GM is doing AWESOME

And Ford is trading at 2009 levels. What's your point?

My point is that GM is engaged in horrible business practices which are inflating it's numbers. Dealers are holding far more days supply of unsold inventory (I wonder what kind of return guarantees they've gotten for holding it?) - and sales are inflated by selling a larger ratio to people with Bad Credit. That worked real well for housing...

That's your opinion. You support your conclusion based on stock price. you have to say that Ford similarly is "engaged in horrible business practices". Do you think that credit ought to be as tight as it was in 2009? Comparing this decision to the nonsense that Wall Street pushed for housing is insane.

You're reading comprehension is sorely lacking.

My points demonstrate that GM is inflating REVENUE, which is a fundamental metric of a business.
What do you call decelerating GDP growth?

In fiscal year 2012, the White House downgraded its its projection to a 2.3 percent growth in gross domestic product compared to 2.7 percent when Obama released his budget in February. It lowered expectations in 2013 from 3 percent GDP growth to 2.7 percent.

The new projections incorporates economic data through June, so Friday's new 1.5 percent GDP growth advanced estimate for the second quarter of calendar 2012 is not included.

The revised deficit number total reflects both lower spending and lower revenue.

White House projects $1.2 trillion deficit, lower economic growth in 2012 - The Hill's On The Money

Misstated. A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. Is the recovery weak? Yep. The biggest factor is that housing hasn't shown much of a rebound. Since housing drove us into the greatest recession since 1946, that's not surprising. Other factors are weakening economies in Europe, China, and India; minuscule growth in government investment; and the unemployment rate. It's a weak recovery, but a recovery none the less.
My point is that GM is engaged in horrible business practices which are inflating it's numbers. Dealers are holding far more days supply of unsold inventory (I wonder what kind of return guarantees they've gotten for holding it?) - and sales are inflated by selling a larger ratio to people with Bad Credit. That worked real well for housing...

That's your opinion. You support your conclusion based on stock price. you have to say that Ford similarly is "engaged in horrible business practices". Do you think that credit ought to be as tight as it was in 2009? Comparing this decision to the nonsense that Wall Street pushed for housing is insane.

You're reading comprehension is sorely lacking.

My points demonstrate that GM is inflating REVENUE, which is a fundamental metric of a business.

Their decision to loosen up credit to more historic levels is not inflating revenue. It's returning toward normalcy. Will it sell more cars? Probably.
I call decelerating growth: The Worst Recovery Ever.

It doesn't matter that the economy doesn't fit the classical definition of recession. When W was president, moonbats wailed that 5.3% unemployment was a Jobs Recession. Well, we're at 8.2% now, with U6 at 14.9%. The only reason U3 isn't over 10% is because Millions Of People who have Given Up are no longer counted by the government.
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That's your opinion. You support your conclusion based on stock price. you have to say that Ford similarly is "engaged in horrible business practices". Do you think that credit ought to be as tight as it was in 2009? Comparing this decision to the nonsense that Wall Street pushed for housing is insane.

You're reading comprehension is sorely lacking.

My points demonstrate that GM is inflating REVENUE, which is a fundamental metric of a business.

Their decision to loosen up credit to more historic levels is not inflating revenue. It's returning toward normalcy. Will it sell more cars? Probably.

I call Shenanigans. Please provide proof that increasing Subprime Auto Loans is loosening up credit to more historic levels...and no fair including only the 2000s.
this is ridiculous, look at their portfolio breakdown....

I call decelerating growth: The Worst Recovery Ever.

It doesn't matter that the economy doesn't fit the classical definition of recession. When W was president, moonbats whaled that 5.3% unemployment was a Jobs Recession. Well, we're at 8.2% now, with U6 at 14.9%. The only reason U3 isn't over 10% is because Millions Of People who have Given Up are no longer counted by the government.

U6 is a bogus number to use, especially at a time when a demographic bubble is beginning to retire. I think you'll find that the Reagan recession was far worse. At least that one was planned to combat inflation. As for the Bush 5.3% rate, it was quite a jump from the Clinton numbers. So what?
I call decelerating growth: The Worst Recovery Ever.

It doesn't matter that the economy doesn't fit the classical definition of recession. When W was president, moonbats whaled that 5.3% unemployment was a Jobs Recession. Well, we're at 8.2% now, with U6 at 14.9%. The only reason U3 isn't over 10% is because Millions Of People who have Given Up are no longer counted by the government.

U6 is a bogus number to use, especially at a time when a demographic bubble is beginning to retire. I think you'll find that the Reagan recession was far worse. At least that one was planned to combat inflation. As for the Bush 5.3% rate, it was quite a jump from the Clinton numbers. So what?

B'loney. Underemployment is extremely high among younger workers. But nice try at sophistry.
When was the last time a little guy auto maker succeeded? Ask DeLorean. If GM and Chrysler folded, they would have been lost forever

delorean was a fault of his own, and u are making that prediction much like obama when the left proclaims he saved us from the worst depression eva" Give it a break the little guy is always ready to pounce, its hypcritcal but its done because its obama. we all know the tripe play the left engages in.

There are no little guy auto makers. The little guys are the ones who provide components to GM and Chrysler. They benefitted from the bailouts as much as GM.

That assumes bankruptcy means the company disappears. We all know that isn't what happens in a bankruptcy. Of course bankruptcy would have mean GM and Chrysler could have escaped from the onerous contracts the unions imposed on them. That was the only "crisis" that would have occurred had Obama not bailed them out.
Thanks for the depression and cheering against the recovery, all for your precious bloated rich...

Hey Fraco...finally up from the binge ?

Go back to sleep.

You are more than your usual dumbass self.

Show me who is cheering against the recovery. What we fight is being sold a bill of goods by dickheads like yourself.

If you want to keep sucking on Obama's dick in poverty...that is your business.

Just keep us out of it.

delorean was a fault of his own, and u are making that prediction much like obama when the left proclaims he saved us from the worst depression eva" Give it a break the little guy is always ready to pounce, its hypcritcal but its done because its obama. we all know the tripe play the left engages in.

There are no little guy auto makers. The little guys are the ones who provide components to GM and Chrysler. They benefitted from the bailouts as much as GM.

That assumes bankruptcy means the company disappears. We all know that isn't what happens in a bankruptcy. Of course bankruptcy would have mean GM and Chrysler could have escaped from the onerous contracts the unions imposed on them. That was the only "crisis" that would have occurred had Obama not bailed them out.

You bet....all those little guys and maybe even parts of GM would have been picked up by people like BAIN and made profitable again.

The gloom and doom bull crap of the left. The Big Depression are all just fairy tales they tell their kids at night to scare them into become tit-sucking liberals.
Bullshit. We may go into a recession, but I doubt it. The Europeans are standing behind the Euro, and that was a big move that's going to impact everything.

You are ignorant and uneducated. It is not a foregone conclusion, but it certainly isn't 'bullshit':

April 27, 2012
Europe Is In Recession, the U.S. Isn't Far Behind

RealClearMarkets - Europe Is In Recession, the U.S. Isn't Far Behind

A lot has happened since April, when that article was written, especially this past weeks actions by the ECB. And we've clearly not entered a recession since April. Your stupidity astounds.

Yes. things are worse, and recession is more likely.

I can give you dozens of credible links, moron. Would two weeks ago suit you?

Achuthan: U.S. Recession Isn’t Coming — It’s Probably Already Here'

lLakshman Achuthan, one of the most respected economy watchers you'll find, is standing by his message. And it's not the message the optimists out there are going to want to hear.'

Nothing sustainable happens until we boot the commie trolls from power in Washington.
You are ignorant and uneducated. It is not a foregone conclusion, but it certainly isn't 'bullshit':

April 27, 2012
Europe Is In Recession, the U.S. Isn't Far Behind

RealClearMarkets - Europe Is In Recession, the U.S. Isn't Far Behind

A lot has happened since April, when that article was written, especially this past weeks actions by the ECB. And we've clearly not entered a recession since April. Your stupidity astounds.

Yes. things are worse, and recession is more likely.

I can give you dozens of credible links, moron. Would two weeks ago suit you?

Achuthan: U.S. Recession Isn’t Coming — It’s Probably Already Here'

lLakshman Achuthan, one of the most respected economy watchers you'll find, is standing by his message. And it's not the message the optimists out there are going to want to hear.'

Achuthan: U.S. Recession Isn

Nothing sustainable happens until we boot the commie trolls from power in Washington.

And just to be clear...I am hoping like hell this does not happen.

I wish unemployment were at 4% and I wish people were better off.....

I didn't like Clinton....but after he got over Monica and learned how to work with congress....great things happened.

In 1996, I can't say I was sorry to see him re-elected.

I'd feel the same way about Obama if he wasn't wiping his ass with the constitution and running this country into the ground and polarising it with stupid "You didn't build that" comments.
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GM is alive. Bin Laden is dead.

Our 'Conservatives' are unhappy with both outcomes.

Baloney. We are happy Bin Laden is dead, we just don't alocate as much credit to the no-brainer decision that Obama made. The CIA did the painstaking work and planning, Obama happened to be in the White House.

As far as GM, I don't think any American is sad they are alive.
The difference is most conservatives would have nolt given them a bailout.
GM was in the shape they were due mainly to poor quality that over time drove more and more of it's customer base to other car manufacturers.
Most conservatives view the bailouts as rewarding poor business decisions.

Not only that, but we continue to show our willingness to rescue bad behavior on the part of business.

Government sponsored loans are just an invitation for banks and mortgage cos. to make loans they would never make. They don't exercise the same care because they have no skin in the game....and in fact they get paid to make the loans....soooooooooo

GSA guaranteed about 75% of the sub-prime mortgages that went belly up.

Nuff said.
Jealous much?

I'm a retired teacher/salesman, have 45' swimming pool and tennis court, just inherited 200k. You?

Watching Fox a bit- they continue to ignore the jobs act Pubs have been sitting on for 8 months- would help our ruined infrastructure, add 2% to growth, subtract 1% from UE- can't have THAT!

I don't believe stockholders do well when companies go out of business, like GM. Now they're building good cars finally, including the Volt, ASSHOLES.
I don't feel the need to brag about my income, wealth or lifestyle.

And the shareholders of GM are only doing "well", if you can call it that, because the government abused its power and voided the contractual rights of bondholders. That's organized theft, imo.

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