'Obama made me a better man,' Glenn Beck tells 'The New Yorker'
Glenn Beck is suffering an existential crisis — politically speaking at least.
The most recent crisis — Beck has a long history of heavy on-air soul searching — began to simmer with the rise of Donald Trump, but it reached full boil when he heard first lady Michelle Obama's speech in the wake of Trump's lewd remarks on a decade old Access Hollywood recording.
"It doesn’t matter what party you belong to — Democrat, Republican, Independent— no woman deserves to be treated this way," Obama said. And the words hit Beck like a ton of bricks. He called it "the most effective political speech I have heard since Ronald Reagan."
"Those words hit me where I live," Beck told The New Yorker in an interview. "If you’re a decent human being, those words were dead on."
Beck is just being honest. Exercising his right to "freedom of speech." You know, the things that you Alt Righter harp on all the time.
Glenn Beck is suffering an existential crisis — politically speaking at least.
The most recent crisis — Beck has a long history of heavy on-air soul searching — began to simmer with the rise of Donald Trump, but it reached full boil when he heard first lady Michelle Obama's speech in the wake of Trump's lewd remarks on a decade old Access Hollywood recording.
"It doesn’t matter what party you belong to — Democrat, Republican, Independent— no woman deserves to be treated this way," Obama said. And the words hit Beck like a ton of bricks. He called it "the most effective political speech I have heard since Ronald Reagan."
"Those words hit me where I live," Beck told The New Yorker in an interview. "If you’re a decent human being, those words were dead on."
Beck is just being honest. Exercising his right to "freedom of speech." You know, the things that you Alt Righter harp on all the time.