Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Ahh the fragility of the Liberal Ego. It needs room to grow. Room that is currently occupied. What does that mean, what does that show, ... off to death we go.. No. No. No. Let Beck be. If I had a Hamster, and it could talk, and warn me of what is to come, I would name it Glen. I would be it's friend. Leave my hamster alone.
Ass wipe I never said you broke a rule, I'm talking about your caviler attitude to even wishing the death of someone just because you don't agree with them. I don't like many people but to go as far as hoping one of them dies is beyond the pail for any civilized person.
Glenn Beck jokes about putting poison in Nancy Pelosi's wine | Crooks and Liars

Beck also incites violence against Michael Moore..strangulation. I've heard it several times. Free speach? OK.. I would like to see someone break into his tevevision studio and shoot him right betwen the eyes with his brain matter and blood spraying out behind his head onto the green screen. Is that free enough speach for ya neo con assholes?

Would someone pleez blow Becks brains out?

oh i get it.....because he advocates killing people you like you..... get to advocate having him civilized of you.....

I do not like Pelosi or Moore.
Glenn Beck jokes about putting poison in Nancy Pelosi's wine | Crooks and Liars

Beck also incites violence against Michael Moore..strangulation. I've heard it several times. Free speach? OK.. I would like to see someone break into his tevevision studio and shoot him right betwen the eyes with his brain matter and blood spraying out behind his head onto the green screen. Is that free enough speach for ya neo con assholes?

Would someone pleez blow Becks brains out?

oh i get it.....because he advocates killing people you like you..... get to advocate having him civilized of you.....

I do not like Pelosi or Moore.

then why do you want beck dead....he seems to be helping you out....
Ass wipe I never said you broke a rule, I'm talking about your caviler attitude to even wishing the death of someone just because you don't agree with them. I don't like many people but to go as far as hoping one of them dies is beyond the pail for any civilized person.

Go fuck yourself sweet cheeks. I'll wish Beck dies if I want to.
The show was just on last night. Give it time.

How much time? A day, a week, a month, a year even?

You admit Beck hasn't incited any riots, but you're betting that he will in the future.
You implied in your comment that Beck was inciting riots as if it was a common theme.

Did I now? Where did I say that Beck had incited past riots? Please show me

I suggest you get your Beck t-shirt and start rioting because that's the only way it will ever happen.

Do you ever get tired of being a tool?

We all have our opinions, and we shall see what happens from this. But Beck is clearly TRYING to start a riot, or an insurrection. He is TRYING to whip the mobs into a frenzy, probably just so he can get better ratings, but one wonders if he has something larger scale in mind.

And you know what, I'm tired of being nice to morons like you. Fuck you and your meaningless insults.

You're a piece of shit that knows I'm right, and is trying to start an argument about semantics to deflect from the point.

"ACtually yes you do if you support people who think that inciting riots against civil authority is a free speech issue."

This statement made by you implies that I "support people who think that inciting riots against civil authority is a free speech issue." And this was in direct response to Beck's program. I asked to name the riots that Beck incited, because your statement implies that riots either took place or are taking place. Then you changed your tune and said, "The show was just on last night. Give it time".

So I asked "How much time? A day, a week, a month, a year even? And naturally you can't answer the questions. That's because you don't know what the fuck your talking about.

It's good to see your hard work is paying off, if you work any harder at being stupid , you may one day move up to moron status.
Well this Sweet Cheeks hopes that you were only spouting out with anger and didn't really mean it because...that old saying that has proven itself time and time again. "what goes around comes around" Good luck and again, I really do hope you didn't mean what you typed.
How much time? A day, a week, a month, a year even?

You admit Beck hasn't incited any riots, but you're betting that he will in the future.
You implied in your comment that Beck was inciting riots as if it was a common theme.

Did I now? Where did I say that Beck had incited past riots? Please show me

I suggest you get your Beck t-shirt and start rioting because that's the only way it will ever happen.

Do you ever get tired of being a tool?

We all have our opinions, and we shall see what happens from this. But Beck is clearly TRYING to start a riot, or an insurrection. He is TRYING to whip the mobs into a frenzy, probably just so he can get better ratings, but one wonders if he has something larger scale in mind.

And you know what, I'm tired of being nice to morons like you. Fuck you and your meaningless insults.

You're a piece of shit that knows I'm right, and is trying to start an argument about semantics to deflect from the point.

"ACtually yes you do if you support people who think that inciting riots against civil authority is a free speech issue."

This statement made by you implies that I "support people who think that inciting riots against civil authority is a free speech issue." And this was in direct response to Beck's program. I asked to name the riots that Beck incited, because your statement implies that riots either took place or are taking place. Then you changed your tune and said, "The show was just on last night. Give it time".

So I asked "How much time? A day, a week, a month, a year even? And naturally you can't answer the questions. That's because you don't know what the fuck your talking about.

It's good to see your hard work is paying off, if you work any harder at being stupid , you may one day move up to moron status.

This individual doesn't deal with facts, or in reality. Knows where all the lefty talking points can be found, just don't expect anything of substance, like a fact, should a question be posed to him/her that might require one.:cuckoo:
Yep, flaky and freaky rightwingers have Rush, Sean, and Glenn, the binradio announcers of America's political sharia'ism.

Ultrarightards, you better listen up very carefully.

If you go to violence, this President will go ballistic on you. Period.

He will engage in debate but not allow your rightwing sharia'ism that you have used in the past.

Obama is to the American sharia'ists what Lincoln was to the secessionists. Don't be stupid, guys.
Yep, flaky and freaky rightwingers have Rush, Sean, and Glenn, the binradio announcers of America's political sharia'ism.

Ultrarightards, you better listen up very carefully.

If you go to violence, this President will go ballistic on you. Period.

He will engage in debate but not allow your rightwing sharia'ism that you have used in the past.

Obama is to the American sharia'ists what Lincoln was to the secessionists. Don't be stupid, guys.

OH PULEEEZ keep being stupid guy n gals...and will someone kill Glen Beck? Glen Beck is a television terrorist. Rush Limbaugh is a radio terrorist. Someone should kill him too.
the only thing you got right was that he talked about his daughter
the rest is pure bullshit

You have zero intellectual honesty here. He starts by showing images of Nazi Germany, and then starts a crying episode while holding up Nazi signs about the cost of maintaining the injured.

I think the implication is very clear. Tell me sir then, what people are likely concluding after watching that?
and you are a liar
i watched the fucking show
Not interested. Glenn Beck is nothing more than a shock jock. I never listen to rightwing extremists, their theories and talking points are all the same. They're boring and repetative nonsense.

I find that he's over the top at times, and some of the stuff he does attempting to make his point is downright looney, but he does strike at the heart of what many Americans are feeling, as evidenced by his increasing popularity.
Beck isn't no rightwing extremist, however, he repeatedly criticizes the right when they deserve it.
The reason he is gaining in popularity, and destroying the competition, is because there is an ever increasing number of Americans that are fed up with both parties, and their partisan bullshit.

Anyone who doesn't swallow the dems shit unquestioned is labeled with something and IMO that is where the left is going wrong. For some reason they can't envision anyone disagreeing with Obama, and try to destroy/ridicule anyone who does.
This will bite them in the ass because many of these people voted for him hoping for this "change" that so much of the country is desperate for.

He's an idiot of the Sean Hannity mold all the time. Has nothing to do with Dems, it is all about his crazy rants.
coming from a moron like you, that is high praise
Some are being stupid again. What the freaky ultrarightoid can't do is go to violence. The forces of law enforcement in this country will enforce the law.

The political shari'a of the right wing will not be tolerated.
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Some are being stupid again. What the freaky ultrarightoid can't do is go to violence. The forces of law enforcement in this country will enforce the law.

The political shari'a of the right wing will not be tolerated.

So ... our founding fathers should have be hung for treason?
Yep, flaky and freaky rightwingers have Rush, Sean, and Glenn, the binradio announcers of America's political sharia'ism.

Ultrarightards, you better listen up very carefully.

If you go to violence, this President will go ballistic on you. Period.

He will engage in debate but not allow your rightwing sharia'ism that you have used in the past.

Obama is to the American sharia'ists what Lincoln was to the secessionists. Don't be stupid, guys.

Is that a threat Jake, or a warning? It's hard to tell. I can see the convalescent homes around the country barricading, laying land mines, and barbed wire as we speak.
The South Park Episode "Grey Dawn" pretty much lays out the plan for you.

In the episode "Grey Dawn", Grampa and the rest of South Park's elderly residents were angered when their driving licenses are taken away after their bad driving killed a number of people. He started a movement to let the elderly keep their licenses, but it ultimately failed. He was later caught driving without his license (which had been taken away) and he was arrested. However, he was soon rescued by the AARP, whom he teamed up with to start randomly killing any non-senior citizen they came across. After a brief period of complete control of South Park, and plans to overtake the entire country, maybe even the world, his group was thwarted when the four boys locked them out of the Country Kitchen Buffet (their only source of food). The group eventually surrendered, and life returned to normal.

Marvin Marsh - South Park Archives - Cartman, Comedy Central, Trey Parker, Matt Stone

Got It. Jake. Make sure that this gets to the Omama Web Site so he can swiftly act. Head them off at The Country Kitchen Buffets around the Country. Use the Air Bourne if You Need to, Empower the National Guard. Look for Wheel Chairs, walkers, and canes, just be careful. Remember The DNC Secret Motto "Free To Agree". Good Luck On Your Mission.
Really? Did he now. President Obama ordered ACORN to go to townhall events?

That's quite interesting. Of course it never actually happened.

for sure, just like you libtards comparing President Bush to Hitler never happened.. cry us a fucking river you spineless little twit! :lol:

Yep, all you have are lame insults. if you think that just because I try to actually debate the points, instead of acting like a child, that I'm a "twit", think again Jackass.

You have all the keen debating skills of a 12 year old. Congratulations.

Why are you even on this board? Do you think that you're making some sort of contribution to the debate by mindlessly insulting people?

And as for "spineless", I served in the Army for years, did you? I'm also perfectly able to defend myself, my home and my family.
debate what points?
you've done nothing but lie
Some are being stupid again. What the freaky ultrarightoid can't do is go to violence. The forces of law enforcement in this country will enforce the law.

The political shari'a of the right wing will not be tolerated.

So ... our founding fathers should have be hung for treason?

One persons terrorist is anothers freedom fighter. If the English had won ...and they very nearly did...if it hadn't been a last minute showing by the french...surely the founders would have been tortured..drawn and quartered and of course hung. All legally according to the rules the english opperated under.

If the English had won we would still be speaking english. :lol::lol::lol:
Dive Con you are on ignore so please stop sending me your stupid neg rep pms just to get attention.

I have no interest in anything you have to say or your attempt at drawing me into any discussion with you.

ACtually yes you do if you support people who think that inciting riots against civil authority is a free speech issue.

Why is it you people seem to think encouraging nonviolent protests and speaking out against tyranny is somehow inciting riots against civil authority? And what authority do these people actually have when the usurp it? Authority rests with the people. And if the people are oppressed, they have a right to throw off that oppression.

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