operation greenway


May 9, 2017
Operation greenway is a project to create a new nation for citizens of the world. We need people to get involved by reading the draft constitution and providing feedback, as well as people pledging citizenship. Like any nation, greenway needs citizens. The more people who get involved with the project, the better.

The project originally started in 2012, when I was thinking to myself how I could make all of my money growing marijuana. Marijuana is still illegal in much of the USA where I Ghost Liberty live. I thought to myself that owning my own island would work and began doing research. I could not claim that the law of the nation whose land I was occupying was null and void, the laws of the nation who really owns the island would apply and I could not grow pot. What If I were to create my own country? I did the research and settled on a massive ammending of the united states constitution to be trhe best template cor making the laws of the new nation. That is what started greenway.

As to where the land for the nation, I couldn't find anywhere to put the greenway. I decided on a seamount in the southern atlantic ocean near south america for a seasteading operation that would incorporate oceanic platforms, and dredged artificial island in the center to form all 9 states with 36 initial representatives which forms the symmetry of the sizes each state receives for land allocation. This component of the project is called atlantis. There are also plans to claim some of Antarctica and the moon as well as mars.

Greenway is a micronation project for an artificial island or seastead in the southern Atlantic ocean. It is based on the united states historically and is itself mostly a compilation of amendments to the us constitution at this moment

All drugs have been legalized in greenway, similar to portugual decriminalization but enabling everybody to posses personal amounts and to apply tor licenses from the state.

Greenway has a cannabis fiat dollar and a treasury fully reserved in silver and copper. The fiat currency is called a greenback which is worth fair market value of cannabis. The name greenway signifies the government being green sector in both engineering and cannabis, making greenway the greenest nation in the world.

The right to bear arms is assured in greenway. The most libertarian laws in the world exist for firearms in greenway, enabling everybody eighteen or older to bear a diversity or arms and body armor.

The peoples right to vote is expanded over america's, with a direct alternative vote system and with explicit term limits for all positions in the constitutional government.

Greenway is based on the repiblic of the united states, the constitution of greenway is a heavily amended copy of the constitution of the united states.

The greenway is currently a 6th world micronation, and a cesidian cyber territory. The more people get involved, the more likely we can reach our goals. Currently, greenway has a claim on a seamount in the south atlantic ocean. We also are investigating territory on the moon and mars.

The government is in the preliminary stages of development and the project is still young. Please do email Ghost Liberty at greenway(at)420blaze(dot)it and contribute to operation greenway.

The greenway is a micronation started by ghost_liberty, orgiginally as a goal to buy land and start a government where ghost would be able to grow all the marijuana they desired and make their living off of grass. The green in greenway comes not only from their marijuana but from their green practices and state sector renewable energy, greenway is also the second opensource government, where transparency is demanded from the government

Ghost liberty is currently vice president of greenway until 2018, where he will hand powers over to the next vpotus. He is the president pro tempore in the house of representatives and the first Greenway citizen.

The first opensource government was The Cesidian Root, a micronation by Dr Cesidio Tallini

This is an anonymous operation of my own design, to create a wonderful government we can actually depend. The ordeal requires you have a knack for focusing on hypotheticals and solving issues and preventing loopholes if you want to be in legislation. Anybody who wants to help, I need to get a website up and running that uses a fusion of etherpad and diffchecker with a git-hub style commit structure that is publicly viewable and searchable database with searx, all served on side by side services on tor and i2p-tahoe-laft for the people. Also on the project line up, we need citizenship papers and passports designed for 9 states + the seating district, and identification cards for all states + seating district.

there is more but i want to keep this short

we need citizens. I can authorize but I need enough people on-board first before continuing

convention that anybody wanting to join may become a federal person under such convention, and until the discharge of ghost_liberty from their position in the government, all people authorized by them shall remain federal people of the cyberterra 6th world stage of greenway under ghost_liberty, and therefore such citizens be eligible for a position in the government. This is open to the people of the world, though I prefer english speakers, spanish is also good, the problem is we need enough people that an interpreter may be provided, otherwise we need a translation service

anybody with computer server and programming skills in html5, java/script, c++, openGL and python, we need your help

the current goal is to use opensimulator as a meeting place which is all hosted on a tor or i2p distributed architecture to erect the cesidian territories on the internet.
I need anybody politically savvy to please help review the constitution and try to think with whats already in there. I am continually reviewing its provisions and updating when necessary.

right now I need to get a server hosted within a vm on linux and have the whole thing hosted over tor and i2p

Anybody wanting to help, please email me at greenway(at)420blaze(dot)it

submit to me your written application of citizenship and sign with a 64-char hexadecimal key you generate, which will be a seed in your identification papers which will be issued at a later time.

Also, we need to organize a bitcoin system that can manage multiple trusted holders of the money. I need people getting mail sent to them at a certain point,

I need a resource to create identification cards and passports and have them shipped to the correct people

citizens. would you like to contribute to the greenway project by volunteering your help, please do
everybody is welcome here

Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

LIBRANET.de (profile)

Greenway is a 6th world micronation, meaning that it exists in cyberterra and therefore under the montevideo convention, is a defacto nation, though it currently has no other territory secured.
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana

operation greenway is a project to make a new nation for the citizens of the world



greenway territory claims:

seastead and artificial land
lat 31° 0'55.95"S
long 35°31'37.95"W

?state? 'luna'
lat 14° 3'18.05"S
long 93° 4'27.59"W

project ares
mars bio-domes
lat 85°57'8.23"S
long 101°29'28.64"E


Get people to read the greenway constitution
Suggest amendments and structural reform to the constitution
Get people involved in talking about the greenway to their friends and share
Establish an internet presence with a website
Get community together too donate for seastead platforms
Set up seastead in southern Atlantic ocean
Errect the greenway on artificial platforms established over the seastead

Goals include:
Establishing online presence
Getting a community established
Have first election
Claim territory
Establish the greenway

What help is needed:
We need people to spread the word and the constitution
We need petitions to congress written to try and establish greenway as the new united states constitution
We need people to read the constitution and propose amendments
We need people to brainstorm with Ghost Liberty about what direction to take the project


read the constitution at greenway draft constitution - Pastebin.com


  • terranullius-alpha04.03.69_public_constitution_only.txt
    355.2 KB · Views: 79
Last edited:
Operation greenway is a project to create a new nation for citizens of the world. We need people to get involved by reading the draft constitution and providing feedback, as well as people pledging citizenship. Like any nation, greenway needs citizens. The more people who get involved with the project, the better.

The project originally started in 2012, when I was thinking to myself how I could make all of my money growing marijuana. Marijuana is still illegal in much of the USA where I Ghost Liberty live. I thought to myself that owning my own island would work and began doing research. I could not claim that the law of the nation whose land I was occupying was null and void, the laws of the nation who really owns the island would apply and I could not grow pot. What If I were to create my own country? I did the research and settled on a massive ammending of the united states constitution to be trhe best template cor making the laws of the new nation. That is what started greenway.

As to where the land for the nation, I couldn't find anywhere to put the greenway. I decided on a seamount in the southern atlantic ocean near south america for a seasteading operation that would incorporate oceanic platforms, and dredged artificial island in the center to form all 9 states with 36 initial representatives which forms the symmetry of the sizes each state receives for land allocation. This component of the project is called atlantis. There are also plans to claim some of Antarctica and the moon as well as mars.

Greenway is a micronation project for an artificial island or seastead in the southern Atlantic ocean. It is based on the united states historically and is itself mostly a compilation of amendments to the us constitution at this moment

All drugs have been legalized in greenway, similar to portugual decriminalization but enabling everybody to posses personal amounts and to apply tor licenses from the state.

Greenway has a cannabis fiat dollar and a treasury fully reserved in silver and copper. The fiat currency is called a greenback which is worth fair market value of cannabis. The name greenway signifies the government being green sector in both engineering and cannabis, making greenway the greenest nation in the world.

The right to bear arms is assured in greenway. The most libertarian laws in the world exist for firearms in greenway, enabling everybody eighteen or older to bear a diversity or arms and body armor.

The peoples right to vote is expanded over america's, with a direct alternative vote system and with explicit term limits for all positions in the constitutional government.

Greenway is based on the repiblic of the united states, the constitution of greenway is a heavily amended copy of the constitution of the united states.

The greenway is currently a 6th world micronation, and a cesidian cyber territory. The more people get involved, the more likely we can reach our goals. Currently, greenway has a claim on a seamount in the south atlantic ocean. We also are investigating territory on the moon and mars.

The government is in the preliminary stages of development and the project is still young. Please do email Ghost Liberty at greenway(at)420blaze(dot)it and contribute to operation greenway.

The greenway is a micronation started by ghost_liberty, orgiginally as a goal to buy land and start a government where ghost would be able to grow all the marijuana they desired and make their living off of grass. The green in greenway comes not only from their marijuana but from their green practices and state sector renewable energy, greenway is also the second opensource government, where transparency is demanded from the government

Ghost liberty is currently vice president of greenway until 2018, where he will hand powers over to the next vpotus. He is the president pro tempore in the house of representatives and the first Greenway citizen.

The first opensource government was The Cesidian Root, a micronation by Dr Cesidio Tallini

This is an anonymous operation of my own design, to create a wonderful government we can actually depend. The ordeal requires you have a knack for focusing on hypotheticals and solving issues and preventing loopholes if you want to be in legislation. Anybody who wants to help, I need to get a website up and running that uses a fusion of etherpad and diffchecker with a git-hub style commit structure that is publicly viewable and searchable database with searx, all served on side by side services on tor and i2p-tahoe-laft for the people. Also on the project line up, we need citizenship papers and passports designed for 9 states + the seating district, and identification cards for all states + seating district.

there is more but i want to keep this short

we need citizens. I can authorize but I need enough people on-board first before continuing

convention that anybody wanting to join may become a federal person under such convention, and until the discharge of ghost_liberty from their position in the government, all people authorized by them shall remain federal people of the cyberterra 6th world stage of greenway under ghost_liberty, and therefore such citizens be eligible for a position in the government. This is open to the people of the world, though I prefer english speakers, spanish is also good, the problem is we need enough people that an interpreter may be provided, otherwise we need a translation service

anybody with computer server and programming skills in html5, java/script, c++, openGL and python, we need your help

the current goal is to use opensimulator as a meeting place which is all hosted on a tor or i2p distributed architecture to erect the cesidian territories on the internet.
I need anybody politically savvy to please help review the constitution and try to think with whats already in there. I am continually reviewing its provisions and updating when necessary.

right now I need to get a server hosted within a vm on linux and have the whole thing hosted over tor and i2p

Anybody wanting to help, please email me at greenway(at)420blaze(dot)it

submit to me your written application of citizenship and sign with a 64-char hexadecimal key you generate, which will be a seed in your identification papers which will be issued at a later time.

Also, we need to organize a bitcoin system that can manage multiple trusted holders of the money. I need people getting mail sent to them at a certain point,

I need a resource to create identification cards and passports and have them shipped to the correct people

citizens. would you like to contribute to the greenway project by volunteering your help, please do
everybody is welcome here

Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

LIBRANET.de (profile)

Greenway is a 6th world micronation, meaning that it exists in cyberterra and therefore under the montevideo convention, is a defacto nation, though it currently has no other territory secured.
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana

operation greenway is a project to make a new nation for the citizens of the world



greenway territory claims:

seastead and artificial land
lat 31° 0'55.95"S
long 35°31'37.95"W

?state? 'luna'
lat 14° 3'18.05"S
long 93° 4'27.59"W

project ares
mars bio-domes
lat 85°57'8.23"S
long 101°29'28.64"E


Get people to read the greenway constitution
Suggest amendments and structural reform to the constitution
Get people involved in talking about the greenway to their friends and share
Establish an internet presence with a website
Get community together too donate for seastead platforms
Set up seastead in southern Atlantic ocean
Errect the greenway on artificial platforms established over the seastead

Goals include:
Establishing online presence
Getting a community established
Have first election
Claim territory
Establish the greenway

What help is needed:
We need people to spread the word and the constitution
We need petitions to congress written to try and establish greenway as the new united states constitution
We need people to read the constitution and propose amendments
We need people to brainstorm with Ghost Liberty about what direction to take the project


read the constitution at greenway draft constitution - Pastebin.com

Operation greenway is a project to create a new nation for citizens of the world. We need people to get involved by reading the draft constitution and providing feedback, as well as people pledging citizenship. Like any nation, greenway needs citizens. The more people who get involved with the project, the better.

The project originally started in 2012, when I was thinking to myself how I could make all of my money growing marijuana. Marijuana is still illegal in much of the USA where I Ghost Liberty live. I thought to myself that owning my own island would work and began doing research. I could not claim that the law of the nation whose land I was occupying was null and void, the laws of the nation who really owns the island would apply and I could not grow pot. What If I were to create my own country? I did the research and settled on a massive ammending of the united states constitution to be trhe best template cor making the laws of the new nation. That is what started greenway.

As to where the land for the nation, I couldn't find anywhere to put the greenway. I decided on a seamount in the southern atlantic ocean near south america for a seasteading operation that would incorporate oceanic platforms, and dredged artificial island in the center to form all 9 states with 36 initial representatives which forms the symmetry of the sizes each state receives for land allocation. This component of the project is called atlantis. There are also plans to claim some of Antarctica and the moon as well as mars.

Greenway is a micronation project for an artificial island or seastead in the southern Atlantic ocean. It is based on the united states historically and is itself mostly a compilation of amendments to the us constitution at this moment

All drugs have been legalized in greenway, similar to portugual decriminalization but enabling everybody to posses personal amounts and to apply tor licenses from the state.

Greenway has a cannabis fiat dollar and a treasury fully reserved in silver and copper. The fiat currency is called a greenback which is worth fair market value of cannabis. The name greenway signifies the government being green sector in both engineering and cannabis, making greenway the greenest nation in the world.

The right to bear arms is assured in greenway. The most libertarian laws in the world exist for firearms in greenway, enabling everybody eighteen or older to bear a diversity or arms and body armor.

The peoples right to vote is expanded over america's, with a direct alternative vote system and with explicit term limits for all positions in the constitutional government.

Greenway is based on the repiblic of the united states, the constitution of greenway is a heavily amended copy of the constitution of the united states.

The greenway is currently a 6th world micronation, and a cesidian cyber territory. The more people get involved, the more likely we can reach our goals. Currently, greenway has a claim on a seamount in the south atlantic ocean. We also are investigating territory on the moon and mars.

The government is in the preliminary stages of development and the project is still young. Please do email Ghost Liberty at greenway(at)420blaze(dot)it and contribute to operation greenway.

The greenway is a micronation started by ghost_liberty, orgiginally as a goal to buy land and start a government where ghost would be able to grow all the marijuana they desired and make their living off of grass. The green in greenway comes not only from their marijuana but from their green practices and state sector renewable energy, greenway is also the second opensource government, where transparency is demanded from the government

Ghost liberty is currently vice president of greenway until 2018, where he will hand powers over to the next vpotus. He is the president pro tempore in the house of representatives and the first Greenway citizen.

The first opensource government was The Cesidian Root, a micronation by Dr Cesidio Tallini

This is an anonymous operation of my own design, to create a wonderful government we can actually depend. The ordeal requires you have a knack for focusing on hypotheticals and solving issues and preventing loopholes if you want to be in legislation. Anybody who wants to help, I need to get a website up and running that uses a fusion of etherpad and diffchecker with a git-hub style commit structure that is publicly viewable and searchable database with searx, all served on side by side services on tor and i2p-tahoe-laft for the people. Also on the project line up, we need citizenship papers and passports designed for 9 states + the seating district, and identification cards for all states + seating district.

there is more but i want to keep this short

we need citizens. I can authorize but I need enough people on-board first before continuing

convention that anybody wanting to join may become a federal person under such convention, and until the discharge of ghost_liberty from their position in the government, all people authorized by them shall remain federal people of the cyberterra 6th world stage of greenway under ghost_liberty, and therefore such citizens be eligible for a position in the government. This is open to the people of the world, though I prefer english speakers, spanish is also good, the problem is we need enough people that an interpreter may be provided, otherwise we need a translation service

anybody with computer server and programming skills in html5, java/script, c++, openGL and python, we need your help

the current goal is to use opensimulator as a meeting place which is all hosted on a tor or i2p distributed architecture to erect the cesidian territories on the internet.
I need anybody politically savvy to please help review the constitution and try to think with whats already in there. I am continually reviewing its provisions and updating when necessary.

right now I need to get a server hosted within a vm on linux and have the whole thing hosted over tor and i2p

Anybody wanting to help, please email me at greenway(at)420blaze(dot)it

submit to me your written application of citizenship and sign with a 64-char hexadecimal key you generate, which will be a seed in your identification papers which will be issued at a later time.

Also, we need to organize a bitcoin system that can manage multiple trusted holders of the money. I need people getting mail sent to them at a certain point,

I need a resource to create identification cards and passports and have them shipped to the correct people

citizens. would you like to contribute to the greenway project by volunteering your help, please do
everybody is welcome here

Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

LIBRANET.de (profile)

Greenway is a 6th world micronation, meaning that it exists in cyberterra and therefore under the montevideo convention, is a defacto nation, though it currently has no other territory secured.
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana

operation greenway is a project to make a new nation for the citizens of the world



greenway territory claims:

seastead and artificial land
lat 31° 0'55.95"S
long 35°31'37.95"W

?state? 'luna'
lat 14° 3'18.05"S
long 93° 4'27.59"W

project ares
mars bio-domes
lat 85°57'8.23"S
long 101°29'28.64"E


Get people to read the greenway constitution
Suggest amendments and structural reform to the constitution
Get people involved in talking about the greenway to their friends and share
Establish an internet presence with a website
Get community together too donate for seastead platforms
Set up seastead in southern Atlantic ocean
Errect the greenway on artificial platforms established over the seastead

Goals include:
Establishing online presence
Getting a community established
Have first election
Claim territory
Establish the greenway

What help is needed:
We need people to spread the word and the constitution
We need petitions to congress written to try and establish greenway as the new united states constitution
We need people to read the constitution and propose amendments
We need people to brainstorm with Ghost Liberty about what direction to take the project


read the constitution at greenway draft constitution - Pastebin.com

fossil fuel is illegal in greenway so are certain plastics

No exploitation shall take place regarding the resources of earth in attempt to procure rare earth petrol-chemicals or minerals whose contributing constituents are sourced from geological reserves and considered fossil fuel, nor may such compounds be used or consumed within the territories of Greenway by public or private persons nor within trade by embargoes taking place within the territories of Greenway. In exclusion to the ban on petrol chemicals are synthetic petrol analogues considered the product of material manufacturing from renewable sources including but not limited to bio-fuel, syngas hydrocarbon cracking, production in fuel reformer or catalyst, or within assumption that source whose material contribution have not caused infraction to the petrol mineral ban. Congress and the several states who shall set forth such rules as are to be enforced through authorization granted to the state Environmental Protection Agency. The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

No person shall import, manufacture, stockpile, trade, supply, distribute or sell any scheduled plastic product which is non-degradable. The scheduled plastic products must be oxo-degradable or bio-degradeable plastics and the pro-degradant used must be approved by the state Environmental Protection Agency and in such manner as prescribed. Recycled scheduled plastic products shall be marked "Recycled plastic, unsafe for contact with food". Plastics that are not scheduled shall be compostable bio-plastics without the addition of pigments or extenders, and any pigment or extender added shall be scheduled according the rules established through legislation of Congress and the several states who shall set forth such rules as are to be enforced through authorization granted to the Environmental Protection Agency. The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
your gun rights are expanded in greenway

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed; Rights are insured to the people to wear body armor and bear a diversity of arms in all variations, whether black powder fired or otherwise, in times of war or peace; Standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, and therefore ought to be avoided, as far as the circumstances and protection of the Community will admit; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to and governed by the Civil power.

There shall be no federal, state, or local limitation on private citizens weaponry; Federal and state government are not allowed to ban private citizen arms based on classification of the weapon. Federal, state, and local laws are not allowed to limit the people's private arms.

There shall be no federal or state registry, neither shall a permit or background check be a requirement, nor any regulations be enacted limiting the freedom of the people, to manufacture, purchase, sell, or otherwise own any armaments, or body armor, nor shall any law or penalty obstruct a person from their constitutional right to bear arms.

No law shall abridge the right of self-defense against initiators of aggression, including the agents of the Public Administration where acting unlawfully, including the right, to own, manufacture, sell, and bear arms.

Individuals eighteen years or older may own firearms for personal use. The use by others, less than eighteen years, of firearms must be under the supervision of someone eighteen years or older and in conformity with what is set forth here, and elsewhere in this Constitution.

All Persons shall have the right of self-defence and/or defence of their property and constitutional Rights, and others who are under a direct and real threat, against initiators of aggression, including any Agent of the Public Administration acting unlawfully or in error; no Person shall be convicted of any criminal offence for any act or omission which took place on his or her property and which is a direct response to another Person trespassing on that property and acting in breach of the law or the Constitution resulting in such threat as described in this provision.

It is proper for law-abiding people to protect themselves, their families and others from intruders and attackers without fear of prosecution or civil action for acting in defense of themselves and others.

A person is justified in using physical force upon another person to defend himself from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of unlawful physical force. In defending, a person may only use that degree of force which they reasonably believe to be necessary.

The right of the people to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.

The Castle Doctrine is a common law doctrine of ancient origins which declares that a home is a person’s castle.

Persons residing in or visiting this Commonwealth have a right to expect to remain unmolested on or within their land, homes, or vehicles. No person should be required to surrender his or her personal safety to a criminal, nor should a person be required to needlessly retreat in the face of intrusion or attack outside the person’s dwelling or vehicle.
old laws are retained, such as this gem

when a person is no longer being detained, they become an ex prisoner, or, they are no longer an inmate, then, the individual is to be released, from either that of legal custody, a county jail, prison, or other penal institution of the Greenway and the several states, and it shall be the duty of the sheriff and their deputies to prepare the inmate for release, where the inmate will be permitted to eat the last available of the day's meals provided [through the sheriffs station or from the kitchen of the penitentiary] before leaving or be discharged immediately, and at discharge of the individual from custody, that, to be included amoung their personal belongings, wages of labors performed, and discharge forms, the person being released shall be provided with either a pistol, shotgun, or a rifle, with a quantity of ammunitions suitable for three days of peaceable journey amoung the trails and public ways to their home or other destination, and be supplied with three days rations, supplies, and a suitable means of transportation, by providing the full amount for three days worth of fare for either carriage, locomotive, automobile, or other vehicular transit. They shall pay over to a citizen who has been released from the county jail or state prison, which sum shall be assembled in silver and copper coin/s and/or bar/s, [and], greenbacks and/or cannabis, which furthermore then shall be released to the individual being discharged. When they are released, it shall be communicated to them, from either the sheriff or through authorization granted by the sheriff to the deputies of the county, through speech or other appropriate means to them once they are released, these words, "you are free to go and may forever more be free".
There is criminal justice reform in greenway

The criminal justice system shall practice restorative justice in criminal justice processes; Practices and programs reflecting restorative purposes will respond to crime by identifying and taking steps to repair harm, involving all stakeholders, and, transforming the relationship between communities and their governments in responding to crime.

The ability of an inmate to communicate to a lawyer, petition, and their right to vote shall not be infringed.

Convicted criminals shall not have their liberty restricted except so far as is necessary for the protection of others, nor their property seized except so far as it is necessary to make restitution to the victim and/or to pay the costs of the criminal's capture and trial.
agencies are enacted for the good of the people and authorized for specific purposes

People have the right to be in control of their own body and to know the origin or source, processes by which they are elaborated and rendered, constituents, safety or health effects, or environmental impact of the products they consume or come in contact with, including, but not limited to, food, drugs, cosmetics and household chemicals or similar products. It shall be the duty of the states, within the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration, as well as any other department or agency appointed through legislature by the several states to regulate, enforce, and fulfill duties of ensuring the purity of commercial food and drug products, labeling of certain household products, batch identification and genome sequencing of genetically modified organisms, and to provide official certifications for products such as their being environmentally friendly, organic, renewable or sustainable as well as any other duties assigned by the legislature. The right of individuals to establish private certification services is guaranteed.
you are certainly free from mind control in many forms, including electronic mind control, which is very real

No consciousness controlling transceiver, mindwave monitoring or alteration technology, psychotronic, or bioelectric, nor bio-feedback or interuptive interface may ever be operated on any person unless under the un-coereced non-compulsed informed consent of an individual who is seeking personal therapy, in course of medical treatment, or other purpose constituting fair use of the technology in regards to the individual person's pursuit of life, privacy, liberty, and happyness, nor shall any such purpose be construed for the deployment by a member of the public body, branch of public office, government hired contractor, or private investigator, on any of the people residing or migrating within the territories of Greenway, within a governmental facility or any jurisdictional fort or installation irregardless if there is probable cause or a warrant is issued.
silver, copper, cannabis, and bitcoin are currency

Power shall be vested in congress for the production and management of natural currency in the Free country Greenway administered to cover debts of persons who exchange with Greenway to produce natural currency from the wealth of the treasury; The Treasury shall be fully reserved in Silver and Copper; Commodity notes known as greenbacks shall be worth fair market trade value of cannabis for Tender in Payment of Debts; Fiat digital notes known as bitcoins which reside on the bitcoin network, use a peer-to-peer payment network that operates on a cryptographic protocol and shall also be an official currency, minted on bioplastic coins and paper notes from automatic teller machines, though neither the bitcoin network nor bitcoins shall be regulated through congress, though the congress may mint and emit the coins and notes to the people;

Congress shall have the power to define legal tender only on territory for which it has exclusive jurisdiction, and state legislatures only on exclusively state territory. Neither Congress nor the states may make anything legal tender that does not consist of, or is backed by silver, copper, cannabis, bitcoins, or energy, nor use anything but legal tender to pay its debts, or accept anything but legal tender for the payment of taxes;

The states of Greenway shall establish their respective state banks and all state and local money shall be deposited therein. The state bank will loan and invest its funds exclusively within their state, and shall prioritize sustainable development and enhancing the welfare of state residents. The state bank shall accept business and personal deposit accounts. All records of the state bank shall be open and public. The right of citizens to establish private banks and financial services is guaranteed though those institutions shall be regulated by the legislation of congress and the several states.
congress and the president are required to balance the budget

Total outlays for any fiscal year shall not exceed total receipts for that fiscal year, unless four-fifths of the whole number of each House of Congress shall provide by law for a specific excess of outlays over receipts; Total outlays for any fiscal year shall not exceed one-fifth of economic output of the Greenway, unless four-fifths of each House of Congress shall provide for a specific increase of outlays above this amount; The limit on the debt of the Greenway held by the public shall not be increased unless four-fifths of the whole number of each House shall provide by law for such an increase by a rollcall vote; Prior to each fiscal year, the Budget Officer shall transmit to the Congress a proposed budget for the Greenway Government for that fiscal year in which total outlays do not exceed total receipts; A Bill to increase revenue shall not become law unless citizens approve this Bill in a referendum;

The Congress and the President shall assemble at least once each year to balance the budget and manage the finances of the Free country Greenway;
drugs are legal in greenway

The manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating substances within, the importation thereof into or the exportation thereof from the Greenway and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for consumption purposes are legal for use by citizens who are eighteen or older; This includes the organic parent sources, raw or dry material or preparations thereof and also the extracts of any drug related compounds found within living organisms. Personal use of substances controlled by the Food and Drug Administration without a license are not unlawful and shall not be an offense. Personal use of substances includes but is not limited to; Possessing, using or consuming, displaying, purchasing, or transporting drug accessories or personal amounts of intoxicating substances; Possessing, growing, processing, or transporting personal amounts of drug producing plants, and possession of the drugs produced by the plants; Transfer of personal amounts of drugs without remuneration to a person who is eighteen or older; Assisting another person who is eighteen or older in any way described as personal use of intoxicating substances. The manufacture, sale, or transportation of drug related natural or synthetic compounds are to be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, who by request and review, approve or deny applications for commercial controlled chemical licenses. The states shall have authority to tax the sales of intoxicating substances. The health authority and healthcare facilities of each state shall provide for rehabilitation services and safe drug clinics. The several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Cannabis is an ancient plant that is a plentiful provider of food, fiber, fuel, and medicine. Persons growing cannabis shall be entitled to grow as much as they may desire, of any variety available to them, for whatever purposes they may need for it, save for the limitations that the law may require, as in licensing the production for sales of intoxicating substances, and no preference shall be given to the allowable cannabis variety on the account of it being drug producing or lacking intoxicating qualities. Persons growing cannabis for fuel for their vehicles, machines, industry, or heating of their homes and businesses, shall be eligible for green energy tax credits from their state, based on the units in kilograms of cannabis biomass used. Cannabis shall be exempt from any and all taxation. It is a right of the people to grow as much cannabis as they desire and to use it for what purposes they may deem necessary.

The serving and consumption of caffeine and caffeinated beverages in public is not an offence, and the people have a right to establish tea houses and coffee houses. The use of tobacco and cannabis in public shall not be an offence, though state law and local ordinances may be enacted to set forth a minimal distance from doorways, schools, and hospitals that these substances must be used, and the people have a right to establish dispensaries and clubhouses the may also be used for the serving and consumption of cannabis. The serving and consumption of alcohol within designated drinking areas shall not be an offence, and the people have a right to establish private taverns, bars, and tap houses to serve alcohol to consumers. Designated drinking areas will be set aside in public parks and recreational areas to allow for public drinking, provided they are not within the minimal distance from schools, and recycling facilities will be provided to encourage the public to keep their drinking areas clean. The use of psilocibin mushrooms, mescaline cacti, lysergic acid amine seeds, salvia and ayahuasca in state parks and forests shall not be an offence. The states shall legislate the legality of using other intoxicating substances in public and considerations for areas where their use is prohibited.

Intoxicating substance Producers and Consumers retain the Right to own, manufacture, sell, and bear firearms as guaranteed to them by this constitution.

The presence of cannabinoids in a test of a persons hair, urine, or blood shall not preempt them from employment nor shall it be a legal requirement for a person to pass a cannabinoid drug test to be employed.
The states shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes.

The Congress shall have no power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, except in time of war declared by the Congress;

Maximal propositions on taxation

These taxes are not to compound after their initial dues are paid, such as compounds attempted through transference from a person to another family member/spouse/friend; Only in the case of a buisness where enumeration is transferred through employment of an individual as a wage, where it does seem that compounding will be un-avoidable.

wealth value based on US dollar at $0.45 per gram of silver (2015AD silver value on earth), $0.0045 per gram of copper, $1.35 per gram of cannabis


state income tax maximums:

less than $20,015 yearly income @ 8.333% tax

$30,020 yearly income before tax @ 11% tax

$45,025 yearly income before tax @ 22% tax

$90,050 (?135,075?) yearly income before tax @ 27.7775% tax

$270,075 yearly income before tax @ 33% tax

$810,225 yearly income before tax @ 44% tax

$3,616,950 yearly income before tax @ 66% tax

$10,940,850 yearly income before tax @ 81% tax

$25,163,955 (or greater) yearly income before tax @ 89.333% tax


"flat sales tax":

federal 2.222% max tax
federal + state = 5.555% max tax

federal sales taxes may go down and states may choose not to tax, or states may adjust their taxes to the limits of the combined federal+state sales tax limits, meaning a federal sales tax of 1.111% could allow a 4.444% state sales tax
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