Global warming


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!

Our President is just opening up a dialogue on the issue of Global Warmism and Warmist beliefs.

If those who believe in this want to speak out, that's fine, Mr. Trump isn't prejudging anyone.

Before we can really take action, we need to start an open debate. The Warmist theory that requiring the purchase of Carbon Credits somehow appeases Mother Gaia and convinces her to keep it cool sounds a lot like the theory of indulgences from the Middle Ages when folks felt that buying indulgences could reduce the temperatures in Purgatory.

Let's not prejudge, let's have an open debate where all scenarios are considered.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
/——/ Al Gore thanks you for being one of his useful idiots.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!

Once we adjust the data, add in the heating trapped by the deep ocean and ignore all prior records, "the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet"

There fixed it for you, Bozo
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!

What the science behind AOC's "12 years left" prediction?

Wow us!
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
But how can you have record colds when the Earth is warming up year after year. If last year was the warmest on record, with the increase of CO2, the record cooling just cant happen. Shame you idiots dont realize REAL science but go with the consensus science that cost you lots of money in necessarily skyrocketing energy prices. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal...
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
Oh and by the way, please if you are in the Midwest, go out in your shorts and T-shirt and live the Global Warming dream....
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
But how can you have record colds when the Earth is warming up year after year. If last year was the warmest on record, with the increase of CO2, the record cooling just cant happen. Shame you idiots dont realize REAL science but go with the consensus science that cost you lots of money in necessarily skyrocketing energy prices. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal...
With the heat wave currently occurring in Australia, i'm surprised they wouldnt consider this a direct attack on their country.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
But how can you have record colds when the Earth is warming up year after year. If last year was the warmest on record, with the increase of CO2, the record cooling just cant happen. Shame you idiots dont realize REAL science but go with the consensus science that cost you lots of money in necessarily skyrocketing energy prices. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal...
With the heat wave currently occurring in Australia, i'm surprised they wouldnt consider this a direct attack on their country.
BrrrrrrrBut just imagine how much colder it would be if not for all the man-made global warming.

Yeah, that much!

Brrrrrrr it's like 50 degrees out there!!!!!!
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
/——/ Al Gore thanks you for being one of his useful idiots.
View attachment 242862

Not only is he not a scientist, he did he not say it, nor did any scientific study every claimed it.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!

Once we adjust the data, add in the heating trapped by the deep ocean and ignore all prior records, "the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet"

There fixed it for you, Bozo
Global warming Chart.jpg
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
/——/ Al Gore thanks you for being one of his useful idiots.
View attachment 242862

Not only is he not a scientist, he did he not say it, nor did any scientific study every claimed it.
/----/ 8 Years Ago Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in 5 Years | Humans Are Free
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
/——/ Al Gore thanks you for being one of his useful idiots.
View attachment 242862

Not only is he not a scientist, he did he not say it, nor did any scientific study every claimed it.
/----/ 8 Years Ago Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in 5 Years | Humans Are Free
NYC under water too
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
But how can you have record colds when the Earth is warming up year after year. If last year was the warmest on record, with the increase of CO2, the record cooling just cant happen. Shame you idiots dont realize REAL science but go with the consensus science that cost you lots of money in necessarily skyrocketing energy prices. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal...
With the heat wave currently occurring in Australia, i'm surprised they wouldnt consider this a direct attack on their country.
/----/ It's called Summer Time and heat waves happen.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
/——/ Al Gore thanks you for being one of his useful idiots.
View attachment 242862

Not only is he not a scientist, he did he not say it, nor did any scientific study every claimed it.
/----/ 8 Years Ago Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in 5 Years | Humans Are Free
NYC under water too
Photo of Manhattan taken early today.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
But how can you have record colds when the Earth is warming up year after year. If last year was the warmest on record, with the increase of CO2, the record cooling just cant happen. Shame you idiots dont realize REAL science but go with the consensus science that cost you lots of money in necessarily skyrocketing energy prices. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal...
With the heat wave currently occurring in Australia, i'm surprised they wouldnt consider this a direct attack on their country.
/----/ It's called Summer Time and heat waves happen.
I supposed you didnt see "record breaking" heat wave.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
But how can you have record colds when the Earth is warming up year after year. If last year was the warmest on record, with the increase of CO2, the record cooling just cant happen. Shame you idiots dont realize REAL science but go with the consensus science that cost you lots of money in necessarily skyrocketing energy prices. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal...
With the heat wave currently occurring in Australia, i'm surprised they wouldnt consider this a direct attack on their country.
/----/ It's called Summer Time and heat waves happen.
I supposed you didnt see "record breaking" heat wave.
/----/ Of course I saw it.

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