Glaring Inconsistency In Estimating CO2 vs. Solar Forcing Suggests CO2 Impacts Are Wildly Exaggerated

Ummmm... because climate scientists say that? See?

View attachment 662838
And yet the current RF number is 0.3, by direct observation and outside of the MOE for this model.


While TSI doesn't change or changes very little, a shift in the band outputs can have dire consequences for our planet. The loss inside the 0.2-0.6um down welling band in energy to our oceans has removed much of the total. An Item they do not model..
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And yet the current RF number is 0.3, by direct observation and outside of the MOE for this model.

View attachment 662867

While TSI doesn't change or changes very little, a shift in the band outputs can have dire consequences for our planet. The loss inside the 0.2-0.6um down welling band in energy to our oceans has removed much of the total. An Item they do not model..
The temperatures they use in their models are skewed by the urban heat island effect and they are using the low solar output variability dataset.
They designed the model to promote a political narrative. That is NOT science...
You guys are soooooooooooooo mean! What do you want, real science? Isn't this so much more entertaining?


MIT's Wheel of Climate Change!

Step right up and win a worthless degree!

So why do you keep saying that the sun has no impact on climate?

You're the only person here to say such an insane thing, but you never tell us us why. Is it just some sort of weird religious belief that you bitterly cling to?

Oh, none of us are professionals. It doesn't require a professional to refute your cult ramblings. Any informed person can do it. Any grade schooler can do it. Afte all, the grade schoolers know that the sun affects climate.

The sun has no impact on climate CHANGE ... do you see the extra word I put in? ... the sun would have to change for her to effect change in climate ... and the Sun isn't changing enough for us to see this change in temperature ...

Temperature on Earth is proportional to the fourth root of solar irradiance ... it takes large changes in solar output to make small changes in temperature on Earth's surface ... simple astrophysics ... we only measure temperature on Earth's surface to 3 significant digits, currently 15ºC = 298 K ... so we use the Solar Constant to only 3 significant digits, 1,360 W/m^2 ... in 100 million years, we can bump that up to 1,370 W/m^2 ... any freshman science class will say this about significant digits, and I seem to remember a chemistry experiment that taught this principle ...
The models relied upon by the IPCC use the low variability solar output dataset. To make matters worse the models assume [that the climate system is in a natural state of energy balance, and that there is no long-term climate change unless humans cause it. The climate models are “tuned” to not produce natural climate change. If a 100-year run of the model produces change, the model is adjusted to removed the “drift”. The models do not produce global energy balance from “first physical principles”, because none of the processes controlling that balance are known to sufficient accuracy. Instead, the models are “fudged” to produce energy balance, based upon the modelers’ assumption of no natural climate change. Then, the models are used as “proof” that only increasing CO2 has caused recent warming.]

From your source: "We don’t really know for sure because our global observations from spaceborne satellite instruments are not accurate enough to measure those flows of radiant energy." ... with the 25 years of data we do have, we can preform the math and get our 1.8 (±0.5) W/m^2 ... this information dedicated to Miss Marge N. O'Hara of Kent, near Bristol ...
From your source: "We don’t really know for sure because our global observations from spaceborne satellite instruments are not accurate enough to measure those flows of radiant energy." ... with the 25 years of data we do have, we can preform the math and get our 1.8 (±0.5) W/m^2 ... this information dedicated to Miss Marge N. O'Hara of Kent, near Bristol ...
Sorry, I forgot that math means nothing to you ...

“Humility is manifested in self-awareness, openness to feedback, appreciation of others, low self-focus, and pursuit of self-transcendence. Humble people willingly seek accurate self-knowledge and accept their imperfections while remaining fully aware of their talents and abilities. They appreciate others’ positive worth, strengths, and contributions and thus have no need for entitlement or dominance over others.”


“Humility is manifested in self-awareness, openness to feedback, appreciation of others, low self-focus, and pursuit of self-transcendence. Humble people willingly seek accurate self-knowledge and accept their imperfections while remaining fully aware of their talents and abilities. They appreciate others’ positive worth, strengths, and contributions and thus have no need for entitlement or dominance over others.”

Humility is accepting when you are wrong ... please point to the step of logic and explain what is correct ... this is your link, I'm reinforcing the claims made there ... this should be easy for you ...
Humility is accepting when you are wrong ... please point to the step of logic and explain what is correct ... this is your link, I'm reinforcing the claims made there ... this should be easy for you ...
Nice try but there was no call for it whatsoever. The rain coming down looks yellow.

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