you, is inerrant.

God reveals himself (THE one true God) to everyone at some point in their lives.

Is that the same reality you just avoided and hid from?
I asked you a simple question, which means you are avoiding and hiding or you can't comprehend what you read to discern nor follow instructions. So which is your faulty nature that affects your ability to discern what is right or wrong without it being based on affiliation brainwashing?

I could turn the tables and say the same about you.
But because people can't see (and therefore, can not comprehend) the truth creates a frustration.
It's easier to write someone off as ignorant or crazy.....
None of what you said pertains to the conversation, and yet it proves my point.
Your assertion is subjective, your enemies assertion is subjective, you both assume you're in the right, the other in the wrong and yet you are both wrong and you'll never admit it due to affiliation pride and your failed human ego. Once again you failed to read and answer the simple questions I asked.

Ask me one direct question in one sentence like I'm a 5 y/o and I'll answer.
Doesn't need to be complex and flowery....
See you just admitted what a struggle your ability to differetiate would be in your inability to comprehend a complex bible in a language I'm sure you needed translation from men through what you admit are always in error. (who also struggled translation and reading comprehension).

My simple question was as an example of messages I wanted toknow your Mom's favorite song to place a message in it.
Then Your father's favorite song to challenge Jesus to put a message in it.
Then your favorite song tochallenge the Pooe to put a message in it.
Then you can settle once and for all who the messenger is and who the frauds are.
Your hiding proves Jesus as a fraud and that the deception and your affiliation pride keeps you from recognizing right or wrong good or evil.

Makes no sense. It might to you in your own warped way but - it's nonsense and a diversion.... enough...
Then you inadvertantly admit Jesus made no sense, you religion makes no sense, you are all to lazy and your displacement is a diversion from admitting you do not know right from wrong because you subjectively chose it yourself by and through your own concious.
10th post
The bottom line is the there IS a reality. A truth.
What man has taught you is fallible.
What God reveals to you, is inerrant.

God reveals himself (THE one true God) to everyone at some point in their lives.
God hasn't revealed himself to me yet. What now? :dunno:

Well either he has and you pushed him away
Or he has not yet, but will.....
Like I'd push an invisible alien away.:rolleyes:

Well you won't be open minded with me... you just want to be silly
I'm totally open to contact with extra-terrestrials, invisible or otherwise.

Use your ham radio. Ask them to come have sex with you.........
Once again a Christian who admits Jesus can't do a simple act.

Jesus can do anything.... but it has to be in line with the Will of God/Jesus and the Holy Spirit....
You keep forgetting, we don't set the rules or parameters.
I'M gonna call Websters and ask them to add a word to their dictionary.
What do you call people who never answer your questions, but claim to have all the answers in life?
Once again a Christian who admits Jesus can't do a simple act.

Jesus can do anything.... but it has to be in line with the Will of God/Jesus and the Holy Spirit....
You keep forgetting, we don't set the rules or parameters.

Yes you do, you speak for the image, you make up his words and what he means in your own concious.
You do this for the apostles as well since they never wrote the books attributed to them your imagination replaces logic or truth.
My challenge below was forfeited- I win!
I've been trying to get people to tell me their favorite song to show how messages can be sent.
Nobody participated, I have no idea why.
I'll put a Shalem (evening star-Night-slayer of the beast) message in your Mom's favorite song for you, If Jesus is who he says he is he'll put his morning star-day message in your father's favorite song, and the imposter mediator the Pope will place his Baal message in your favorite song.
Now tell us their favorite songs and once and for all discern who is the messenger and who is the fraud.
Once again a Christian who admits Jesus can't do a simple act.

Jesus can do anything.... but it has to be in line with the Will of God/Jesus and the Holy Spirit....
You keep forgetting, we don't set the rules or parameters.

Yes you do, you speak for the image, you make up his words and what he means in your own concious.
You do this for the apostles as well since they never wrote the books attributed to them your imagination replaces logic or truth.

You can believe that and will - that your choice - in the end we all get to find out the real truth....

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