God's Wrath Against Mankind

Jeremiah, I haven't read the thread yet, but just on your op, I have a question:

You say you don't mind preaching the gospel, but then you go in to quoting things from other books in the Bible such as Romans.....Isn't "The Gospel" the first 4 books of the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John ONLY, and the other Books of the Bible are not considered "The Gospel"?

I'm not saying that these Books are not important, by no means.

I was just wondering if you were taught that ''the Gospel'' is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?


Care, I just had to erase every word of that as the Holy Spirit just revealed to me what you were trying to do. First, Care, you were not quoting me about preaching the gospel.. you were quoting the Apostle Paul!!! And you quoted him incorrectly! Have a Look!

I am not ashamed to preach the gospel, because it is the power of God, for the salvation of everyone who believes, first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written, the just shall live by faith. - Romans 1: 16, 17

Paul never said he "didn't mind" preaching the Gospel. You attempted to twist his words into a lie, Care. Then you tried to claim they were my words! Another lie! Back to the Apostle Paul!

He said he "wasn't ashamed of preaching the gospel, because it was the power of God! Why did Paul begin the Book of Romans with I am not ashamed to preach the Gospel, for the salvation of everyone who believes, FIRST TO THE JEW, THEN TO THE GENTILE?

Because the Book of Romans IS the Gospel, friend. Romans is the Gospel.

Paul confirms it in the very first verse. The Book of Romans is the Gospel.

Then he re-confirms it in the second verse....FOR IN THE GOSPEL A RIGHTEOUSNESS IS REVEALED, A RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT IS BY FAITH FROM FIRST TO LAST, JUST AS IT IS WRITTEN THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH. To God be the Glory and once again I thank Jesus for the Holy Spirit who teaches me all things and puts the right words into my mouth. Hallelujah!

I have a warning for you, Care. God says, Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. Good night. - Karen
My oh My Karen, me thinks the Holy spirit advised you wrongly or it was not the Holy Spirit at all.... and you may need to search for the truth instead of being so assuming in your answers without knowing my question was asked in honesty.... and in the search of truth.

I didn't mean to imply it was you saying that...I honestly thought it was you saying that due to my skim reading, BY MISTAKE Karen, not by trying to trick you in any manner or to hurt you in any way or or to disparage what you are saying in any way...

Now getting to the answer to my question, you believe that the "Gospel" is not just the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, correct?

Oh it was indeed hurtful, Care. How else would you take it for someone to be so
Care -LESS in quoting you? Especially when it wasn't you they were quoting at all! How subtle! How very, very subtle!! ( I "don't mind" preaching the gospel.. sounds like someone who is doing God a favor! That most definitely is not my heart, Care! )

As for me? I didn't miss a thing! I know when the Lord is pointing something out to me. Don't you doubt it either! Now Getting to the point of whether or not Romans is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Did Paul say no longer I live but Christ liveth in me - or did he not? Yes, I believe Paul did say that in fact he said it in the book of Romans.

What was Romans, Care? Romans was the Apostle Pauls greatest work. It is placed as the 1st of 13 epistles in the New testament and while the four Gospels present the words and works of Jesus Christ Romans explores the significance of His sacrificial death. Romans is far more than a book - it is the Good News that Jesus Christ is more than facts to be believed - it also "a life to be lived" - a life of righteousness - justified freely by Gods grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. That is indeed the Good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and while you claim you did not know you were misquoting my words and also that it was not my words but Pauls? I do not believe you are being completely honest about that, Care. Why? My spirit does not bear witness to it at all! May the Lord decide between you and I who is telling the truth here. Let him be the judge. Amen? Until then? Have a nice day, Care. :eusa_angel:
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Foxfyre, the Holy Spirit pointed out something to me that I believe you need to hear. As you know, I am not educated in the matters of how the bible was constructed, the titles you use such as snyoptic or however they are labeled by you or other various peoples, as that is not something the Lord ever led me to do but I do respect now that God has put people in all types of ministries and yet we are all part of the same body!

With that said, the Holy Spirit pointed out to me in this very discussion you are having with Chuck that Chuck is right!

That whatever this is you are using in your bible study is most definitely a criticism against the truth of the Bible.

You need to seek the Lord about this, Foxfyre and find out how you became deceived in such a matter. The very first place I would look would be to the people I am keeping company with. A man is known by the company he keeps. ( I am not speaking of people in the world we reach out to - to minister Christs Love to - I'm speaking of your inner circle of brethren off this board - that should be walking in Truth )

The people you are having bible study with are misleading you and you should cease from following these people at once. They are not doing you any good, Foxfyre. I had wondered before why you didn't know that Mark 16 was for today and the Lord showed me you are allowing men to teach you rather than the Holy Ghost!

There are some who are always studying, always learning some "new thing" but never coming to the understanding and the knowledge of the truth! We must stay with what the written Word of God says and accept it as it is, Foxfyre.

This discussion you and Chuck are having is far above my own natural abilities to comprehend much less discern with my natural mind which is correct. Which is why when the Holy Spirit pointed this out and then confirmed to me Chuck is correct in this matter - I knew that you needed to know this and not only that but the people reading here need to know it because God would not have anyone misled on what is of Him and what is not.

Now on the matter of you claiming your way of believing is easier as it "saves time", Foxfyre.

You will find that in the Kingdom of God it is not the easier way, the wider way, the more convenient way, that is Gods way.

On the contrary, you will find it is the more difficult way, the narrowest way, the most inconvenient way ( oh! How inconvenient truth can be especially when we have to speak it to our loved ones and friends! ) Yet? It is the Only way.

There is only One truth. Not many. There is only One way. Not many. There is only One life. Not many. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He "is" the Word.

In staying with the Truth - we know that Jesus Christ is the One being lifted up ( so that all men may be drawn unto him ) and not the doctrines of man. In Jesus name, I pray you receive this as the Spirit of Truth ( The Holy Ghost ) would have you receive it. Be blessed. God bless Brother Chuck for having the Mind of God on the matter and defending the truth. Surely flesh and blood did not reveal that to him but rather the Spirit of God. Amen. - Karen

Jeremiah, I believe that you mean well, but while you are right that Jesus must be lifted up, you are wrong that I and those I do Bible study with do not do that.

The people I do Bible Study with--I am now more often the leader of the group than passive participant--are misleading nobody. They are godly people who love the Lord and serve Him with all their being including hands on work with the poor, the aged, the disabled, rehabilitating addicts and criminals, the sick, ministry to troubled marriages and many other tribulations people suffer, and of course the unsaved. These are people who not only love Jesus and hear and preach the Word, they live it and do it and trust Jesus to bring blessings from it.

But they also are not afraid to challenge their faith, to learn new and different truths, to question, and to ask why. They worship a God they believe to be tough enough and big enough and wise enough to appreciate those who want larger and more complete truths of the story of the people of God. They know their intellect, as well as their other gifts and talents, also come from God and he does not expect them to just put all that on the back burner and not use it.

I have devoted a great deal of my adult life to researching the truth as it was seen through the eyes of those who wrote down the words of the Bible and it is fascinating, inspiring, and edifying. It has not shaken my faith in the least but has strengthened it and provided insights that God has used to reach and teach others.

I think those who would put God in a box and say HERE!! This is what God is and what God does and what God wants are overstepping their authority. My God is far bigger, wiser, smarter, and knows what has gone on and is going on than I will ever know. And I have learned that he doesn't restrict himself on how anything has to be accomplished.

Thanks for caring, Dear, and for accepting what you believe is your leading to make a difference. But have some trust that everybody is not called in the same way or assigned to the same responsibilities. That too is Biblical.

Foxfyre, do not patronize me with this "Dear stuff".... I am not giving you my own ideas about "meaning well"... here I am telling you the Holy Spirit is showing me you are in error and as the people in your study - you say are drug addicts, etc, I do not believe they are the ones who are doing the "misleading" but rather the person in charge! Who are the people in charge of this bible study, Foxfyre? They must go! God forbid they harm one of these little ones, it would be better for them to put a millstone around their necks and drown themselves in the sea, Jesus said!

Let us examine together "your own words" concerning these people!

But they also are not afraid to challenge their faith, ------------> God never told us to challenge our own faith in Jesus Christ.. STRIKE ONE

to learn new and different truths, -----------------> God never told us to learn new and different truths but rather to know the Word of God as IT IS WRITTEN. STRIKE TWO

to question, and to ask why. God never told us to question our faith or to ask why either... STRIKE THREE

They worship a God they believe to be tough enough and big enough and wise enough to appreciate those who want larger and more complete truths of the story of the people of God. They know their intellect,........<--------------------stop right there... God never told people to depend on their intellect, Foxfyre. They are not being "tough enough" or "wise enough" by considering lies that claim to be "more complete truths of the story of the people of God. HOGWASH.

You are in error, Foxfyre.

No one has put God in a box here but neither will I stand by when the Holy Spirit points something out to me about someone teaching error.

Listen up, my bible teaches me that when false teachers emerge, when the truth of God is attacked, it is time to fight for the faith. I believe it is time for me to put up the Epistle of Jude so that others here will understand how subtle false teachers can be. I will certainly pray for you that you are delivered from out of this persons clutches because as sure as the Lord lives, you are studying "false teachings!" I would highly recommend that no one listened to a word you said until you are delivered of this nonsense!

There was no patronization and I apologize for coming across that way, Jeremiah, and I am sorry you took it that way. My intention was to assure you that I was not chastising or holding any ill will toward you. But you do not read carefully, you misunderstand and/or misrepresent what people say, and mischaracterize what they have said. Like Care, who I know to be a true child of God, I cannot believe that is coming from the Holy Spirit.

I won't fight with you or anybody about this though and I do wish nothing but blessings for you. I do suggest you read your Bible and find all the circumstances that the people of God have asked "why?" of the Lord. And that would include everything from David's Psalms to our Lord and Savior even as he was dying on the cross.
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There is only one Gospel of Jesus Christ, Foxfyre. Not many. I am not going to go along to get along. Neither will I argue with you or Care over silly matters / disputes such as which books get titled "gospels" and which do not.. I have yet to see either of you preach the great commission - to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be baptized and let the people know about Mark 16. Jesus said, by their fruits ye shall know them. I think I have seen enough now to know what I am looking at. It grieves me deeply to see false teachers get away with misleading others... deeply.

I have nothing else to say to you.
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There is only one Gospel of Jesus Christ, Foxfyre. Not many. I am not going to go along to get along. Neither will I argue with you or Care of silly matters such as which books get titled "gospels" and which do not.. I have yet to see either of you preach the great commission - to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be baptized and let the people know about Mark 16. Jesus said, by their fruits ye shall know them. I think I have seen enough now to know what I am looking at. It grieves me deeply to see false teachers get away with misleading others... deeply.

I have nothing else to say to you.

It grieves me that you would so intentionally distort Care's witness or my words. Such I do not believe is from the Holy Spirit. But again I won't fight with you about it and will wish you all blessings and a good day.
My life's great!

Therefore, God must be happy with me.

And I don't even go to church much.

Not necessary although I hope it is the case, Toro. It is written: Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. - Psalm 34:19

Have a blessed day.
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Heed this warning about False Teachers and those who go along to "get along"!!!

[ame=http://youtu.be/azqoBksweZA]BENNY HINN CONFRONTS JOEL OSTEEN & OPRAH Larry King - YouTube[/ame]

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