Glenn Beck declares: The Census is the Equivalent of Slavery


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
And wingnuts eat it up

Glenn Beck vs. the Census - The Week

Glenn Beck has a message for Americans who are dutifully filling out 2010 Census forms: Stop. Beck told his Fox News audience that participating in the Census is a form of modern-day "slavery." Sharing personal information with the government, he says, increases our dependence on Washington

In response, Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert suggested that Beck's remarks might offend descendents of actual slavery — jokily theorizing that Beck must "broadcast at a frequency only whites can hear."
I filled out Census form yesterday!

O! Please massa! Doncha beat on po' ol' Nosmo no mo'!

Or is it more like "Nosmo and the Hebrewites must not outwit us a second time! My armor! My chariot!"

So let it be written. So let it be done!

Why do people still listen to the tool Beck?
I always thought the government was supposed to have a 'blind eye' when it came to things like race, age, sex, etc...

So why do they ask your race, age, sex, etc.?
And wingnuts eat it up

Glenn Beck vs. the Census - The Week

Glenn Beck has a message for Americans who are dutifully filling out 2010 Census forms: Stop. Beck told his Fox News audience that participating in the Census is a form of modern-day "slavery." Sharing personal information with the government, he says, increases our dependence on Washington

In response, Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert suggested that Beck's remarks might offend descendents of actual slavery — jokily theorizing that Beck must "broadcast at a frequency only whites can hear."

Let me just clarify what you're saying here..... that the 'wingnuts' who watch Beck eat up a comment that you actually haven't seen in context. Is that right?

So, in fact..... you too are a 'wingnut' who is eating up something you found on a website - without actually verifying what Beck actually said.

OK. I'm clear. You're as much of a wing nut as those who take everything Beck says as gospel.
He does realize that appropriation of House and Senate seats is based on the results of the Census, right?

That means that if he viewers decide to stop, then the Red States are pretty much screwed.
And wingnuts eat it up

Glenn Beck vs. the Census - The Week

Glenn Beck has a message for Americans who are dutifully filling out 2010 Census forms: Stop. Beck told his Fox News audience that participating in the Census is a form of modern-day "slavery." Sharing personal information with the government, he says, increases our dependence on Washington

In response, Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert suggested that Beck's remarks might offend descendents of actual slavery — jokily theorizing that Beck must "broadcast at a frequency only whites can hear."

Michelle Bachmann said the same thing, until she realized her seat would be basically deleted if people didnt fill out the census. Now she is quiet about it. lol

Beck is a fucking idiot, but his fans are worse. At least he is getting rich with this clown crap, his fans believe him. That is what is sad.
I threw my Census forms in the garbage. Sorry Ravi, I live in a blue state :(

Personally, I think Beck is way over the top on a lot of issues, but I agree with him that this census is ridiculous waste of time. Why are they so obsessed with race? Fuck em, I'm not filling it out.

BTW, I have no worries about "the law" that says I have to fill it out. "Census? what's that? Oh, I never got it? Did you send it certified?" :lol:
I threw my Census forms in the garbage. Sorry Ravi, I live in a blue state :(

Personally, I think Beck is way over the top on a lot of issues, but I agree with him that this census is ridiculous waste of time. Why are they so obsessed with race? Fuck em, I'm not filling it out.

BTW, I have no worries about "the law" that says I have to fill it out. "Census? what's that? Oh, I never got it? Did you send it certified?" :lol:

When they force you to fill it in, put 'Jedi Knight' as your religion. May the force be with you.
I threw my Census forms in the garbage. Sorry Ravi, I live in a blue state :(

Personally, I think Beck is way over the top on a lot of issues, but I agree with him that this census is ridiculous waste of time. Why are they so obsessed with race? Fuck em, I'm not filling it out.

BTW, I have no worries about "the law" that says I have to fill it out. "Census? what's that? Oh, I never got it? Did you send it certified?" :lol:
Don't bitch when your congressional district gets gerrymandered!

Way to protest! Screw yourself!

Next time try the technique perfected by Buddhist monks in Southeast Asia. A can of gasoline and a zippo lighter.
I threw my Census forms in the garbage. Sorry Ravi, I live in a blue state :(

Personally, I think Beck is way over the top on a lot of issues, but I agree with him that this census is ridiculous waste of time. Why are they so obsessed with race? Fuck em, I'm not filling it out.

BTW, I have no worries about "the law" that says I have to fill it out. "Census? what's that? Oh, I never got it? Did you send it certified?" :lol:
Don't bitch when your congressional district gets gerrymandered!

Way to protest! Screw yourself!

Next time try the technique perfected by Buddhist monks in Southeast Asia. A can of gasoline and a zippo lighter.

How am I screwing myself?
I threw my Census forms in the garbage. Sorry Ravi, I live in a blue state :(

Personally, I think Beck is way over the top on a lot of issues, but I agree with him that this census is ridiculous waste of time. Why are they so obsessed with race? Fuck em, I'm not filling it out.

BTW, I have no worries about "the law" that says I have to fill it out. "Census? what's that? Oh, I never got it? Did you send it certified?" :lol:
Don't bitch when your congressional district gets gerrymandered!

Way to protest! Screw yourself!

Next time try the technique perfected by Buddhist monks in Southeast Asia. A can of gasoline and a zippo lighter.

How am I screwing myself?
The congressional redistricting is based on the outcome of the census. Federal funding for infrastructure is based on the outcome of the census. The census is CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED.
I threw my Census forms in the garbage. Sorry Ravi, I live in a blue state :(

Personally, I think Beck is way over the top on a lot of issues, but I agree with him that this census is ridiculous waste of time. Why are they so obsessed with race? Fuck em, I'm not filling it out.

BTW, I have no worries about "the law" that says I have to fill it out. "Census? what's that? Oh, I never got it? Did you send it certified?" :lol:

When they force you to fill it in, put 'Jedi Knight' as your religion. May the force be with you.

I never answer my door- ever, my telephone calls are all screened, and I leave for work before the sun comes out!!! They'll never get it, ever. BWUHAHAHAAHAAHAHA!!!!! :clap2:
Don't bitch when your congressional district gets gerrymandered!

Way to protest! Screw yourself!

Next time try the technique perfected by Buddhist monks in Southeast Asia. A can of gasoline and a zippo lighter.

How am I screwing myself?
The congressional redistricting is based on the outcome of the census. Federal funding for infrastructure is based on the outcome of the census. The census is CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED.

So how am I screwing myself?
When they force you to fill it in, put 'Jedi Knight' as your religion. May the force be with you.

Thats kewl, I wish I had thought of it.

I haven't decided how I will answer the race/ethnicity question (I haven't seen it, so I don't know how it is worded) I will definitely answer Other. Its what I will fill in the blank with that I am yet to decide on. Texan, Southron, or Confederate-American.
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And wingnuts eat it up

Glenn Beck vs. the Census - The Week

Glenn Beck has a message for Americans who are dutifully filling out 2010 Census forms: Stop. Beck told his Fox News audience that participating in the Census is a form of modern-day "slavery." Sharing personal information with the government, he says, increases our dependence on Washington

In response, Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert suggested that Beck's remarks might offend descendents of actual slavery — jokily theorizing that Beck must "broadcast at a frequency only whites can hear."

Let me just clarify what you're saying here..... that the 'wingnuts' who watch Beck eat up a comment that you actually haven't seen in context. Is that right?

So, in fact..... you too are a 'wingnut' who is eating up something you found on a website - without actually verifying what Beck actually said.

OK. I'm clear. You're as much of a wing nut as those who take everything Beck says as gospel.

So speaks one of Becks noble horde.....
How am I screwing myself?
The congressional redistricting is based on the outcome of the census. Federal funding for infrastructure is based on the outcome of the census. The census is CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED.

So how am I screwing myself?
Your community may not have sufficient funds to repair the streets. Your schools may not have sufficient funds to keep the lights lit. Your Congressional district may get erased and your new representative may be from hundreds of miles away with little or no concept of the issues affecting you and your community.

yeah. It happens.

I live in what's left of the Ohio 17th congressional district. My representative once came from a town directly adjacent to my own. Seeing him in his district office was not an unusual thing and consequently, we got a new bridge built to replace a failing one. A new sewage treatment plant to replace the old one that routinely overflowed into the river.

After the 2000 Census, it was determined that there simply weren't enough people living here to merit our congressional district. We got gerrymandered into a district that now stretches southward along the river into parts of the state that we have nothing in common with. We never see our congressman anymore.
When they force you to fill it in, put 'Jedi Knight' as your religion. May the force be with you.

Thats kewl, I wish I had thought of it.

I haven't decided how I will answer the race/ethnicity question (I haven't seen it, so I don't know how it is worded) I will definitely answer Other. Its what I will fill in the blank with that I am yet to decide on. Texan, Southron, or Confederate-American.

A special thanks to Baruch Menachem for those large items!!
The congressional redistricting is based on the outcome of the census. Federal funding for infrastructure is based on the outcome of the census. The census is CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED.

So how am I screwing myself?
Your community may not have sufficient funds to repair the streets. Your schools may not have sufficient funds to keep the lights lit. Your Congressional district may get erased and your new representative may be from hundreds of miles away with little or no concept of the issues affecting you and your community.

yeah. It happens.

I live in what's left of the Ohio 17th congressional district. My representative once came from a town directly adjacent to my own. Seeing him in his district office was not an unusual thing and consequently, we got a new bridge built to replace a failing one. A new sewage treatment plant to replace the old one that routinely overflowed into the river.

After the 2000 Census, it was determined that there simply weren't enough people living here to merit our congressional district. We got gerrymandered into a district that now stretches southward along the river into parts of the state that we have nothing in common with. We never see our congressman anymore.

:lol: thanks for your anecdotal story, it was very touching. I live in LA, a city of 10 MILLION people. Do the math!! :lol:
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