Golly, Biden mishandling COVID worse than thought


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Remember it was all Trump's fault. Your feelings. Well guess what, there are twice as many, I say TWICE as many new daily cases than one year ago.

Blood on his hands, in your own words. At least Trump had the excuse this had never happened before. I guess you can't blame Biden though, he has dementia, and was never more than a used car salesman type to begin with.

I guess they only care about the ecomoney, you know how the tune goes.

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Remember it was all Trump's fault. Your feelings. Well guess what, there are twice as many, I say TWICE as many new daily cases than one year ago.

Blood on his hands, in your own words. At least Trump had the excuse this had never happened before. I guess you can't blame Biden though, he has dementia, and was never more than a used car salesman type to begin with.

I guess they only care about the ecomoney, you know how the tune goes.

No, this blood is still on the hands of the right wing media which continues to promote the idea that the vaccines weren't properly tested, and other vaccine horror stories.

It's also on the hands of Republican governors who refused to mandate the wearing of masks, or vaccines in the workplace.

Republicans and those standing on their "rights", are now self infecting. While more people are getting sick, fewer are dying, and hardly anyone who has been fully vaxxed is dying - this is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and thus it's a pandemic of Republicans in Red States.
No, this blood is still on the hands of the right wing media which continues to promote the idea that the vaccines weren't properly tested, and other vaccine horror stories.

If these “vaccines” have been properly tested, then why has the FDA not approved them, yet? Why has the FDA not approved anything based on this new mRNA technology?
No, this blood is still on the hands of the right wing media which continues to promote the idea that the vaccines weren't properly tested, and other vaccine horror stories.

It's also on the hands of Republican governors who refused to mandate the wearing of masks, or vaccines in the workplace.

Republicans and those standing on their "rights", are now self infecting. While more people are getting sick, fewer are dying, and hardly anyone who has been fully vaxxed is dying - this is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and thus it's a pandemic of Republicans in Red States.

Here's how shit works.

Reagan is why you're useless.

Recession is Bush's fault even though Demonicrats controlled congress and the worst of it occurred on Obama's watch.
Trump's success was Obama's doing.

COVID was Trump's fault. And when that CLEARLY FAILS because leftists are so fucking dishonest and cowardly...........

COVID is Republican's fault.
No, this blood is still on the hands of the right wing media which continues to promote the idea that the vaccines weren't properly tested, and other vaccine horror stories.

It's also on the hands of Republican governors who refused to mandate the wearing of masks, or vaccines in the workplace.

Republicans and those standing on their "rights", are now self infecting. While more people are getting sick, fewer are dying, and hardly anyone who has been fully vaxxed is dying - this is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and thus it's a pandemic of Republicans in Red States.
The vaccine isn't fda approved, wearing mask does nothing. Biden has let over a million illegals cross our border, bussing them all around our country. We didn't have this problem before that. So yes, Biden has blood on his hands.
If these “vaccines” have been properly tested, then why has the FDA not approved them, yet? Why has the FDA not approved anything based on this new mRNA technology?
Remember when everybody said that vaccines take years to be approved? They were talking about how a normal approval requires trials on hundreds of thousands of people, and monitoring them for a year or more, for any side effects, and for efficacy.

You can't speed up the wait for side effects.
The vaccine isn't fda approved, wearing mask does nothing. Biden has let over a million illegals cross our border, bussing them all around our country. We didn't have this problem before that. So yes, Biden has blood on his hands.
As I explained the FDA approval process requires that people in the trials be monitored for years for signs of side effects.

Even Einstein can't change time.
Imagine entrusting your well-being to a stuttering vegetable with a thousand yard fucktard stare.

No need to imagine it. That's what Dominion did to 350 million of us.

They should pay for this.... with prejudice.
Maybe you're just stupid, but Georgia did a full hand recount (taking the machines out of the equation) and came up with the same result.
Covid was under control when biden took over. He has failed on all aspects of being a good president.

America was at peace on December 6th 1941.
America was at peace on September 10th 2001.

The coronavirus was under control until it mutated to the delta variant because of unvaccinated people.
Joe Biden is the Super Spreader In a chief.

He is inviting tens of thousands of China Flu infested illegals to come to the US so he can spread them around the country.
Joe Biden is the Super Spreader In a chief.

He is inviting tens of thousands of China Flu infested illegals to come to the US so he can spread them around the country.
Just how many times are you going to light your pants on fire?
Remember it was all Trump's fault. Your feelings. Well guess what, there are twice as many, I say TWICE as many new daily cases than one year ago.

Blood on his hands, in your own words. At least Trump had the excuse this had never happened before. I guess you can't blame Biden though, he has dementia, and was never more than a used car salesman type to begin with.

I guess they only care about the ecomoney, you know how the tune goes.

Biden put all of his eggs in the Trump vaccine without having any other plans and now it is coming back to bite him in the ass.
Maybe a good question is, why do republicans advocate against the means to get COVID under control?

House minority leader McCarthy flaunts mask requirements. Governor DeSantis makes requiring masks illegal in Florida.
From Tucker Carlson to Sean Hannity fox news argues against the safety or efficacy of the vaccine.

If these people were around in WWII, i'm sure they'd be arguing against Truman dropping the bomb.
Wrong. Biden also has federal masking requirements, and the CDC again requiring masking indoors.
LOL. Yeah, while cases continue to rise. We had mask mandates last year and cases kept on rising through every single mandate. Cases never decreased until the vaccine came out.

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