Global warming can’t be ignored, Montana’s top court says, upholding landmark climate case

It's the style of the puppet handlers behind these "binky in binky out" youths presenting this garbage.
It's almost certain that you know nothing about this case or those bringing it.
You're just knee-jerking whilst you gabble like a turkey who sees the axe approaching.

The people of Montana don't care about your opinion..and neither do I~
What's the point of such "limits"?

C'mon...Parse the logic.....Critical thinking....You can do it! :laugh2:
Not my state..not my fight. But I do believe that the people of Montana have the right to order their house however they wish...just as the people of Idaho have that self-same right within our borders.
It's almost certain that you know nothing about this case or those bringing it.
You're just knee-jerking whilst you gabble like a turkey who sees the axe approaching.

The people of Montana don't care about your opinion..and neither do I~

I know the type doing this, and I know their reasoning.

The people of Montana aren't involved in this, just some dipshit plaintiffs and left leaning stooge judges.
..and that, in and of itself, is a victory for the people~

I do believe that the court made it clear that it did recognize climate change and the dangers it holds for the people of Montana.

From the link:

“Plaintiffs showed at trial—without dispute—that climate change is harming Montana’s environmental life support system now and with increasing severity for the foreseeable future,” the order states. “Plaintiffs showed that climate change does impact the clear, unpolluted air of the Bob Marshall wilderness; it does impact the availability of clear water and clear air in the Bull Mountains; and it does exacerbate the wildfire stench in Missoula, along with the rest of the State.”
Corrupted parasites like what you promote is a given in human history. Climate changes. And The shylocks that control the word have mad massive amounts of money off the peasants. Excuse me, there is a TV show where a 60-pound woman in a wheelchair beats the shit out of still young former Navy seals. It's must watching for the brainwashed.

Maybe not so much now.

Montana is beautiful--and they aim to keep it that way~

Montana is beautiful--and they aim to keep it that way~

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My BP friend was stationed on the border there (north of Havre) and he said housing prices are terrible, and everything was super expensive due to all the left coast transplants moving in. Supply not meeting demand and all that.

They just promoted/transferred him to El Paso, TX and he said the value of his home in MT increased almost two-fold in just the little over two years he was there.....One of the few times he made money on a transfer.

Not related to the subject in any way but he said they are stripping the northern border of all the personnel they can get by with for a big push on our Southern border once Trump takes office and Homan issues marching orders.

LOL....He also said it's nice to be warm again. ;)
Just reading between the lines and making some assumptions. Reads to me the courts found an excuse to not allow energy companies to simply come in and make a mess like they have in other areas.

I doubt the court cares that much about "climate change" but they do care about protecting Montana from the mess many energy producers make.
Missoula Massacre, Hell in Helena

After butchering the heroic Seventh Cavalry, Sitting Bull continued to sit his bullshit by getting a seat on the State Supreme Court.

Savages and statists are jealous of those who can produce economic benefits and a modern lifestyle.
It's a 'big sky' beautiful place. I've hiked around the Bozeman area before. No one looks twice at your cowboy hat. Dental floss bushes are plentiful.

My take on the warming of the planet is that greenhouse gasses probably contribute some, but the whole idea that we humanoids are in control, is rather silly. When did we become Gods? Also, don't laugh at a 1.2 degree centigrade increase in temperature. That's really quite a bit. Add one to it and there will be beachfront property in central Florida.
Montana leading the climate change fight??
Not what most would expect, unless they know Montana--a state that always goes its own way--and pays little attention to the national culture wars rhetoric:

Montana’s Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a landmark climate ruling that said the state was violating residents’ constitutional right to a clean environment by permitting oil, gas and coal projects without regard for global warming.
The justices, in a 6-1 ruling, rejected the state’s argument that greenhouse gases released from Montana fossil fuel projects are minuscule on a global scale and reducing them would have no effect on climate change, likening it to asking: “If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?”

The plaintiffs can enforce their environmental rights “without requiring everyone else to stop jumping off bridges or adding fuel to the fire,” Chief Justice Mike McGrath wrote for the majority. “Otherwise the right to a clean and healthful environment is meaningless.”

Only a few other states, including Hawaii, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New York, have similar environmental protections enshrined in their constitutions.

The lawsuit filed in 2020 by 16 Montanans —who are now ages 7 to 23 — was considered a breakthrough in attempts by young environmentalists and their attorneys to use the courts to leverage action on climate change.

The Montana Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a district court ruling in the nation’s first constitutional climate change trial , affirming that the youth plaintiffs have a “fundamental constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment” while revoking two Montana statutes.

The 70-page decision, authored by Chief Justice Mike McGrath, comes 16 months after Lewis and Clark District Court Judge Kathy Seeley ruled in the landmark Held v. Montana lawsuit, explicitly stating that the state’s greenhouse gas emissions are “proven to be a substantial factor in causing climate impacts to Montana’s environment, and harm and injury to the youth plaintiffs.” Seeley’s decision also rolled back two laws enacted by the 2023 legislature that changed the Montana Environmental Policy Act.

The state immediately appealed the decision to the Montana Supreme Court, which heard oral arguments in the appeal in July. The court found in a 6-to-1 decision that Montana’s constitutional guarantee of a “clean and healthful environment” includes a stable climate system, “which is clearly within the object and true principles of the Framers inclusion of the right.”

“Plaintiffs showed at trial—without dispute—that climate change is harming Montana’s environmental life support system now and with increasing severity for the foreseeable future,” the order states. “Plaintiffs showed that climate change does impact the clear, unpolluted air of the Bob Marshall wilderness; it does impact the availability of clear water and clear air in the Bull Mountains; and it does exacerbate the wildfire stench in Missoula, along with the rest of the State.”

This is all added on cost to what W/Mukasey and homO/Holder hid in the closet ....

and maybe hopefully truth will come out of the closet with Kash and Pam in charge, because this crap needs to stop. Those justices who ruled in favor of CO2 FRAUD should not be sitting on any bench except the one in the prison yard.
It's a 'big sky' beautiful place. I've hiked around the Bozeman area before. No one looks twice at your cowboy hat. Dental floss bushes are plentiful.

My take on the warming of the planet is that greenhouse gasses probably contribute some, but the whole idea that we humanoids are in control, is rather silly. When did we become Gods? Also, don't laugh at a 1.2 degree centigrade increase in temperature. That's really quite a bit. Add one to it and there will be beachfront property in central Florida.

There is no warming on Earth except from the surface of growing urban areas. That's the data.

The Montana Justices should be asked these questions under oath immediately...

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?

and if they cannot answer them, the ruling should be reversed...

and evileyefleegle is both too stupid and too cowardly to even try....
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