Glenn Beck Says He Regrets Being A Part of "Tearing Apart" and Dividing This Country

too bad we can't get Obama, the Democrat party and their sheep base to stop tearing us apart

As for Beck, who cares
Did you hear the new one?

Old Becko actually got introspective recently...

Glenn Beck says he regrets ?helping tear the country apart? - Washington Times

So what do you think about that?

Think he means it, or that he just regrets the CONSEQUENCES of it?

I think he regrets the fact that everyone thinks he is a crazy loon. And He is!! :cuckoo:
I agree. I also believe that he regrets that HE was a major part of why the Republicans lost the election and were so CLUELESS to the fact that they were BOUND to lose the last election.

I believe he's thinking to himself, "that crazy rhetoric sure gets me ratings and makes me rich as heck, but it sure ain't helping with the big picture."

Just my opinion.
I think Beck is too full of himself and he should remember that Media Matters is always on duty and anything he says will come back to haunt him. Too bad the radical left worries more about what talk show hosts say than what the politicians who have control over our lives in say. Glenn Beck has no power but Andy Cuomo does and he ain't a talk show host, he is the freaking governor of N.Y. and he just divided the US by saying certain segments of society are not welcome in the Empire State.
I also believe that he regrets that HE was a major part of why the Republicans lost the election and were so CLUELESS to the fact that they were BOUND to lose the last election.
Only in Beck's mind was he part of the Republican anything. ... :cuckoo:
I think he's getting wise as he ages.

The article speaks about him appreciating his time there, not-so-much his role there.

FOXNEWS being the "there" in question.

Read between the lines.
Right now Glenn Beck is just a voice on the radio. At one time he had a segment on Fox. For some reason the radical left is capable of intense hatred against information sources they don't agree with. Apparently low information lefties aren't intellectually capable of arguing their own agenda so they take the easy way out with hatred. Beck has no power. Andy Cuomo has power. Carlos Danger is still a factor in left wing politics and he has power. Glenn Beck has no power, he is just an information source. If you don't like him don't listen.
He is wrong on both counts.

He is not regretful.

He is not tearing apart the country.
too bad we can't get Obama, the Democrat party and their sheep base to stop tearing us apart

As for Beck, who cares

The country has been growing polarized for just about a decade. In fact, Obama isn't the original "Divider"! :eek:


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Right now Glenn Beck is just a voice on the radio. At one time he had a segment on Fox. For some reason the radical left is capable of intense hatred against information sources they don't agree with. Apparently low information lefties aren't intellectually capable of arguing their own agenda so they take the easy way out with hatred. Beck has no power. Andy Cuomo has power. Carlos Danger is still a factor in left wing politics and he has power. Glenn Beck has no power, he is just an information source. If you don't like him don't listen.

Who are these radical lefties? Certainly not Obama or anyone he's appointed. Any names?

It's just an honest admission of what I've been saying all along: The division pimps on both ends of the spectrum have and exercise a financial and professional vested interest in keeping their flocks angry and divided from the other "side". The angrier their flocks get, the better these people do professionally.

It's right there in front of our faces. We can choose to see it, or we can choose to continue with this destructive division. This board provides a constant reminder of this environment, and I'm certain that many who participate in such behavior literally don't see it. The flocks' behavior enables the division pimps, and the division feeds on itself.

I have no use for Beck, but I very much appreciate his admission. Good for him.


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