Globalist vs Nationalist


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Not to worry, the islamic beasts will mess it all up for the globalist beasts such as soros...

The progressive elite breathes a sigh of relief.
May 12, 2017

Bruce Thornton


And if he tries to follow through on his campaign promises, he will likely meet stiff resistance from critics of “neoliberalism,” the epithet in Europe for free-market capitalism. In March 2006, 2.7 million mostly young French people protested against a minor reform of employment law that would allow entry-level workers to be more easily let go. And that was when the president was Jacques Chirac, a socialist who decried “Anglo-Saxon ultraliberalism,” Euro-speak for laissez-faire capitalism. Ten years later, socialist prime minister Manuel Valls faced nationwide riots and protests, some broken up with tear gas, over other employment reforms, which he had to get passed by invoking special powers and bypassing parliament. President Macron and his “neoliberal” reforms are unlikely to be any more successful, given the strength of Mélanchon’s support, the disaffection with Macron of a third of French voters, and the French people’s enduring love for their short work-week and generous subsidies.

And one can question whether Macron’s heart will really be in getting France out of its dirigiste doldrums and fulfill his promise to cut government workers, lower the corporate tax rate, and reform employment laws to make it easier to hire and fire workers. A one-time investment banker and graduate of the two most elite universities in France, the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) and the École nationale d’administration (ENA), he spent two years as Socialist François Hollande’s economic advisor. In addition, he’s a big fan of the centralized, top-down rule of the EU and it chronic democracy deficit, demanding sanctions on Hungary and Poland for violating EU “values” on immigration when the two countries defended their borders from the hordes of mostly male economic migrants and jihadists invited in by Angela Merkel. In short, an elite member of the establishment unlikely to be a champion of the free-market, regulatory reforms France desperately needs.


Macron is not “turning a new page” in French history, as he claimed in his victory speech. The failed statism and bankrupt internationalist idealism will remain unchanged and unreformed until events, the teacher of fools, forces a change.

The Globalist Empire Strikes Back in France
Centralizing sounds like a good idea on paper but it leaves a broader place for corruption to thrive with just a few in power seats. It also allows for a way to coverup corruption as there is no accountability to anyone outside of that circle.
War is stupid most of the time...

We should seek to work together as much as possible and use reasoning to find solutions to our problems. NO ones kid should have to die in war if we can help it.

lol ... yes, that has certainly worked every single time ... group hugs and sing alongs all around!

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