Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Dive Con you are on ignore so please stop sending me your stupid neg rep pms just to get attention.

I have no interest in anything you have to say or your attempt at drawing me into any discussion with you.

i'll do as i PLEASE, MORON
Seriously? You seriously believe that's what the American president has in mind?


Totalitarian governments dont necessily intend to massacre people. It's just a byproduct of their seizure of power because people resist evil people.
Did I now? Where did I say that Beck had incited past riots? Please show me

We all have our opinions, and we shall see what happens from this. But Beck is clearly TRYING to start a riot, or an insurrection. He is TRYING to whip the mobs into a frenzy, probably just so he can get better ratings, but one wonders if he has something larger scale in mind.

And you know what, I'm tired of being nice to morons like you. Fuck you and your meaningless insults.

You're a piece of shit that knows I'm right, and is trying to start an argument about semantics to deflect from the point.

"ACtually yes you do if you support people who think that inciting riots against civil authority is a free speech issue."

This statement made by you implies that I "support people who think that inciting riots against civil authority is a free speech issue." And this was in direct response to Beck's program. I asked to name the riots that Beck incited, because your statement implies that riots either took place or are taking place. Then you changed your tune and said, "The show was just on last night. Give it time".

So I asked "How much time? A day, a week, a month, a year even? And naturally you can't answer the questions. That's because you don't know what the fuck your talking about.

It's good to see your hard work is paying off, if you work any harder at being stupid , you may one day move up to moron status.

This individual doesn't deal with facts, or in reality. Knows where all the lefty talking points can be found, just don't expect anything of substance, like a fact, should a question be posed to him/her that might require one.:cuckoo:

Thanks for the heads up.
LOL. What a crock of crap. I hate Chris Mathews, Rachel Maddow, and keith. I just don't watch.

That's because people arent threatened by incompetance. They are threatened by people who are capable. Glenn is capable. The others are stooges.
Yep, flaky and freaky rightwingers have Rush, Sean, and Glenn, the binradio announcers of America's political sharia'ism.

Ultrarightards, you better listen up very carefully.

If you go to violence, this President will go ballistic on you. Period.

He will engage in debate but not allow your rightwing sharia'ism that you have used in the past.

Obama is to the American sharia'ists what Lincoln was to the secessionists. Don't be stupid, guys.

OH PULEEEZ keep being stupid guy n gals...and will someone kill Glen Beck? Glen Beck is a television terrorist. Rush Limbaugh is a radio terrorist. Someone should kill him too.

Why don't you do it nancy?

Oh that's right you're too much of a coward.
Some are being stupid again. What the freaky ultrarightoid can't do is go to violence. The forces of law enforcement in this country will enforce the law.

The political shari'a of the right wing will not be tolerated.

So ... our founding fathers should have be hung for treason?

would slap silly the shari'a right of America. They would have nothing to do with you.
I'm glad that you "mock" me. Hopefully when the violence begins you'll shut the hell up, and do something more constructive than mocking people.

The violence began when the President sent union members to rough up people peaceably speaking out against him.

You support totalitarianism and wonder why people might get violent about being oppressed. What the heck is wrong with you people?
Some are being stupid again. What the freaky ultrarightoid can't do is go to violence. The forces of law enforcement in this country will enforce the law.

The political shari'a of the right wing will not be tolerated.

So ... our founding fathers should have be hung for treason?

would slap silly the shari'a right of America. They would have nothing to do with you.

Babbling ... you know people take you serious when you make sense.
The Founders would laugh at you, binLimbaugh, Glenn, and Sean.

You guys are a joke, and the rest of America is laughing at you.
If all you contribute is abusive comments, and don't even bother to contribute anything else to the discussion, being put on ignore is the only answer.

Cant defend your outright lies so you ignore people who disagree with you. convenient.
glen beck isn't advocating the killing of anyone....he is simply expressing an opinion....why does he deserve to die for that.....

Because huggy feels threatened by people who disagree with him and articulate themselves well.
Let me ask you all one simple question:

If you were alive in 1929, and you knew what Hitler was going to do, what would you do?
I'm glad that you "mock" me. Hopefully when the violence begins you'll shut the hell up, and do something more constructive than mocking people.

The violence began when the President sent union members to rough up people peaceably speaking out against him.

You support totalitarianism and wonder why people might get violent about being oppressed. What the heck is wrong with you people?

peaceably speaking out ?????:cuckoo:

Ya...right. I say right on! Destroy the dialog! Good thinking. Now where were we?..oh ya....

Page 142 section 10. wheras Obama wants to personally kill all old white people and strangle Palins retard children. For real! You think I'm lying? You callin the former gubner of the eskimos a liar? Fuck you!
If all you contribute is abusive comments, and don't even bother to contribute anything else to the discussion, being put on ignore is the only answer.

Cant defend your outright lies so you ignore people who disagree with you. convenient.

He wasn't attacking my point of view, he was attacking me, personally, and acting like a child.

So, since I couldn't reach through the fiber optics and bitch slap him until he agreed to stop acting like a spoiled 12 year old, I put him on ignore.

Just because it's not against the rules to continuously attack someone without making a poiont, does not mean I have to listen to it.
Let me ask you all one simple question:

If you were alive in 1929, and you knew what Hitler was going to do, what would you do?

Oppose him anyway I can politically to keep him from seizing more power. Much like I am working hard to keep Obama from seizing more power.

How is it you have no problem giving Obama more power when he is opening admitting he is going to do it?
I'm glad that you "mock" me. Hopefully when the violence begins you'll shut the hell up, and do something more constructive than mocking people.

The violence began when the President sent union members to rough up people peaceably speaking out against him.

You support totalitarianism and wonder why people might get violent about being oppressed. What the heck is wrong with you people?

You mean the union members who VOLUNTEERED to appear at events to act as security againsnt the mobs?

Those union members?

Since when is having security at an event to control unruly behavior a facet of totalitarianism?

Does that mean that any bar that has a bouncer is a Nazi establishment?
Let me ask you all one simple question:

If you were alive in 1929, and you knew what Hitler was going to do, what would you do?

Oppose him anyway I can politically to keep him from seizing more power. Much like I am working hard to keep Obama from seizing more power.

How is it you have no problem giving Obama more power when he is opening admitting he is going to do it?

So, given the chance, you wouldn't have killed Hitler?

I believe that is a lie. I know I would have.

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