GO TRUMP!: White House has launched an investigation into collusion between Ukraine and the DNC

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
BREAKING NEWS: The White House has launched an active investigation into reports of collusion in 2016 between Ukraine and the DNC - OANN 12:32 AM · May 17, 2019

(Excerpt) Read more at mobile.twitter.com ...


I don’t think Crazy Joe Biden is going to like an investigation into collusion between Ukraine and the DNC.....

Biden weaponized his govt office AND manipulated US foreign policy to protect his son-- --
and publicly bragged about it, in those heady days when Hillary was a shoo-in.

Biden caught on tape (apparently in cahoots with Obama): "We're not going to give you (Ukraine)the billion dollars," he said. "Ukraine said, 'You have no authority. You're not the president.' Biden said, 'Call him (indicating Obama was in on the shakedown).' 'I'm telling you, you're not getting a billion dollars.' I said, I will be leaving here in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Well, son of a b---h got fired."


Biden is already badly-damaged goods. Joe Biden’s additional problems: Ukraine, China and his son

This is one particularly incriminating excerpt from that website: Biden’s role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016 could prove to be a major issue for the former vice president. Last year, during a Council on Foreign Relations event, Biden told the audience that he pressed President Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin, including threatening to withdraw a $1 billion U.S. loan from Ukraine, which had been economically decimated due to its war with Russian forces since 2014.

Shokin had been working on a corruption probe that implicated the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, a company that employed Hunter Biden, as a board member, The Hill reported.

Shokin told The Hill that he had made “specific plans” for the probe, including “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.” The investigation ended shortly after Shokin was fired, and no charges were filed against any individuals of the company.


Biden bragged to a Council on Foreign Relations event that he pressed Ukraine Pres Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin,the man investigatng a corruptio probe that inluded Buden's son's Ukraine dealings.....Biden weaponized his govt position, threatening to withdraw a $1 billion US loan (tax dollars) from Ukraine. Shokin had been working on a corruption probe that implicated the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, a company that employed Hunter Biden, as a board member, The Hill reported.

Ukraine Prosecutor Shokin told The Hill that he had made “specific plans” for the probe, including “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”
BREAKING NEWS: The White House has launched an active investigation into reports of collusion in 2016 between Ukraine and the DNC - OANN 12:32 AM · May 17, 2019

(Excerpt) Read more at mobile.twitter.com ...


I don’t think Crazy Joe Biden is going to like an investigation into collusion between Ukraine and the DNC.....

Biden weaponized his govt office AND manipulated US foreign policy to protect his son-- --
and publicly bragged about it, in those heady days when Hillary was a shoo-in.

Biden caught on tape (apparently in cahoots with Obama): "We're not going to give you (Ukraine)the billion dollars," he said. "Ukraine said, 'You have no authority. You're not the president.' Biden said, 'Call him (indicating Obama was in on the shakedown).' 'I'm telling you, you're not getting a billion dollars.' I said, I will be leaving here in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Well, son of a b---h got fired."


Biden is already badly-damaged goods. Joe Biden’s additional problems: Ukraine, China and his son

This is one particularly incriminating excerpt from that website: Biden’s role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016 could prove to be a major issue for the former vice president. Last year, during a Council on Foreign Relations event, Biden told the audience that he pressed President Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin, including threatening to withdraw a $1 billion U.S. loan from Ukraine, which had been economically decimated due to its war with Russian forces since 2014.

Shokin had been working on a corruption probe that implicated the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, a company that employed Hunter Biden, as a board member, The Hill reported.

Shokin told The Hill that he had made “specific plans” for the probe, including “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.” The investigation ended shortly after Shokin was fired, and no charges were filed against any individuals of the company.


Biden bragged to a Council on Foreign Relations event that he pressed Ukraine Pres Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin,the man investigatng a corruptio probe that inluded Buden's son's Ukraine dealings.....Biden weaponized his govt position, threatening to withdraw a $1 billion US loan (tax dollars) from Ukraine. Shokin had been working on a corruption probe that implicated the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, a company that employed Hunter Biden, as a board member, The Hill reported.

Ukraine Prosecutor Shokin told The Hill that he had made “specific plans” for the probe, including “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”
This is GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT...Trump has made TV great again
BREAKING NEWS: The White House has launched an active investigation into reports of collusion in 2016 between Ukraine and the DNC - OANN 12:32 AM · May 17, 2019

(Excerpt) Read more at mobile.twitter.com ...


I don’t think Crazy Joe Biden is going to like an investigation into collusion between Ukraine and the DNC.....

Biden weaponized his govt office AND manipulated US foreign policy to protect his son-- --
and publicly bragged about it, in those heady days when Hillary was a shoo-in.

Biden caught on tape (apparently in cahoots with Obama): "We're not going to give you (Ukraine)the billion dollars," he said. "Ukraine said, 'You have no authority. You're not the president.' Biden said, 'Call him (indicating Obama was in on the shakedown).' 'I'm telling you, you're not getting a billion dollars.' I said, I will be leaving here in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Well, son of a b---h got fired."


Biden is already badly-damaged goods. Joe Biden’s additional problems: Ukraine, China and his son

This is one particularly incriminating excerpt from that website: Biden’s role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016 could prove to be a major issue for the former vice president. Last year, during a Council on Foreign Relations event, Biden told the audience that he pressed President Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin, including threatening to withdraw a $1 billion U.S. loan from Ukraine, which had been economically decimated due to its war with Russian forces since 2014.

Shokin had been working on a corruption probe that implicated the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, a company that employed Hunter Biden, as a board member, The Hill reported.

Shokin told The Hill that he had made “specific plans” for the probe, including “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.” The investigation ended shortly after Shokin was fired, and no charges were filed against any individuals of the company.


Biden bragged to a Council on Foreign Relations event that he pressed Ukraine Pres Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin,the man investigatng a corruptio probe that inluded Buden's son's Ukraine dealings.....Biden weaponized his govt position, threatening to withdraw a $1 billion US loan (tax dollars) from Ukraine. Shokin had been working on a corruption probe that implicated the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, a company that employed Hunter Biden, as a board member, The Hill reported.

Ukraine Prosecutor Shokin told The Hill that he had made “specific plans” for the probe, including “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”
I was wondering if the new ambassador would be given the goods on the dirty deal.. It appears he was and its now going to boomerang on the democrats... Pay to play always bites you in the ass...

Looks like the White House gave the information obtained from the State Department to the DOJ for review and Barr assigned it to a Prosecutor..... That pretty much seals that they think criminal misconduct is present. Will Biden pull out of the race in an attempt to avoid prosecution? Even if he does pull out of the race he will be prosecuted.

This is going to get real ugly... Still looking at who Barr gave this assignment, that will determine how bad it really is.
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Oh Crap! He gave it to Durham as connected with the Dossier and the DNC paid for propaganda that was obtained from the Ukraine and Russian officials through Christopher Steel and Fusion GPS.. The same Ukraine people he used to kill the investigation into Biden's son.

Look for Plugs to lawyer up real fast...
Let me be the first to say that Biden is in serious legal jeopardy. His un-coerced confession that he used his position of power, to affect a criminal investigation into his son, is admissible in any court. His blatant abuse of power is a felony under federal law.

Just an observation, but Joe is toast... He is out of the running for president within two weeks..

When is he going to appoint that special prosecutor after Hillary Clinton that he promised us?
Didn't the Ukraine try to give Mueller info??

I thought I read that somewhere. Anyone know??
The ONLY justice here is when Hillary and Obama are behind bars for corrupting the FBI. They ruined some formerly good men. I didn't think you could, but Hillary did that almost single-handedly with a weak sister druggie like Obummer at her beck and call.
We could see some major democrats get taken out. Real collusion will be exposed and mueller will have to answer why he ignored it.
Didn't the Ukraine try to give Mueller info??

I thought I read that somewhere. Anyone know??
I'm not so certain Ukraine started it. I'm reasonably certain Hillary Clinton is behind it all. She seems to be the puppetmaster of all criminal acts done by the FBI, and that's why she took an axe to a bleached-out computer of her own.
Old news:
In March 2016, Biden told Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that unless then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired the Obama Administration would rescind $1 billion in U.S loan guarantees. The U.S. and the International Monetary Fund thought that Shokin should have been doing more to fight corruption.

Biden detailed his attempt to have Shokin fired at a Council on Foreign Relations event in January 2018:
Ukrainian Prosecutor Rains on Giuliani’s Parade, Says There’s No Evidence the Bidens Broke the Law

When is he going to appoint that special prosecutor after Hillary Clinton that he promised us?

It's not going to happen. How many times are you fools going to investigate Clinton? 17 investigations and no charges. Either Republicans are the worst investigators ever, or there's nothing to find. Neither bodes well for you.
We could see some major democrats get taken out. Real collusion will be exposed and mueller will have to answer why he ignored it.
I think some passports should be expropriated until investigators find out why the Democrats were so crazed for power they plotted the downfall of a sitting United States Preisdent, and they plotted it the day he won the Republican primaries. And they used the FBI in the most illegal and inappropriate way possible by threatening job security likely with Hillary's anal-retentive personal file thefts using who knows what kind of threats she had in her information stash. I bet her role model was Lady MacBeth, because that's who she is if there ever was one.
Another FACT FREE ZONE thread presented by the far rightwing lunatic fringe USMB Republicans...

Let me be the first to say that Biden is in serious legal jeopardy. His un-coerced confession that he used his position of power, to affect a criminal investigation into his son, is admissible in any court. His blatant abuse of power is a felony under federal law.

Just an observation, but Joe is toast... He is out of the running for president within two weeks..

Joe’s out of the race in 2 weeks? Wanna bet? You don’t last as long as he has in politics by running scared at the first sign of problems. He may get bounced out at some point, but it won’t happen in 2 weeks, probably not 2 months either.
The White House is NOT an investigative entity and has no resources or authority to investigate anyone.

Why have they not just turned their suspicions over to the AG and let them decide to investigate or not?

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