Glenn Beck: Privatize The Military?

You know.......BP thought they could do better without government interference.

Look how that turned out.

No. Privatization of the military is STUPID, because the first person to sign on as the contractor has to have a LOT of money.

In other words, do you want to see Donald Trump as CEO of the Navy?

I don't.
Quote: Originally Posted by Liberty
the US government fails at everything, including military operations.

Liberty said they fail at everything including military operations. I call Bullshit. Actually as a vet, I am offended really but that is my own issue.

Oh and the private sector did so well recently didn't
The private sector would have done better without gov't interference, and lets get one thing straight, it was the housing market collapse due to the democrats; clinton,dodd,franks forcing banks to lend money to people who could not afford them, that caused the economic collapse, but lets keep blaming Bush as the idiot obama keeps doing. By the way, thanks for your service.

The decision to lend was and always has been the banks'.

There may have been incentives but the final decision rested with the loan officers.
When the Clinton Admin used Janet Reno to threaten banks with legal action due to "Redlining", it's called extortion and racketeering in the private sector. Apparently this is called 'offering incentives' now?

This is the reason for the creation of most of the derivatives market that's fucked us 20 ways to sunday and has yet to reveal the true damage that has been done.
Yea, turn the military over to corporations. Republicans believe corporations are the "source" of all that is good.
If you start building American arms from American steel, we'll talk.

what % of U.S. arms are built with foreign steel?
Most of europe's arms aren't built in Europe. This is an argument for.... what?

yeah. sure. the unions put the American steel industry on a ship and sent it to Singapore. You really believe this? But, more directly, are you willing to convince me, a resident of the Rust Belt, that such an argument can hold water?

Oh boy oh boy!!!! "The current state exists in a vacuum" argument! I LOVE these! They're so easy to shred, like a kitten on a roll of toilet paper!

Daveman's taking a pass on blowing holes on this, so I will.

Yes, the unions were the first of 3 major forces that killed the American steel industry.

1. NIMBY Environmentalism.
2. Unreasonable Unions
3. Globalist economics.

1. Asshat econazis and hypocritical Not In My Back Yard advocates hurt the steel industry immensely by forcing the industry to install extremely expensive environmental controls on the industry at a time of economic downturn. This in turn put more than a few steel companies into rusting hulks of their own right. Only the most modern of the failing factories were saved. Ever hear of the Rust Belt? It wasn't always because steel was produced there. It was also because of the wreckage these jackoffs created.

2. Unions, unwilling to sacrifice now for future gains by longer term employment fought tooth and nail to keep benefits that, if times were good, could have remained. But when times turned sour thanks to reason 3, the Unions were not willing to flex with the times, making the company inflexible and unable to compete better. Hence, bye bye jobs hello singapore steel.

3. Globalism is a very dangerous economic game when not everyone plays either fair or by the same rules. Nationalized companies, just like monopolies starving out smaller private businesses and start ups have nothing to fear because they can just raise taxes and get bigger bailouts. So, once the marketshare has been stolen from private entities, they can raise prices whatever they want, gouge the shit out of the consumer and because it takes so little to protect their monopoly, the only people they have to worry about are other nationalized industries.

That is why steel comes from abroad, and why your argument is so fulla shit it squeeks going into the turn. Your liberal friends fucked you over in the 1970's by going all ecoNIMBY and wage indignant while opening the door for unfair foreign competition.

And now you have the gall to whine????

Cram the fauxrage, nobody buys it here. Unless you count your simpering socialist sycophants engaging in dubious debate and dialectics.
:clap2: I was watching The Return of the King with my family. Good job shooting Steely Dan out of the saddle. :lol:
Some 40 percent of the soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan work for a private company. Your Military was privatized soon after the drfat was ended. America has never ih her histroty been able to rasie an army of sufficient size without a draft. American men for the most part are fat, lazy, intellectually inferior cowardly, boozers.

Nope. They are NOT fighting.
They are civilian contractors.
You do not know shit. American men are the best fighting units ever known in the world.
Name the last battle we lost.
If we did not maintain a platinum plated military with the capacity to project power at a moments notice everywhere and anywhere on the globe, perhaps we could get a good hold on government spending.

Funny how Conservatives always want to make cuts in programs which directly benefit Americans, but never ever suggest cuts be made in the defense budget. Conservatives want tax cuts, but never ever suggest how those cuts will be paid for.

Defense programs don't directly benefit Americans? Where do you think F-22s and MRAPs and MREs and uniforms and warships come from...they're found under cabbage leaves?

I thought liberals were for the working man. Why do you want to put so many people out of work?

You know, this whole "Defense spending creates jobs" gets thrown around a lot, but when it comes down to it, it's just a bunch of crap.

We might as well be putting people to work create widgets, or Chinese finger traps, for all the good all that defense spending is really doing us.

Why don't we do something useful with that money, like explore the ocean, create new fuel sources, build highways, educate our children?

All of those things also create jobs, without throwing good money out the window.

And the only thing that's constitutionally mandated is to spend money on DEFENSE. We can easily defend our country against any major power, or any two major powers for that matter, with about 1/3 the spending.

Therefore the extra 2/3 is for OFFENSE, not national defense.

Clearly the ability to invade any country in the world at a moments notice is NOT constitutionally mandated, and was DEFINITELY not the intent of our founding fathers.
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You know, speaking as a 20 year military man, privatizing the military would be a BAD idea.

Lemmie ask a quick question, who is the privatized military going to answer to, the President, or the CEO of the privatized military contract.

Who makes the decisions to invade? Will Congress still be in the loop?

And remember Blackwater/XE and how well all their shit worked out.

Besides, there is a UNIFORM MODE OF COMMUNICATION between ALL services. Will that seamless connection still be able to exist when you have 1 company for the Navy, 1 company for the Marines, 1 company for the Army, 1 company for the Air Force and a totally separate company for special operations operators.

Wanna explain how 5 different CEO's who are privatized (and therefore don't necessarily have to answer to the President), are going to all get together for a mission?

I don't think any of you civvie idiots who think this is a good idea to look into have considered anything like that.'s not your fault, you can't be expected to know what goes on with military never served and decided to make cash instead.

No wonder you think privatization would be a good idea........

Well said sir. Well said. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Oh boy oh boy!!!! "The current state exists in a vacuum" argument! I LOVE these! They're so easy to shred, like a kitten on a roll of toilet paper!

Daveman's taking a pass on blowing holes on this, so I will.

Yes, the unions were the first of 3 major forces that killed the American steel industry.

1. NIMBY Environmentalism.
2. Unreasonable Unions
3. Globalist economics.

1. Asshat econazis and hypocritical Not In My Back Yard advocates hurt the steel industry immensely by forcing the industry to install extremely expensive environmental controls on the industry at a time of economic downturn. This in turn put more than a few steel companies into rusting hulks of their own right. Only the most modern of the failing factories were saved. Ever hear of the Rust Belt? It wasn't always because steel was produced there. It was also because of the wreckage these jackoffs created.

Please cite specific legislation that made the Steel industry move to Asia.

2. Unions, unwilling to sacrifice now for future gains by longer term employment fought tooth and nail to keep benefits that, if times were good, could have remained. But when times turned sour thanks to reason 3, the Unions were not willing to flex with the times, making the company inflexible and unable to compete better. Hence, bye bye jobs hello singapore steel.

The Unions were not willing to allow American workers to work for slave wages and have no protections at all.

Thanks to Globalism, and Corporations that care nothing about patriotism, the Steel industry was more than happy to move over to Thailand, India, China, etc, where they could pay their employees 20 cents an hour and then resell back to the US with no import tariffs at all.

3. Globalism is a very dangerous economic game when not everyone plays either fair or by the same rules. Nationalized companies, just like monopolies starving out smaller private businesses and start ups have nothing to fear because they can just raise taxes and get bigger bailouts. So, once the marketshare has been stolen from private entities, they can raise prices whatever they want, gouge the shit out of the consumer and because it takes so little to protect their monopoly, the only people they have to worry about are other nationalized industries.

Here at least we agree somewhat, though the only problem here is certainly not "Nationalized companies", it's also the fact that people in Singapore work for pennies a day, and there is no way American workers can survive on that kind of wage with the cost of living being what it is in the US.

That is why steel comes from abroad, and why your argument is so fulla shit it squeeks going into the turn. Your liberal friends fucked you over in the 1970's by going all ecoNIMBY and wage indignant while opening the door for unfair foreign competition.

And now you have the gall to whine????

Cram the fauxrage, nobody buys it here. Unless you count your simpering socialist sycophants engaging in dubious debate and dialectics.

See above.
Please cite specific legislation that made the Steel industry move to Asia.

Start with the EPA, Clean Air Act. Not saying that those weren't good things, but that started the ball rolling. Then it was just NIMBY and econazi lawsuits who prevented expansion. More than that, I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.

The Unions were not willing to allow American workers to work for slave wages and have no protections at all.

Redacto in absurdum fail. Nobody said this was going to be the case. When the companies got weak, the would not help by protecting the company by taking pay or benefit cuts to help modernize. They were protecting their phony balony jobs from both lower pay and modernization and it cost them everything.... the workers mind you. The union reps on the other hand were still employed like good little socialists.

Thanks to Globalism, and Corporations that care nothing about patriotism,

And just who do you think allows that? Elitists from both parties trying to keep all the power to themselves. Both parties have this blood on their hands if they are not willing to engage in protectionism from unfair foreign competitor. There are two groups in this nation in every party because it's a philosophical rift. The elitists who wish to rule, and the Nation who wish to be free. Right now the elites have power but it is being sorely threatened by the Nation who has had enough.
the US government fails at everything, including military operations.

The problem is the ideology behind the commanders of your private little army does not, and would not ever speak for me.

As far as I can tell, our military already is largely private. Certainly private ambitions, and ends "justified" by means.
You know, this whole "Defense spending creates jobs" gets thrown around a lot, but when it comes down to it, it's just a bunch of crap.

We might as well be putting people to work create widgets, or Chinese finger traps, for all the good all that defense spending is really doing us.

Why don't we do something useful with that money, like explore the ocean, create new fuel sources, build highways, educate our children?

All of those things also create jobs, without throwing good money out the window.

And the only thing that's constitutionally mandated is to spend money on DEFENSE. We can easily defend our country against any major power, or any two major powers for that matter, with about 1/3 the spending.

Therefore the extra 2/3 is for OFFENSE, not national defense.

Clearly the ability to invade any country in the world at a moments notice is NOT constitutionally mandated, and was DEFINITELY not the intent of our founding fathers.

Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

-- attributed to George Orwell

Yes, making mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap.

-- Rudyard Kipling

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

-- John Stuart Mill

Looks like your opinions have been expressed before, and well answered.
Now don't forget this one on those who think that way:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Benjamin Franklin.

This is a GREAT idea! Let's remove our military that swears loyalty to the constitution and replace it with a force that is loyal only to money! That's worked so well in the past!

Beck and Stossel once again display that their penchant to run their ball-washers on matters they know nothing about.
It's already privatized. You murkins just didn't notice.
Your glassy eyed, slack jawed fools who "volunteered" to defend FreeDumb, earn chump change as cannon fodder with inferior gear.
Blackwaters, and others, employees have top shelf gear and make big fucking money.
There is damn near as many contractors as brainwashed slaves.
More of murkas " fair and balanced" BS.
It's already privatized. You murkins just didn't notice.
Your glassy eyed, slack jawed fools who "volunteered" to defend FreeDumb, earn chump change as cannon fodder with inferior gear.
Blackwaters, and others, employees have top shelf gear and make big fucking money.
There is damn near as many contractors as brainwashed slaves.
More of murkas " fair and balanced" BS.
How the hell are you getting internet connection in that cave on Baffin Island? Paying your tab in baby seal skins or pimping yourself out to polar bears?
It's already privatized. You murkins just didn't notice.
Your glassy eyed, slack jawed fools who "volunteered" to defend FreeDumb, earn chump change as cannon fodder with inferior gear.
Blackwaters, and others, employees have top shelf gear and make big fucking money.
There is damn near as many contractors as brainwashed slaves.
More of murkas " fair and balanced" BS.
How the hell are you getting internet connection in that cave on Baffin Island? Paying your tab in baby seal skins or pimping yourself out to polar bears?

It's already privatized. You murkins just didn't notice.
Your glassy eyed, slack jawed fools who "volunteered" to defend FreeDumb, earn chump change as cannon fodder with inferior gear.
Blackwaters, and others, employees have top shelf gear and make big fucking money.
There is damn near as many contractors as brainwashed slaves.
More of murkas " fair and balanced" BS.
How the hell are you getting internet connection in that cave on Baffin Island? Paying your tab in baby seal skins or pimping yourself out to polar bears?

It was either that or say 'shut up, ya hoser!'

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