Zone1 Global "Catholic" Climate Movement... argg!


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

told ya...

I told you all, whether you listen or not-- which most of you don't seem to... that the Vatican sect is not Catholic.. hasn't been since 1958.

OK, to correct something I just said (implied), I am not sure this "Franciscan" (ha ha, please) dude is closely associated w/ the Vatican. I haven't read the entire article (though probably will by tomorrow). It's rather lengthy. In any case, anyone paying a modicum of attention to the Vatican and related issues knows that the vatican is into this climate change BS... so I can't see the Vatican correcting him any time soon.

And this guy calls himself Franciscan!

St Francis loved nature but not more than He loved the Creator... NOT hardly.

The divisions within the Catholic church are due to much more than a fight over environmental measures and necessities.

In general, it's the churches attempt to reconcile the people's rejection of old superstitious beliefs, against the known facts of modern science.

For example, the Catholic church decided that it was better for their survival if they accepted Darwinian evolution over creation mythology.

That divided the church down the middle in America on account of too many backward thinking Catholics who could never accept the change in such critically important beliefs.

It's still most likely that the Catholic church won't backpedal on it's acceptance of evolution, even though they will lose their flocks and their influence in America.

Most likely the rest of the world's Catholics will realize that they just have to bend their thinking to accepting the obvious truth and facts that science has brought down on them!
Well it would stand to reason that the two biggest hoaxes ever foisted upon mankind (religion and CC) would join forces given the amount of money involved.

So now I guess you will be goin' to hell if you burn a tire. ;)
The divisions within the Catholic church are due to much more than a fight over environmental measures and necessities.

In general, it's the churches attempt to reconcile the people's rejection of old superstitious beliefs, against the known facts of modern science.

For example, the Catholic church decided that it was better for their survival if they accepted Darwinian evolution over creation mythology.

can't get byond this point in your post

Show proof... a link.. to show that the Catholic Church accepted the theory of evolution... which is to this day a freaking THEORY, not a proven fact...
Well it would stand to reason that the two biggest hoaxes ever foisted upon mankind (religion and CC) would join forces given the amount of money involved.

So now I guess you will be goin' to hell if you burn a tire. ;)
one problem here

You totally disregard the fact the Vatican is NOT

repeat NOT

repeat NOT

the Catholic Church
This is what the apostate says (from NOW site)

My (sometimes sarcastic) comments are in bolded [ ] brackets

My view … is [that] Jesus didn’t come to die on the Cross to save us from our sins. God didn’t need to send someone to die to save us from our sins. … So if He didn’t come to die on the Cross [because I say so], what was the purpose of the Incarnation? And the purpose of the Incarnation would be to create heaven here — not to go to heaven, but to create heaven here [because I say so]. So what we all should be working together on is creating heaven here. …[because I say so], We have to move away from this idea that we’re here to go to heaven[because I say so]. We’re here to create heaven. And we’re here to create a heaven that is inclusive of all of our brothers and sisters[because I say so. Please forget what Jesus said. I was born to correct Him, thank you very much].


I don't know about anyone else, but just looking around the world today... at all the war, baby killing (aka reproductive rights :rolleyes::oops:..).. school shootings... etc.. and especially considering we're supposed to be 2000 years into this Christianity thing,

I'd say creating Heaven on Earth is not possible... just a thought...

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